Taichu said with a serious face: "Thank you for the teacher's teaching, Pindao wrote it down!"

But looking at his expression, where is the slightest consciousness!

Ancestor Hongjun was speechless for a while, too lazy to pay attention to the beginning, and with a flash, he disappeared into the boundless mountains and went to open up a dojo in the chaos.

After the ancestor Hongjun left, he strengthened the mountain protection formation of Wuliang Mountain again at the beginning of the day, and then left Wuliang Mountain, rode gluttonous food, and rushed to Yujing Mountain in the Kunlun Mountains.

Since Ancestor Hongjun handed over Yujingshan to him, he naturally wanted to go back and have a look.


Halfway through the road, suddenly a loud roar, a tiger demon jumped out and rushed towards Taichu.

Hesitate for a moment, double

With a shake of his arm, Qingyun appeared at the back of his head. There were thousands of magical treasures in Qingyun, swords, spears, swords, halberds, hammers, sticks, rings, and all kinds of treasures.

These treasures swarmed out and slammed into the tiger demon.

The tiger demon screamed in horror, turned around and ran away.

The next moment, the tiger demon was submerged by countless magic weapons, and there was no slag left.

It's just that when the tiger demon was dying, the resentful eyes were very clear at the beginning. Maybe he couldn't figure out how to kill him as a small Taiyi Jinxian. As for you, a big Luo Jinxian, to engage in such a big battle!

The tiger demon is also sad, seeing that there was only Taiyijin in the beginning

The realm of immortals, so I wanted to come out with a big catastrophe, but I didn't expect to meet the master who pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger in the beginning.

At the beginning, he took back thousands of magical treasures, looked up at the sky, and muttered: "External forces are also quite useful!"

In the chaos, inside the Zixiao Palace.

Ancestor Hongjun heard the corners of his eyes jumping wildly, almost staggered, fell from the cloud bed, and scolded: "This stinky boy really didn't take the words of the poor to heart..."

On the side, Haotian and Yaochi looked sideways for a while, wondering what was wrong with their master, to be so angry.

Haotian and Yaochi are the ancestors of Hongjun who opened up the Zixiao Palace.

Later, the two chaotic stones that were enlightened served the virgins and virgins of the ancestors of Hongjun.

On the other side, Taichu continued on his way to Kunlun Mountain.

Along the way, Tai Chu studied space magic, folded space, and rushed to Kunlun Mountain at a very fast speed.

In the chaos, Daxian Yang Mei looked sideways for a while, and said in shock: "In the beginning, the space supernatural power of the little friend has reached such a terrifying level. Could it be that he has realized other space runes? It must be like this... "

The prehistoric world is vast and boundless, and traveling is the most time-consuming thing.

If you use the strength of Daluo Jinxian's peak, from Wuliangshan to Kunlun

Mountain, I am afraid it will take thousands of years, but after using space folding in the beginning, the speed has been greatly improved.

It only took a few decades to reach the Kunlun Mountains in the beginning.

After reaching the Kunlun Mountains, the speed slowed down in the beginning.

When passing by a big river, Tai Chu inadvertently saw the golden wheel of merit and virtue in the back of his head, and he thought of planning some merit and virtue.

After thinking about it, Taichu decided to preach.

After returning to Yujing Mountain, Taichu said loudly: "I am Taichu, thinking about the way that all living beings can't understand the way of transformation, and today I will explain the way of transformation outside the dojo!"

The voice came out, Kun

Lunshan suddenly exploded.

Kunlun Mountain is known as the mountain of all gods. There are many monsters and creatures in the mountains. For a time, those who have opened the wisdom of the plants and trees, auspicious animals, birds and scales all come to Yujing Mountain.

In the chaos, in the Zixiao Palace, Ancestor Hongjun frowned and muttered, "What is this stinky boy doing? Is he so kind?"

ps: The author has something to do. If he wants to go out, he will send the [-] o'clock in advance, and update it as usual at [-] o'clock in the evening and [-] o'clock! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 5 Pangu Avenue, Hongmeng Jiuzhuan ([-]) For collection, for flowers!

The Kunlun Mountains are extremely wide, with abundant spiritual power, and naturally there are many innate gods.

The most famous ones are the Sanqing of East Kunlun and the Queen Mother of West Kunlun.

At the beginning of the sermon, Sanqing and the Queen Mother of the West were naturally disturbed.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and said, "Who is this person in the beginning? He actually preached in my Kunlun Mountains, and where did he lead me to Sanqing?"

Taishang Laozi said lightly: "It's just the way of transformation, it's harmless!"

Yuanshi Tianzun opened his mouth, but he didn't care, and continued to practice with his eyes closed.

On the other side, a long time passed by.

The outside of Yujing Mountain is already full of all kinds of monsters, those monsters are crawling on the ground, looking at the beginning of the day reverently.

When he climbed high in the early days, he began to explain the way of transformation.

The way of transformation is also the simplest and most vulgar way, so Sanqing didn't care.

In the early days of preaching, although there was no vision of the sage's eloquent eloquence and golden lotus on his tongue, it was also full of Taoism and heart-warming.

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