Time flies, hundreds of years have passed in a hurry.

On this day, Taichu opened his eyes and said, "The way of transforming shape will be discussed here, you can go!"

"Thank you Shangxian!"

Many elves of plants and trees bowed their gratitude to the beginning of the world, and left reluctantly.

At this moment, a huge golden cloud of merit floated in the sky, and a lot of merit was dropped.

The merits entered the body, and the golden wheel of merits in the back of Taichu's head stared more and more, and returned to Yujing Mountain with satisfaction.

In the chaos, in the Zixiao Palace, above the cloud bed, the ancestor Hongjun was also stunned and stunned, and murmured: "Pindao said that this stinky boy will not explain the way of transformation for no reason, it turned out to be a plan of merit, The person who preaches for the first time, therefore, the merits and virtues of heaven are wonderful, wonderful, this stinky boy is really beyond the expectations of the poor..."

On Mount Kunlun, Sanqing suddenly opened his eyes.

Tongtian sect master exclaimed: "This can also come to merit?"

They never thought that explaining the mediocre way of transforming shape could actually lead the way of heaven to confer merit.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and said: "Big brother, third brother, why don't I explain the great way and earn some merit? How about it?"


Taishang Laozi and Tongtian Sect Master nodded.

"I am Taiqing (Yuqing, Shangqing), especially after three years, I will explain the Pangu Dao. Anyone who has a predestined relationship can come and listen!"

Immediately afterwards, three rumours were heard from the Kunlun Mountains.

A clear and majestic voice.

In an instant, the entire Kunlun Mountains exploded.

Pangu’s authentic Sanqing also preached, what happened to these great supernatural beings, when did they become so kind!

For a time, countless creatures ran to the East Kunlun Mountains.

Even the Queen Mother of the West rushed to East Kunlun.

"Huh? Sanqing wants to preach too?"

In Yujing Mountain, in the beginning, there were endless doubts.

After thinking about it, Tai Chu also went to East Kunlun to listen to the Pangu Avenue of Sanqing.

After all, the entire prehistoric land was created by the great god Pangu.

The Great God is even more powerful than Ancestor Hongjun. If he uses the system to draw something from Sanqing's sermon, it will be perfect.

Time flies by like a white horse, and three years have passed in a hurry.

Finally, the day of the Sanqing preaching came.

On this day, all kinds of spirit beasts and spirits gathered at the foot of the East Kunlun Mountains, all of them came to listen to the Pangu Avenue explained by Sanqing.

Sanqing appeared, one old, one middle school and one young man, all dressed as Taoists, staring at the golden wheel of merit and virtue behind their heads, showing the golden signboard of "Pangu Authenticity".

As soon as Sanqing appeared, there were bursts of exclamations.

It can be seen that the authentic golden signboard of Pangu is still quite loud!

Seeing the crowd at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Sanqing nodded in satisfaction.

Then, Sanqing began to preach.

Sanqing only explained the most superficial Pangu Avenue, and of course they could not share the essence of Pangu Avenue with others.

However, Rao is the most superficial way of Pangu, and all beings listen to it with relish.

In the beginning, he was also listening carefully to the Pangu Avenue in the crowd.


"Discovering Pangu Avenue, it is being analyzed..."


"The analysis is completed, and loopholes are found. First, Pangu's spirit is incomplete, and the Dao is incomplete; secondly, Pangu Daluo has eleven flowers, and there is a lack of exercises..."


"The Pangu Avenue has been perfected, and the complete Hongmeng Jiuzhuan Gong has been imprinted in the host's body!"

Just then, the sound of the system sounded.

Fog grass!


The complete Hongmeng Jiuzhuan Gong, doesn't it mean that it is better than Pangu's Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong?

When I heard it at the beginning, my liver was pounding wildly, and I couldn't help but start practicing.

From this Hongmeng Nine Revolutions Gong.

Gradually, in the very beginning, he entered a mysterious state of enlightenment. The whole approached the avenue, exuding mysterious rays of light, and suddenly a huge ghostly shadow appeared on his body.

That phantom was standing in the sky, holding a giant axe in his hand. It wasn't the great god Pangu who created the world, but who was it?

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