"Pangu is authentic, Pangu is authentic..."

When all the gods and demons saw such a vision, how could they be bothered to listen to the sermons of Sanqing, and hurriedly bowed to the beginning of time.

"This is... Pangu Avenue!"

Tongtian Sect Master was stunned and exclaimed.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and he exclaimed: "Impossible, how does he know about the Pangu Dao, how does he know the nine-turn Xuan Gong?"

Even the always calm Taishang Laozi was stunned and could hardly believe his eyes.

The next moment, Sanqing's old face turned black...

ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! !


The thirty-fifth chapter is in a state of anger and despair, and one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers (1) Ask for collections, ask for flowers!

They were preaching at the East Kunlun Dojo in Sanqing, but they were stole the limelight by Taichu.

Moreover, all living beings even said that the beginning of time was the authentic version of Pangu.

Where does this put their three old faces?

And the sermon was interrupted, which is Mao's sermon!

Sanqing looked up at the sky, there was not even a hair floating in the sky, where did the merit come from.

"It must have been this guy who interrupted the sermon at the beginning of the day, and the way of heaven did not bring down his merits!"

Thinking like this, Sanqing was even more angry, staring at Taichu viciously, wishing to tear Taichusheng alive.

completely clear

After realizing Jiuzhuan Hongmeng Gong, Tai Chu exhaled a turbid breath, opened his eyes and looked at him, and saw that the life-long spirit was worshiping him, and also called "Pangu Authentic", and couldn't help but feel stunned.

Looking at Sanqing's old face again, as expected, it was already as black as the bottom of a pot.

Sanqing has always regarded himself as the authenticity of Pangu, and regarded the golden signboard of the authenticity of Pangu as more important than his life.

Now, all living beings have completely ignored Sanqing and said that the original Pangu was authentic. How could Sanqing not be angry?

Tongtian sect master glared at all beings, and said solemnly: "Hmph, what kind of Pangu authentic he is, we Sanqing are the real Pangu authentic!"

all beings

They looked at each other, exclaiming in surprise.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Taichu, and snorted coldly: "This fellow Daoist, you have ruined our practice, and you have falsely claimed to be the authentic Pangu, and you have a big karma with me, Sanqing!"

Tai Chu raised his brows and said, "Friend Dao, is this serious? The poor Dao is just a practice, and why do they call themselves the authentic Pangu? They call the poor Dao the authentic Pangu, what is the reason for the poor Dao?"

Taishang Laozi also looked at Taichu coldly, and said solemnly: "You are the Taoist fellow of Taichu who preached the previous sermon, right?"

Tai Chu grinned and said, "It's the poor way!"

Grandpa, take a deep breath

, said: "It's not because the three of them can't tolerate you, it's because the Taoist friends are too arrogant. Today, I must give the three of them a statement, otherwise, the Taoists will not want to leave this place like this today!"

Tai Chu laughed and said disdainfully: "Wherever the poor Taoist wants to go, where can he go, how can the three of you decide?"

Yuanshi Tianzun stepped forward and said solemnly: "There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. There is only one owner in Kunlun Mountain, and that is our Sanqing. Not much nonsense. If fellow Daoists move away from Kunlun Mountain and admit that they are not the authentic Pangu sect, then this matter will be forgotten. Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude!”

Ouch hey!

This is more and more

Going too far!

Want Lao Tzu to move out of Kunlun Mountains?

When I heard it in the early days, I was immediately angry, and said coldly: "Hmph, the Kunlun Mountains are so huge, and they are more than hundreds of millions of miles away. Could it be that you are the three clear? If you want the poor road to move away from the Kunlun Mountains, don't even think about it!"

Tongtian sect master said loudly: "And the merits of our preaching this time, you have to make up for it!"

"The merit of your preaching this time?"

At the beginning, I was stunned for a while, but I finally understood why Sanqing preached.

But it turned out that Sanqing saw him preaching and gained a lot of merit, so he was jealous, and it was only them who preached and wanted to earn merit.

How do you know that the Tao of Heaven only rewards those who preach for the first time, and how can it reward those who preach the second and third times?

If not, wouldn't the flood be in chaos?

Taichu looked at Sanqing with a speechless expression, and pouted: "The three fellow Daoists, it's not that the poor Taoist said, even if the poor Taoist doesn't interrupt your sermons, you won't be able to exchange for merits, one is the new establishment, so the heavenly Tao will reward you. , but where is the reason for rewarding again and again!"

Sanqing seems to have realized something.

Now, although they also understand the reason, but they can't pull this old face.

Tongtian Sect Master was furious and said solemnly: "You mean that we have three cleanliness.

Is your Taoist magic power inferior to yours? "

"Hmph, since that's the case, let's try it out, and we'll know who's Taoist magic power is stronger!"

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