Tai Chu pouted his lips _. said, _ "How can you talk like this, 2, this seat came here to help the heaven and the Shang Dynasty, the Taoist ancestors and the saints - the beginning of the business and the next gods. The three of them have set up such a vicious formation here. Wouldn't it be against the sky, quickly withdraw this nine-curved Yellow River formation, so as not to end up dying."

Empress Yunxiao frowned.It seems thoughtful.

It's just how Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao would listen to Taichu's words.

Bi Lei said angrily, "Hmph, Master Uncle, don't talk nonsense, since you are here to help teach Chan to entrap me, then come and break the formation, we will go to San Lei and then go up.


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Chapter 2 The Immortal Execution Sword Formation, Taishang Enters Wuji Mountain ([-]) Please subscribe!

Taichu shook his head and said: _"Hey, you probably don't know the meaning of the sentence that all the saints are ants."

Saying that, Tai Chu's big hand stretched out and grabbed the goddess Sanxiao.

Under the vast mana in the beginning, all the bells and whistles appear to be fragile.

Just momentarily.The nine-bend Yellow River Great Array collapsed.

Sanlei was caught in the hands of Taichu. There was no ability to resist.

After breaking the Jiuqu Yellow River Taiyuan and capturing Sanxiao, Taichu came to the Western Zhou Taiying on a gluttonous glutton.He smiled and said, "Junior Brother Yuanshi, this time, I will leave the mountain first."

"Senior Brother, walk slowly"."

Yuanshi Tianzun's face twitched violently.Archway.

"Congratulations to the ancestors!"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian, the third prince Nezha and Lei Zhenzi looked proud. Qi Qi bowed to Tai Chu.

long face

long face

In the beginning, they gave them a long face. As a branch of Wuji Mountain, the three of them felt honored.

In the beginning, he rode a gluttonous beast. _Go back to Wuji Mountain.

The old face of Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly turned somber to the extreme 22 o'clock, and he snorted coldly.

go with.

It's a shame that he went down the mountain this time.

Although he was injured by the sword qi left behind in the beginning, on the surface, he was injured by the nine-curved Yellow River Great Array of Sanxiao Niangniang. He lost the face of a saint.

That's all ⊥

The key is that people come out at the beginning of the year.Breaking the nine-curved Yellow River Array, captured the Empress Sanxiao.Everything fell into place and there was no pressure at all.

There will be someone pointing and pointing behind the difficult rabbit.

On the other side, Tai Chu captured Empress Sanxiao and returned to Wuji Mountain, adding three more personal attendants.

Empress Nuwa looked jealous again

Let's say that at the beginning of the day, he broke the Nine-Bend Yellow River Array and captured the Empress Sanxiao and went away.The Western Zhou Taijun continued all the way to the east, marching forward without any obstruction.

On the surface, the Western Zhou Dynasty and Taishang were fighting against each other. In fact, it was more of a battle of interpretation and interception.

There is the guy who is fanning the flames, the electric male leopard.The immortals of the Intercept Cult went down the mountain one after another, and were sent to the list by the people who taught the teaching.

In the end, the Holy Spirit of Fire, which was invited by the electric leopard, came down the mountain.

The Madonna of Fire Spirit and Guangchengzi of Chanjiao were smashed to death by Guangchengzi.

in this way.It is to cause trouble!

This Madonna of Fire Spirit is the cut

The direct disciple of Daoren Ming Bao.

The disciple was killed.Daoist Duobao was of course furious.

Daoist Duobao instigated Tongtian hierarch to set up a sword array under Jiepai Pass to prevent Xizhou from continuing eastward.

When everyone in the chanting saw that the sect leader Tongwu had gone out in person, they went to invite Yuanshi Tianzun.

When Yuanshi Tianzun saw that Tongtian sect master had set up the sword array, he went to Shouyang Mountain to invite Taishang Lao

Above Shouyang Mountain.Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Laozi.Said, "Senior brother. Now Tong. Tianshidi does not know the number of days. He even set up such a vicious formation as the Sword Executioner to stop the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty. I also asked my seniors to come down the mountain to help!"


Taishang Laozi looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, Dao

"Junior brother. Master once said that this Sword Execution Sword Formation cannot be broken by the Four Sages.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face trembled.Said: "Please ask again - only one saint can break this evil formation!_

There are two places where there are two saints now. In Wuji Mountain, there are Nvwa in Taichu and the Thirteen Saints.On the top of Mount Sumeru in the western sky, there are reception and quasi-promotion leaders.

After thinking about it, Tianzun Qi Shi felt that he had already invited Taichu twice, so he went to the west to invite the second Western leader.

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