western world

on Mount Mi.

Jie Yin and Zhun Ti looked at each other and smiled and said. _ "Our chance to flourish in Buddhism is here!"

Having said that, the two sect masters invited Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun to come up the mountain.

Zhun mention Dao A knew and heard the Dao, _ "I don't know why the two brothers came to teach me in the West? Rare guest, rare guest.1!"

Time is running out.Yuanshi Tianzun didn't go around in circles. "Looking at the two Western sect masters, Dao, a Taoist friend, I will tell you, this time we are here to ask for something important!".

The quasi-daoist laughed. "Oh? I don't know what to do?"

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath.Said, "My unsatisfactory third brother was picked by pregnant people and set up the Immortal Execution Sword Array in front of the Jie Pai Pass. This Immortal Execution Sword Array cannot be broken by the Four Saints. Therefore, our brothers and sisters came to invite two of them. Fellow Daoist, help us break through the formation!"

The Daoist Zhunti said with an embarrassed look on his face, "If it is morally speaking, the two of us will help the two fellow Daoists to break the Immortal Execution Sword Formation. No, it's just --. It's just an Eastern thing after all. If we Westerners intervene. , I'm afraid it's not inappropriate, if you let that person know, I'm afraid it's...

The person Zhunti Daoist said was none other than the very beginning.

Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun are alone

He shook violently, with an embarrassed look on his face.

Hesitating - down, the Supreme Master said, so be it.The first is to go to Wuji Mountain in the basin!”

Yuanshi Tianzun and the two Western sect masters are overjoyed

Taishang Laozi went down to Mount Sumeru and tore open the void.When he took a step and A. appeared again, he was already at the foot of Wuji Mountain.

Wuji Mountain, in Wuji Hall, Tai Chu suddenly opened his eyes and said with a smile, "Luan Hong, go to greet the distinguished guests!"

"Yes, sir!"

Feng Luanhong hurriedly bowed and said. After speaking, she walked out.

Halfway through the road, I heard a

sound came. .827_

"Senior brother, the poor Daotai is asking to see the big brother."

Feng Luanhong quickened her pace, carried a red lantern out of Wuji Mountain, and said respectfully, "Sage, please. My master has been waiting for a long time."

"How long have you been waiting?"

The old man was taken aback.He raised his brows and said, "There is Fairy Lao to lead the way l_"

Having said that, Taishang Laozi followed Feng Luanhong into Wuji Mountain.

After entering Wuji Mountain, Taishang Laozi was also startled by the vision of Wuji Mountain.

Something else to say, but the sky hovers

The strength and luck of the Golden Dragon really deeply shocked Lao Tzu.

He originally thought that the luck of Shouyang Mountain was fierce enough.But after seeing the luck of Wuji Mountain, he felt that his Shouyang Mountain was a small mountain nest, not worth mentioning at all.

Practice in such an environment.Can Xiuwei go up without a shuffle? 2

No wonder even Nuwa and Houtu are the latecomers, and they are actually comparable to their Sanqing.

The whole journey was muddled. Under the leadership of Feng Luanhong, Taishang Laozi walked into the Wuji Hall. Seeing Taichu sitting on top of Qingyun, he smiled and said, "Eldest brother is really at ease!

Tai Chu laughed loudly and said, "What kind of wind blows Taishang. Junior brother to the mountain."

Chapter 2 The Immortal Execution Sword Formation, Taishang Enters Wuji Mountain ([-]) Please subscribe!

Taichu shook his head and said: _"Hey, you probably don't know the meaning of the sentence that all the saints are ants."

Saying that, Tai Chu's big hand stretched out and grabbed the goddess Sanxiao.

Under the vast mana in the beginning, all the bells and whistles appear to be fragile.

Just momentarily.The nine-bend Yellow River Great Array collapsed.

Sanlei was caught in the hands of Taichu. There was no ability to resist.

After breaking the Jiuqu Yellow River Taiyuan and capturing Sanxiao, Taichu came to the Western Zhou Taiying on a gluttonous glutton.He smiled and said, "Junior Brother Yuanshi, this time, I will leave the mountain first."

"Senior Brother, walk slowly"."

Yuanshi Tianzun's face twitched violently.Archway.

"Congratulations to the ancestors!"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian, the third prince Nezha and Lei Zhenzi looked proud. Qi Qi bowed to Tai Chu.

long face

long face

In the beginning, they gave them a long face. As a branch of Wuji Mountain, the three of them felt honored.

In the beginning, he rode a gluttonous beast. _Go back to Wuji Mountain.

The old face of Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly turned somber to the extreme 22 o'clock, and he snorted coldly.

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