.__: Ask for flowers, ___


The sect master of Tongtian cupped his hands and turned his hands

, the Qingping sword appeared, and with a "bass", he cut off a lot of his hair.

The hair of Tongtian Sect Master has inhaled the power of the earth and has the power of Pangu's fleshly body.After being cut off, they have evolved into three thousand worlds.

Around the three thousand big worlds, there are countless small worlds that multiply.

Ancestor Hongjun took another shot to stabilize the great world of the four directions.

The saints breathed a sigh of relief.

The entire prehistoric world is finally stable.

Ancestor Hongjun looked at the saints, and the four continents of Dao 1 were renamed as Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, Nanzhanbuzhou and Beiju Luzhou.

Since then, these four continents will be the Earth Immortal Realm, the three thousand great worlds, and the small worlds of the heavens and billions will be the Human Realm, but if the Human Realm reaches the Heavenly Immortal Realm, they can ascend to the Earth Immortal Realm.

What Hongjun said, every word is like the sound of Taoism, it is deafening and loud, and it spreads throughout the whole prehistoric world.

Since then, the three realms have been formed.

The three worlds are the heaven, the earth, and the human world.


The saints bowed their hands.

Ancestor Hongjun looked at the saints, and said that saints such as Er and others would not be allowed to enter the Three Realms in the future.They all moved to live in the turbidity, and since then the sage cannot go to the realm, otherwise the thunder and punishment will come down in an instant!


"Yes, Master!"

The faces of the saints trembled fiercely.Busy hand in hand.

The saints are not allowed to appear in the world, which is equivalent to putting the saints under house arrest.

Of course, saints are not allowed to come to the world. This is not only the meaning of the ancestors of Hongjun, but also the meaning of heaven. ,

This battle of saints shattered the whole world.

Of course Tiandao is also afraid of L

If there is another saint war, wouldn't the Three Realms be broken again.The world that was beaten does not exist?

Therefore, whether it is Tiandao or Hongjun ancestors, they have reached a consensus that saints are not allowed to go to AL

Ancestor Hongjun looked at Tongtian Sect Master and Daoist

"Tongtian, let's go!"

"Master, wait a minute!"

The sect master of Tongtian was busy.

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Chapter 1 Has the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao changed?Daozu wants to compete with Dao! ([-]) Please subscribe!

Ancestor Hongjun looked at Master Tongwu and asked. "Tongtian. What else do you do?"

The sect master of Tongtian surrendered to the ancestor of Hongjun. "Master, all the immortals under my seat are all destroyed, and now there is only this cow left. Please allow Pindao to let you leave!"

Ancestor Hongjun nodded."

The Master Tongtian stroked Kui Niu's head and said, "Niuer, Niuer, let's go to you and me. I'm afraid there will be no day to meet again, so you can go ahead and don't fall into the prestige of the poor road!

"Yes, sir!"

Kui Niu spit out words.Two lines flow from the bull's eye

Clear tears.

Now the sect is falling apart.Ten thousand immortals were destroyed, and only the Virgin of Wudang who escaped and the Kui Niu under the seat of Tongtian Sect Master remained. Therefore, Tongtian Sect Master placed high hopes on Kui Niu and asked Kui Niu to find a way to restore the splendor of Intercept Sect.

Although the sage was exiled and mixed with the "sixteen seven" turbidity, but the luck of the fight still has to be fought, otherwise the cultivation base will fall to other saints

Do it all.The Master Tongtian looked at the ancestor Hongjun and said, "Master, let's go."

Ancestor Hongjun nodded and took the Tongtian Cult Master to the turbid Purple Thunder Palace.

"Big Brother. Farewell!"

All the saints bowed their hands to Taichu. They all fled to the distance.

Obviously, the saints are hurrying to arrange the funeral.Of course, the so-called funeral is the matter of them moving away from the prehistoric

Taichu grinned.Step towards Zixiao Palace. ;

Now in the beginning, I want to know urgently. In the game between Daozu and Tiandao, who loses and who wins?

Did Daozu ask the shackles of heaven?

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