Of course, on the surface, it was Daozu who won.

After all, the prehistoric world was broken.Falling apart, the power of the Tao of Heaven will inevitably be weakened again and again.Then the Taoist will surely

Take control of heaven.

But in the beginning, he knew that the way of heaven was transformed by Pangu's will.To control heaven.I'm afraid it's not that easy

In the chaos, Ancestor Hongjun brought Tongtian Cult Master to the outside of Zixiao Palace, pointed to a side hall next to him, and said, "Tongtian, your senior brother's palace is next to it, and you will live in your big palace. Brother next door!"

"Yes, teacher"

The sect master of Tongtian was busy bowing his hands.

Immediately afterwards, Taichu stepped forward to the two of them, bowed his hands to Ancestor Hongjun, and said, "I have seen Master!"

Ancestor Hongjun nodded.As if knowing that the beginning of time was coming,

. said, "you are here

Tongtian Sect Master raised his brows, as if thinking.

Ancestor Hongjun said, "Tongtian, you go to your room to clean up, there are some things to talk about for the teacher and your senior brother"

"Yes, Master!"

Master Tongtian turned around and left.

In the early days, he followed the ancestors of Hongjun to the main hall.

Once you enter the main hall.At the beginning, he couldn't wait to ask. "Master. This time you are competing with the Tao of Heaven. Who wins and who loses?"

Ancestor Hongjun cast a blank glance and said:

"Five or five points."

At the beginning of the day, he was startled and wondered, "How can it be divided into five or five points?"

Ancestor Hongjun said lightly, "The way of heaven is not as simple as imagined. After it felt that it could not restrain the poor way, it left."

"Leave? What do you mean?"

Taichu exclaimed e

Ancestor Hongjun Hedao L is equivalent to Ancestor Hongjun being the administrator of Tiandao. Could it be that Tiandao has changed the administrator?

Ancestor Hongjun looked at Taichu.Dao, 'Yes, Tiandao left after knowing that he could not control Pindao and went to choose a new spokesperson."


The news is great enough!

At the beginning, his face twitched violently.Looking at the ancestor Hongjun, he was speechless for a long time.

He-, he always thought that the ancestors of Tiandao Hongjun played a game.Either you die or I die. I didn't expect that Tiandao would take the initiative to leave the ancestor of Hongjun and choose a new leader.

Tai Chu took a deep breath. , stabilized his mind, and hurriedly asked, "Master. Who will Dao choose as the new spokesperson?"

Ancestor Hongjun shook his head slightly.

"I don't know about this at present, but 1. It should be a Buddhist!".

Taichu nodded and said, "Yes. Buddhism and Xuanmen are opposed. Tiandao's departure this time must be against Master, and to destroy my Xuanmen, Tiandao chooses Foguang] as the new spokesperson. This is normal!"

Ancestor Hongjun looked at Taichu and said with a smile, "Imperial boy, the matter of Xuanmen will depend on you in the future."

At the beginning, he was stunned and wondered, "Why does the teacher say that? Isn't the teacher beyond the way of heaven? How...: Could it be..."

Suddenly, Tai Chu thought of a more terrifying possibility._u__

Ancestor Hongjun nodded.Not talking.

In the beginning, I was shocked

He was stunned, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

The reason why the ancestor Hongjun said this.Apparently his freedom was restricted.

So who restricted his freedom 3

Even the Dao of Heaven can't bind the ancestors of Hongjun, so the only way to bind the ancestors of Hongjun is the Dao.

now.The realm of the ancestors of Hongjun should be in the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the heavenly realm.

The realm of the ancestors of Hongjun has improved.That would also mean a game with a higher level of Tao.

This time, the object of the game that Hongjun ancestor wants to play has changed from heaven.

become the road!

The next step, the ancestor of Hongjun, is to completely detach from the heaven and reach the legendary great realm.

It's just how difficult it is to reach the Great Dao, even the legendary second Chaos Demon God Pangu has failed.

Of course, it is still unknown if Pangu really failed, but on the surface, Pangu did fail.

But from the point of view that the essence of the Dao of Heaven is Pangu's will, it is possible that the great god Pangu really broke through the realm of the Dao and reached the realm of immortality!

Of course, whether it is the realm of heaven or the realm of Dao, 1 is not the beginning of the present_Can

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