Chapter 3 The guess of the spokesperson of Tiandao?Taichu plans to travel to the west! ([-]) Please subscribe!

The lower realm of the clone and the lower realm of the deity.The difference is too great.

The most important thing is the difference in strength, the deity must be much stronger than the strength!

After coming to Honghuang in the beginning, he returned to Wuji Mountain.

The people in Wuji Mountain are also happy

They originally thought that the sages of the Taoist ancestors moved out of the prehistoric world and could not enter the prehistoric world. They thought that they would never see Taichu again. Who would have thought Taichu came back.

In the beginning, he lived in Wuji Mountain, waiting for someone,

Zhenyuanzi Daxian!

Journey to the West is about to begin. It will be broken at the beginning

Bad Westward Journey, Zhenyuanzi Daxian is a great help. When passing by the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain, you can make a great essay.

This is also the lower bound of the great fanfare of being an official in the beginning.It is to lead the Zhenyuanzi Daxian to come.

At this time, Daxian Zhenyuanzi had a bitter expression on his face.

The ginseng fruit tree relies on absorbing the power of the earth to survive, and the master of Tongtian smashed the prehistoric world, making the prehistoric land divided into four plates.

The ginseng fruit tree cannot adapt to the new continental plate L cannot take root and absorb the power of the earth, so the leaves turn yellow, and it is on the verge of death again.

Zhenyuanzi Taixian is helpless, suddenly

However, when I saw Taichu swaggering into the flood, I was overjoyed, and immediately came out of the Wuzhuang Temple and came to Wuji Mountain.

The last time the ginseng fruit tree was on the verge of death, L was rescued by Taichu

Zhenyuanzi Daxian firmly believes that the ginseng fruit tree can be saved in the beginning⊥

After arriving outside Wuji Mountain, Daxian Zhenyuanzi bowed his hands to the mountain and said, "Zhenyuanzi asks to see Senior Brother Tai."

At this moment, a light flashed in Miwen, and a woman came out with a red lantern, it was Feng Luanhong.

Feng Luanhong looked at Zhenyuanzi i Zhenyuanzi Taixian, my son has been waiting for a long time, please! '

Daxian Zhenyuanzi was stunned for a moment, and smiled bitterly; "Fairy. Please _~⊥"

From Feng Luanhong's words. / Daxian Zhenyuanzi learned that Taichu knew that he was coming, and he couldn't be more clear about his senior brother.

He's about to bleed a lot this time.

Just what can Taiyuan get from him?

Zhenyuanzi Daxian can't figure it out

As Feng Luanhong walked into Wuji Mountain, Zhenyuanzi Daxian was also taken aback by the golden dragon of luck in Wuji Mountain.

Those terrifying golden dragons of luck hovered in the air, forming a terrifying vision.


From this, we can see how prosperous the luck of the Wuling Mountains is.

Zhenyuanzi Taixian walked all the way, shocked all the way.

When he arrived at the Wuji Hall, Zhenyuanzi Daxian saw Taichu lying high on the cloud bed, and hurriedly prayed, "Meet the Taishi brother!"

Tai Chu grinned and lifted Zhen Yuanzi up.Said, "Friend Zhenyuanzi, you are finally here."

Zhen Yuanzi grinned. , said with a wry smile: "Senior Brother, because Senior Brother Tongtian divided the Great Desolate Continent into four points, the ginseng fruit of the poor road has not been able to adapt to the new continent, and the senior brother is also asked to help save the ginseng fruit tree. The poor road is grateful."

Taichu hand-turn.A jade slip appeared. Yi Fajiu held it and handed it to Daxian Zhenyuanzi. He smiled. "Here is the Law of Earth, Dao Town, Daoist Taoist friend Yuanzi. You can follow the above practice and strengthen the ginseng fruit tree."

Zhenyuanzi Daxian took over the jade slip, excited and hurriedly thanked him, "Thank you, Senior Brother!"

Tai Chu smiled, "You're welcome!"

Hesitating - down, Zhenyuanzi Taixian couldn't help but ask, "I don't know if there is anything I can do for Senior Brother 3"

The tenth avenue rule, Rune Town Yuanzi, received a lot of favor from the beginning this time.

With this rune of the ten great avenues, Daxian Zhenyuanzi can not only heal the ginseng fruit tree, but also his own cultivation level, he can go further

Zhenyuanzi Taixian has received such a great kindness from the beginning. Feeling guilty in his heart, _ naturally needs to be clear.If not, he is afraid that he will be uneasy.

Taichu’s class is also what Zhenyuanzi Daxian said, and smiled, “Daoist Zhenyuanzi is quick to talk, so this seat will not be sloppy. Dachang, the next step is to travel to the west to get the scriptures. I hope that fellow Taoist Zhenyuanzi can drag the journey of the scriptures for a while!'

this drag,

From the very beginning, I had time to make plans to change the name.”

Zhen Yuanzi bowed his hands to Taichu Yi and said: "Tai Shixiong, please rest assured, but anyone who takes the scriptures enters my Wuzhuang Temple. As long as the senior brother doesn't let go, Pendao will never let him leave!

There is a reason why Zhenyuanzi Taixian's words are so confident.

Now that saints are not allowed to go down, Daxian Zhenyuanzi is the existence of peak combat power and a master of the peak of the old quasi-sage. Even in the face of the avatar of the saint, it is unambiguous, so Daxian Zhenyuanzi will be so confident.

Tai Chu grinned and said. "~Okay, there are words from fellow Daoist Zhenyuanzi. Then this seat will be placed.

Heart ⊥”

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