Zhenyuanzi Taixian misses the ginseng fruit tree.At the moment, I surrendered to Taichu Yi, saying, _Senior brother, if there is nothing wrong. 2 The poor road will say goodbye first.”

Tai Chu smiled and said, "Daoist Zhenyuanzi, walk slowly!

"Master, please stay!"

Zhenyuanzi Taixian turned around and walked out of Wuji Mountain and hurried back to Wuzhuangguan to treat the ginseng fruit trees.

After Zhenyuanzi Taixian left, S Taichu began to plan for luck for the interception.

_The last time I told the Lady of Turtle Spirit and Wu Yunxian about the search for the Chaos Bell, the Lady of the Turtle Spirit and Wu Yunxian also frantically searched for the Chaos Bell.

It's just that the Chaos Bell was hidden by the Tao of Heaven. Even the saints can't find it. How can the two of them find it?

Tai Chu grinned and muttered, 'This seat is really a life of hard work.."

Having said that, Tai Chu searched for gluttonous food. The (good money) went out of Wuji Mountain and went to look for Chaos Bell.

Just a vast expanse. _How could he find the Chaos Clock?

"He's meow, where is the Chaos Clock? Look for it like this. Can you find the Chaos Clock just by luck?"

After searching for a hundred years in the beginning, I couldn't even find the shadow of the Chaos Bell, so I couldn't help but say angrily.


Suddenly, Taichu's eyes lit up and he had an idea.

He can't find the turbid bell, but it doesn't mean that others can't find it. At least the next spokesperson selected by Wudao will definitely be able to find the turbid bell.

In the beginning, you only need to follow the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao.You can find the Chaos Clock.

This is a two-pronged approach!

Not only can I get the Chaos Bell, but I can also know who is the spokesperson of Nintendo?

People from Buddhism? Or is it a group of people from heaven?

DsL, please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe LLL1_


Chapter 4 Angrily denounced the Supreme Being and Yuanshi at the beginning, explaining the apostasy of the three masters ([-]) Please subscribe!

The next Tiandao spokesperson was suspicious of two people at the beginning.

- It is the Tathagata Buddha.That is to say, the second Daoist Duobao is Haoyu.

Cheng Tian's face was respectful.But at the very beginning, he knew that Haotian's ambition was completely a small machine.male.Smiling tiger.

Right now, Tai Chu was not in a hurry anymore, and began to wander in the Three Realms.

He said that the Shang Dynasty was destroyed.Zhou Chaoxing.

Since the abolition of the emperor for the first time in the early days deprived the spirit of the emperor, there has been no emperor since King Zhou of Shang, only no son.

Zhou Tianzi succeeded to the throne, and explained the prosperity of Qi and luck


In the great calamity of the gods, it can be said that explaining the teaching is a complete victory.

Yuanshi Tianzun moved to Yuqing Tianzhong. Guangchengzi became the master of Yuxu Palace.

Guangchengzi re-arranged the seats for the twelve golden immortals.

The seats are Guang Chengyu and Chi Jing

Yuding real person Taiyi real person Huang Longzhen A Lingbaotai master, fear Liusun, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian real person, Cihang Taoist person, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Daozhenjun.

Yu Xuguan's seat.It is the dignity of the status.

San Tai Shi made a lot of credit in the Conferred God Battle this time.The rank does not increase but instead drops

Master Bao Tai was also in front of San Tai Shi.

This made Santaitu dissatisfied! The vice-chief of the sect.He was also dissatisfied because Tianzun did not pass on the position of the master of Yuxu Palace to him since Yuan 307.

In a fit of anger, Daoist Burning Lamp cast himself to Buddha

Daoist Receptionist and Daoist Zhunti were overjoyed, and Daoist Fengran Deng was the ancestor of all Buddhas.Burning Guver

Yuanshi Tiancao's teeth were itchy, but there was nothing he could do.Biyi's Deng Deng Taoist is just explaining the teaching and putting on the name of the vice sect leader and has no substantive rights.Daoist Burning Lamp betrayed the teachings.Yuanshi Tianzun was not angry either.

But the next thing

Let Yuanshi Tianzun piss off a little ashamed.

The Three Tens also followed suit.He even voted for Buddhism.The three Taishi were reincarnated and reincarnated.Selecting past lives and explaining the cause and effect of teaching.

The three men came to the underworld and were about to reincarnate.Suddenly a Three Treasure Jade Ruyi appeared, and the whistling smashed into the three great soils.

But it was Yuanshi Tianzun who started to attack in anger.

The three soils are too shocked.

At this moment, a crystal clear tree power flew over, blocking the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi, and there was a voice.

"Quickly enter the reincarnation. Otherwise, if Pangu Fan comes again, the poor road will not be able to stop it!"

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