Right here, there are huge blue dragons, white tigers, Xuanwu and Suzaku phantoms appearing in the sky.

After a while, the scene changed, and there was another huge gossip dripping.

Rotating out, suspended above Taichu's head, mysterious and mysterious, very mysterious.

In a natural vision, two huge golden clouds of merit and virtue floated up, pouring down a huge amount of merit and virtue to the beginning of time.

Tai Chu grinned, shook his hands to put away the merit, and put them all into the golden wheel of merit at the back of his head.

There is a sword in the golden wheel of merit, it is the sword of Hunyuan!

But in the beginning, he nourished the Primordial Sword with merit and wanted to improve the quality of the Primordial Sword!

"Heaven gives merit, my God, how long has it been, Tiandao has rewarded Daoist friends in the beginning with merits three times, Daoist friends in the beginning, you... are you still human?"

Fuxi smiled bitterly.

Right here, the Primordial Sword in the Tight Wheel of Merit at the back of Tai Chu's head burst out with unparalleled rays of light.

A sword qi shot straight into the sky, as if it was going to cut through this piece of heaven and earth!

"This is... Lingbao has improved its rank? It has become a treasure of merit?"

Fuxi's face twitched violently when he saw it, and he exclaimed again.

At the beginning, he secretly said a pity, and said: "Hey, it's still a little bit. If there is more merit, the Primordial Sword may be upgraded to the level of the innate treasure..."

Fuxi can hear

The horns jumped wildly, looking at Taichu like a monster, crying and laughing: "Taichu friend, you still let us live..."

Fuxi is also the mansion of the innate gods. Since the transformation, it has been smooth sailing. Even if you look at the whole prehistoric world, he is one of the greatest supernatural powers.

But compared with the beginning of time, it is obviously not a star and a half!

In one day, trigger three merits!

Two top-quality congenital spiritual treasures automatically recognize their masters!

This is almost impossible, but it happened to Taichu. If Fuxi hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

When did merit and the best innate spiritual treasures become so worthless?

Become a cabbage?

In the end, Fuxi couldn't take it anymore. Following Taichu, he was too abused, so he had to sneer and say: "That...that Taichu Daoist friend, there are still some things for the poor Daoist, so I won't bother, I'll say goodbye first!"

With that said, Fuxi fled as if he had escaped.

At the beginning of the day, he put away the golden wheel of merit and virtue, played with the four-symptom source bead and the Bagua prism, and after refining them, he realized that these two treasures are also incomparable.

First of all, these four-image source beads contain the power of the four-images, which can be attacked and defended.


Besides, this gossip prism has the power to manifest all the sources, and when anything is illuminated by it, dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, and it turns into its original shape.

In the beginning, he just pointed Fuxi a few times, but he didn't expect to bring out so many benefits, and he was naturally in a good mood.

After playing with the two treasures, he put it away at the beginning and continued to study the image of Kaitian.

On the other hand, gluttonous gluttons walked forward with Taichu on their backs.

On the other hand, after Fuxi left Taichu, he met his sister Nuwa.

Nuwa looked at Fuxi and said in surprise: "Brother, how long have we been apart, and your cultivation level is actually different.

increase?But what happened? "

"There is no adventure, but for my brother, I met a person, an extremely powerful person!"

Fuxi said happily.

"Oh? What kind of person? Can you be praised like a big brother?"

Nuwa was interested and asked.

Fuxi said: "This person has excellent vision and knowledge. He not only completed the avenue of rhythm with eight basic runes, but also clearly understands the power of the four images and gossip, and rewards him with three merits and deeds from the Tao of Heaven in one day, and... The two top-grade innate spiritual treasures take the initiative to recognize them as masters, and when they are brothers, they are guided by them, and their cultivation will improve!"

While speaking, Fuxi's expression was extremely wonderful, with admiration, envy, jealousy, and hatred, and it was extremely rich.

"Oh? Is there such a strange person in the world?"

Nuwa was stunned and exclaimed.

"Yeah, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!"

Fuxi smiled bitterly.

"Brother, tell me which eight basic rhythm runes he completed?"

Afterwards, Nuwa pulled Fuxi to ask this question and that, and became deeply interested in the beginning of time.

ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! !


Chapter 5: Lingbao is born again, an embarrassing misunderstanding! ([-]) Ask for collection, ask for flowers!

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