The more Fuxi spoke, the more vigorous he became, and he simply described Taichu as an omnipotent god.

The more Nuwa listened, the more curious she became about Taichu, and she even wished to see Taichu right away to see how many arms and how many heads Taichu had.

"Sister, Pindao suddenly realized something, you need to understand here for a while, you go first, and then my brother will catch up with you!"

Fuxi couldn't wait to comprehend what he taught him in the beginning, looked at Nuwa, and said.

Nu Wa nodded and said: "Well, I also sensed that there was an opportunity ahead waiting for me, so I left first, brother, don't forget the time when Zixiao Palace heard the sermon!"

"Don't worry, girl, you go first!"

Fuxi nodded.

In this way, Nuwa left Fuxi and continued on her way.

On the other side, Tai Chu is still comprehending the image of the open sky.


"Found Kaitian image, is analyzing, one percent, two percent..."


"The analysis is completed, and it is found that the Kaitian image is incomplete and is being repaired..."


"The analysis is completed, and the three types of Kaitian have been analyzed, which have been imprinted in the host's mind.

among! "

Taichu's mind recalled the crisp sound of the system.

From the very beginning, he began to practice according to the three types of open sky in his mind.

Riding on Taotie's back, he entered the mysterious state of enlightenment unknowingly in the beginning.

He seems to have seen an indomitable giant!

The giant stood in the chaos, holding a big axe, one axe after another, each axe was very mysterious and contained some kind of great truth.

This is... Pangu!

At the beginning of time, he seemed to have realized something, his heart roared, and he stared at the operation of Pangu's axe.


In the end, countless axes turned into three axes!

It is Pangu's most essential three axes of opening the sky, also known as the three opening methods!

The three forms of Kaitian are such great supernatural powers, each of which is extremely subtle and has the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and one form is more powerful than the other.

There are as many as [-] changes in the first style alone, which is extremely complicated!

The second style has [-] kinds of terrifying changes, and the third style has reached [-] kinds of terrifying changes.

If it hadn't been parsed out by the system, it would have been impossible to master such terrifying magical powers at the very beginning.

After comprehending the three ways to open the sky, he exhaled a breath of turbid air at the beginning, put away the image of the open sky, and opened his eyes to look around.

I saw that the moon was bright at this time, and it was already night!

Suddenly, the bright light in front of you shines brightly, and the rays of the sun are shrouded in it, and it seems that there are visions such as dragons flying and phoenix dancing.

Tai Chu's heart moved slightly, and he said with joy: "It's really luck that I can't stop it, but another Lingbao was born. It seems that the character of the poor is really good!"


Taotie seemed to be holding back uncomfortable, as if everyone was not surprised.

In the early days, the old face turned black, and he beat the gluttonous

He shook his head and said angrily: "You just stay here, Pindao go to find treasures!"

Said, Taichu turned into a streamer and flew towards Baoguang.

But at the beginning, he was afraid that Taotie's legs would be slow and others would take the lead, so he left Taotie where he was, and he rushed to the place where the treasure was born at the fastest speed.

Finally, at the beginning of the day, in a valley, the bottom of the valley was extremely open, and there was actually a Wangyang Daze. The Daze could not see the end at a glance, and did not know where it led.

It's just that at the beginning of the day, I searched the valley for a long time, but I couldn't find the whereabouts of the treasure, so I couldn't help but wonder.

"Huh? It's strange, the treasure is clearly

Here, how can there be no more?Do you mean underwater? "

The eyes of Taichu finally focused on the Wang Yang Daze, and then turned into a stream of light and escaped into the Daze.

At the beginning of the day, he sneaked into the big lake and continued to search for the whereabouts of the treasure.

On the other side, Nu Wa was walking on her own, when she suddenly saw the Baoguang rising into the sky in front of her, and the glow was looming.

When they got to the valley, Nuwa also searched for a while, but found nothing, so she couldn't help but wonder.

"Could it be that the treasure was taken away first?"

Nuwa raised her eyebrows and muttered.

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