
Looking around, there was no one there. Nuwa saw the sparkling water in this daze, and it became more and more beautiful with the help of the moonlight, so she had the idea of ​​taking a bath.

Nu Wa shook her hands to set up heavy restrictions, and then slowly took off her clothes, then walked into the big swamp, and played with water in the swamp.

The moon is bright, and the beauty is like jade!

Everything seemed so beautiful, as beautiful as a space-time painting.


But at this moment, a sound of water sounded, and a figure emerged from the water.

This is the man who just dived into the water to search for Lingbao.

It's too early!

At the beginning, I didn't expect this scene to happen, and I couldn't help but straighten my eyes instantly, and spit blood from the nose.

Eye to eye!

The air freezes at this moment!

The two of them were stunned, froze in place, motionless!


Immediately afterwards, a high-decibel sound pierced the sky and became the most striking sound in the Great Desolate Continent at this moment.

Nu Wa hurriedly hugged herself, looked at Taichu who suddenly appeared with a look of anger, and said angrily: "You... Dengzi, how did you get here? I... I clearly set a ban..."

ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1 The Crazy Nuwa ([-]) For collections, for flowers!

"That...that...pindao is looking for treasure here..."

It was the first time I encountered such a thing at the beginning, and I panicked and explained quickly, but my eyes glanced at Nuwa involuntarily.

"Ah, you... You still look at it, you asshole, say, what have you seen? Answer the truth!"

Nuwa blushed with shame and said in shock.


In the beginning he hesitated.

Seeing how she looked like this at the beginning, Nuwa immediately understood!

"Ah, Deng Tuzi, I'm going to kill you!"


Furious, he flew up, and with a flash of brilliance all over his body, a suit of clothes appeared, he flipped his hand, pinched an orchid seal, and printed it towards the beginning.

At the beginning of the day, his face shook fiercely, and he flew straight up, avoiding the mark of Nuwa, and hurriedly explained: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, really misunderstanding, Pindao didn't intend to see you..."

It's just how Nuwa can hear it at this time, her hands are flying, pinching the mysterious seals, one seal after another, frantically typing out.

In the beginning, he was speechless for a while, stepping on the water, running frantically, dodging Nu Wa's attack.

"Pin Dao said that you are a woman who is unreasonable.

It was obviously the poor Daoist who came here first, and you broke in after you. You actually beat the poor Daoist. When you are a poor Daoist, can't you beat women? "

At the beginning of the day, she avoided an attack from Nuwa, and said in a panic.

"Hmph, Deng Tuzi, it's clearly me who came first, you sneaked in..."

Nu Wa was confused, and printed it out again.

"Huh? You said...you came first? Could it be that you took the treasure?"

Tai Chu dodged again and exclaimed.

"What do you do first, Dengzizi, I will kill you on the spot today!"

Nuwa is about to go crazy,

Cursed, pinched another seal, and frantically hit Taichu.

"Crazy woman, she looks very good-looking, but she is so pungent, look at the means of the poor!"

At the beginning, he was furious, and he stomped the water heavily under his feet, and a green lotus rose up on the water surface.


Nu Wa slammed the blank, and blasted the water into a huge wave.

At this moment, a green lotus appeared silently behind Nu Wa. The petals of the green lotus opened and jumped out of it in the beginning, pointing at the back of Nu Wa's neck.

Nuwa's body

As soon as he softened, he was horrified to find that his mana was imprisoned, and he couldn't help but say with anger: "Deng Tuzi, what are you going to do? Let me go, or don't blame me for being rude..."

"Hmph, you must have taken the baby, take it out!"

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