In the beginning led the way.

A few people came out of the big formation, and the ancestor Hongjun said goodbye to the ancestor of Yin and Yang, rolled up Taichu and gluttonous, and flew to the direction of Wuliang Mountain.

Boundless Mountain is the dojo of the ancestor of Qiankun!

After Taichu and others left, the ancestors of Yin and Yang murmured: "Genius, peerless genius, Taoist friend of Taichu is really amazing... ah, it's a bad thing, how do you get in?"

Suddenly, the ancestor of Yin and Yang remembered that he still didn't understand the perfected grand formation, and forgot to ask Taichu, that is to say, he was trapped outside the mountain by his own grand formation...

ps: Ask for the first day v, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter [-] Such a small formation, why do I need my master to come out! (For the first day v, for flowers!)

The hard-working ancestor of Yin and Yang stayed outside the mountain protection formation and began to break the formation, while on the other side, the ancestor Hongjun brought Taichu and Taotie to Wuliang Mountain.

Boundless Mountain is the dojo of the ancestor of Qiankun.

Ancestor Qiankun, like Ancestor Hongjun, is also the innate divine residence of the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God.

"Friend Qiankun, Hongjun Pindao, please come out and see!"

Ancestor Hongjun bowed his hands to the mountain protection formation and said loudly.

Unlike the ancestors of Yin and Yang, the ancestors of Qiankun did not come out to greet them, but only heard their voices from them.

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, I don't know why you came here on this trip?


Ancestor Hongjun frowned slightly and said, "Friend Qiankun, can you notice that the evil spirit in the air is getting heavier and heavier? This is Luo Hu's ghost in the back. He wants to instigate a war between the three innate clans and destroy the prehistoric land. When I came, I came to invite fellow Daoists to kill Luo Hu and act for the heavens!"

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, Luo Hu is also the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God. What he wants, the poor Dao can't control, and he doesn't want to. The poor Dao itself is also the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God. Even if he measures him, Luo Hu will not come to seek the trouble of the poor Dao. It has nothing to do with the poor way, Daoist Hongjun, please come back!"

The voice of the ancestor of Qiankun came.

Ancestor Hongjun has big brows

Wrinkled, he said anxiously: "Friend Qiankun, you and I are both innate gods now, how can you not stop Luohu from destroying the sky and destroying the earth? This matter is closely related to fellow Daoists, and it is the key to the achievement of Saint Hunyuan..."

Before Ancestor Hongjun could finish his words, Ancestor Qiankun's voice came again.

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, no matter what you say, Pindao won't go with you unless..."

"Unless what?"

Ancestor Hongjun frowned.

"Unless fellow Daoists can break through the Qiankun Qi Formation of the Poor Dao! If not, how can they defeat Luo Hu's Immortal Execution Sword Formation? The poor Dao doesn't want to die!"

The voice of the ancestor of Qiankun came again.

Ancestor Hongjun took a deep breath, his eyes were filled with divine light, and he looked at Qiankun guarding Wuliang Mountain in great spirits, and he felt sad for a while.

In a hurry, it is indeed a bit embarrassing for him to break through this great formation!

It's just that if you can't break this great formation, you can't convince the ancestors of Qiankun to go together. The Sword of Immortal Execution is indestructible for the Four Sages. Without the ancestors of Qiankun, this victory is unpredictable.

"Hahaha, if you want to break this mere small formation, why do you need the poor master to come out, and the poor can break the formation!"

At this moment, Tai Chu suddenly laughed.

Tai Chu did not expect that the ancestor of Qiankun would turn them away, not only that, but also the irony between words, which completely angered Taichu, so Taichu would be like this.

"Hmph, fellow Daoist Hongjun, is this the apprentice you accepted? You are so arrogant? Ignorance child, do you know that this Qian Kun gang is the result of hundreds of millions of years of research by the poor? Not to mention that you are a yellow-mouthed child, even if your master wants to break through this great formation, it is extremely difficult!"

At this moment, the voice of the ancestor of Qiankun came.

Even the ancestor Hongjun was a little worried, frowning and said: "Teacher, Qiankun can transform everything in one breath.

, Paul, everything in the world is extremely strange, you..."

"Master, don't worry, the poor way is clear!"

In the very beginning, he passed the sound to the ancestor Hongjun.

In fact, just now when Patriarch Hongjun and Patriarch Qiankun were talking, Taichu had already used the Perfect Dao Enlightenment System to analyze this Qiankun Great Array, so he was so confident.

Ancestor Hongjun saw that he was full of self-confidence in the beginning, and there was no other good way for a while, so he said: "Teacher, then please!"

"Master, don't worry!"

In the beginning of the sound transmission.

Said, too early to step over

Out, he laughed and said: "Senior Qiankun, what if Pindao breaks this great formation? Are you willing to deal with Luohu with Pindao's master?"

After killing Luo Hu, Ancestor Hongjun will achieve Hunyuan, and his golden thighs will be more reliable, which is why he had to take action in the beginning.

"Hey, you yellow-mouthed child, if you can break through the impoverished way, don't say let the impoverished Dao go to deal with Hongjun with your master, even if you let the impoverished way eat shit, the impoverished way is willing to , but what if you can't break the great formation of the poor road?"

The angry voice of the ancestors of Qiankun came from the array.

"If the younger generation can't break through

The big formation of the seniors, let the seniors handle it! "

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