In the beginning, he was full of confidence.

"Hmph, fellow Daoist Hongjun, can you hear it clearly? Don't blame the poor Taoist for being rude!"

The voice of the ancestor of Qiankun was mixed with boundless anger, and it was obvious that the ancestor of Qiankun had completely angered him in the beginning.

Although the old ancestor Hongjun had a sudden rush in his heart, he still chose to believe in the beginning. He stepped out and said with a big smile: "Fellow Daoist Qiankun, don't worry, the poor Taoist heard clearly!"

Having said that, Ancestor Hongjun made up his mind that if he couldn't break the great formation at the beginning, he would rush in to grab someone.

Something went wrong.

Ancestor Qiankun said solemnly: "Well, if that's the case, let him break through the formation. If you can walk through the great formation of the poor Dao and enter the dojo of the poor Dao, you are considered a poor Dao loser!"

"Okay, since that's the case, the junior is welcome!"

Taichu laughed.

Said, Taichu stepped into the big formation.

ps: Ask for the first day v, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! !



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Chapter [-] Convince the ancestors of the universe, people are more popular than dead people (seek the first day v, ask for flowers!)

Ancestor Hongjun was not at ease, and followed Taichu, but Hongjun ancestor did not dare to mess around, but followed the footsteps of Taichu.

I saw Taichu entered the great formation, took three steps forward, took two steps back, then took seven steps to the east, then retreated, took five steps to the west, and then took six steps to the southeast...

Every step was taken just right at the beginning, perfectly and skillfully avoiding all the attacks and fantasies of Qian Kun's great array.

In the early days of Qian Kun's great formation, he was like a fish in water, and he was able to do it with ease. He suddenly went forward and then back, and then left and right. Just like this, it was unobstructed all the way, as if returning to his own dojo, effortlessly.

At first, the ancestors of Qiankun were a little disdainful, but gradually, the face of the ancestors of Qiankun showed shock.

In the end, the old face of Qiankun's ancestor was full of inconceivable, exclaimed: " is this possible?"

In less than a stick of incense, Tai Chu actually took Patriarch Hongjun all the way, walked straight out of the great formation, and entered Patriarch Qiankun's dojo.

At this moment, the ancestor of Qiankun was standing not far away, looking at Taichu and Ancestor Hongjun who walked out of the big formation with a confused look, his face twitched violently, his eyes stared at the boss, as if he had seen a ghost, terrified Said: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, you

How can you walk into the great formation of the poor road so easily?This……"

Tai Chu looked at the ancestor of Qiankun with a smile, and said with a smile: "Senior Qiankun, the poor road has come in!"

Ancestor Qiankun looked at Taichu, the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, and he said in shock, " have learned this Qiankun great formation before?"

At the beginning, he bowed his hands to the ancestors of Qiankun and said with a smile: "This Qian Kun is a big formation, and the master of the poor way has evolved for a long time, so the poor way is familiar with the chest, so that he can walk through the big formation so easily!"

On the side, Ancestor Hongjun shook his face fiercely, his face flushed.

His apprentice really gave him

With a long face, not only did he easily break this great formation, but he was also able to speak so well, which was really likable.

The ancestor of Qiankun glanced at the ancestor of Hongjun, and then looked at Taichu, his face twitched, and he said in surprise: "This... this is impossible, this Qiankun grand formation was developed by the poor Tao after hundreds of millions of years of research. Daquan, you... how did you do it?"

Tai Chu smiled and said: "The Qiankun One Qi Great Array that Qiankun's predecessors made is indeed mysterious, but if the formation eye can be changed to the southwest corner, the formation eye will be more secretive. A pagoda town, in line with the power of heaven and earth, so the power of the formation is stronger..."

In one breath, Tai Chu said the sixty-four weaknesses of Qiankun's great array.

The ancestor of Qiankun was stunned when he heard it, as if he had changed his face. The old face changed and changed, and he was shocked.

Even Old Ancestor Hongjun was stunned and could hardly believe his ears. Looking at the eyes of Taichu, it became brighter and brighter, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

This is the case, no regrets in this life!

When Taichu was finished, the ancestors of Qiankun had not recovered from the shock. The boss with his mouth open could put down a duck egg. Looking at Taichu, his eyes were full of inconceivable, and at the same time, a deep sense of frustration rose in his heart. .

He didn't expect that the formation technique that he had studied for so many years, others had already studied it, and it was even more perfect than his.

If it weren't for this, how could it be possible to say so many weaknesses of Qiankun's Great Array in one breath at the beginning.

If the ancestor of Qiankun knew that he was afraid of attacking him at the beginning, and he still kept three weak points, the ancestor of Qiankun would have collapsed on the spot.

However, this is the case, and the impact on the ancestors of Qiankun was big enough in the beginning.

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