Great Artist

Chapter 1018: the beginning of summer

1018 Beginning of Midsummer

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2005 seems to have just begun, and summer can't wait to come. -/ --Advertisement Full text Evan Bell spent most of his time in the studio and in the Caribbean, and when he realized it, it was already June. "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" was finally announced before the end of May. After filming the second and third films in a row for half a year, Evan Bell felt that he was about to become the son of the sea.

After finishing the filming of the sequel of "Pirates of the Caribbean", within three years, Evan Bell should have no idea of ​​playing Captain Jack Sparrow, because it is not difficult to face the endless ocean again, but to Drifting on the ocean for a month or two, Evan Bell felt that it required mental preparation.

Subsequently, Evan Bell joined the "Ice Age 2" crew and spent ten days to complete the dubbing of the cartoon. Blue Sky Studio is really slow and meticulous, and it took more than three years before and after "Ice Age 2" to complete the production. For the second time dubbing the cartoon, Evan Bell is already familiar with it, and the dubbing work was completed very smoothly.

Evan Bell returned to New York and began to prepare for the shooting of "Little Miss Sunshine".

June seems to be a very good time for Studio Eleven. The arrival of midsummer has swept away the coldness of spring, and Studio Eleven has also ushered in good news one after another.

Catherine Bell won the Menswear Designer of the Year Award in the American Institute of Fashion Designers Awards. This is also the most important recognition that Catherine Bell has won since she entered the industry, and it also means that Catherine Bell has officially been recognized by the entire designer industry. Stimulated by the Catherine Bell Award, the worldwide sales of the "Eleven" brand reached a new high. In just one month in June, the "Eleven" brand achieved a turnover of 50 million, creating a new high. The "Eleven" brand has the highest monthly sales record since its listing.

Immediately afterwards, the "Eleven" brand entered 14 city department store chains including Milan, Rome, Berlin, and Tokyo. At present, the "Eleven" brand has 30 chain stores worldwide. If the expansion rate is really scary. However, the "October" plan to open another flagship store in Paris or London has stalled. Because of the rapid expansion of the store, the development speed is now somewhat higher than expected, and it must be controlled. James Frank hopes to put the second flagship store of the "Eleven" brand on the agenda after this year's Paris Fashion Week.

The viewership of "Doctor House", which was broadcast in November last year, has skyrocketed so fast that it has become a frequent visitor to the top five in the drama ratings list, and has repeatedly broken the ratings record of Fox TV's drama series. Before that, Fox TV was most famous for its "Twenty-Four Hours", but now with the addition of "Doctor House" and "American Idol", Fox TV has become a performance after the change of dynasties in 2004. The most powerful TV station.

Good news came from "Grey's Anatomy", which was broadcast in March. The current average viewership has reached 14 million, and the average viewership rate has also exceeded 3.0. In addition to "Desperate Housewives", it has become another TV show dark horse. The first season of "Grey's Anatomy" only had nine episodes, and after only four episodes aired, the TV station couldn't wait to book the twenty-four episodes of the second season, showing strong confidence.

"Doctor House," "Grey's Anatomy," and "NCIS" were all pre-ordered early, and the three TV series currently produced by Eleven Studios also continue Eleven's tradition of excellent quality work." "Eleven Productions" has quietly become a sign in the entertainment industry.

Eden Hudson then brought good news. utube, which is a shareholder in the name of Evan Bell, has now entered a development track. It has been less than four months before and after, and it is already quite large. There are currently more than 5 million videos uploaded, attracting 3 million views every day, and this number has been quietly rising among video sharing sites. Evan Bell plans to inject 100 million US dollars to become the largest shareholder of utube, but the funds will be invested in batches and developed in a planned way.

Eden - Hudson and Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox contacts have also started, there is a meeting, talk very much. Especially seeing utube formulate a detailed development plan, the embryonic form of a future video empire is unfolding in front of you. Eden Hudson also specially asked Steve Jobs to talk about the cooperation between Youtube and Apple. Although Apple has no direct connection with movies and music, there are definitely many Apple fans, which appear on the Internet. The number of videos about Apple products is also huge. If Apple is willing to cooperate with utube to persuade major companies to open copyright sharing, establish an Apple channel and become Apple's new publishing platform, it will also be a win-win situation.

Although several company bosses are still holding a wait-and-see attitude, they still want to see the development trajectory of utube, but after the meeting with Eden Hudson, he still expressed strong confidence.

On the other hand, although the negotiation process between Teddy Bell and the film company encountered some setbacks, the progress was still very gratifying.

Unsurprisingly, Telescope Entertainment, the largest and most difficult company, directly rejected the acquisition proposal of Eleven Studios, and also rejected without leaving any room for it, as well as Lake View Films, "Million Dollar Baby" just did so at the Oscars. The scenery, they were very confident about the company's prospects after the turmoil, so they simply gave Teddy Bell a closed door. In addition, no one at Walden Media left any possibility, and they have huge hopes for "The Chronicles of Narnia", which will be released at the end of this year.

Of the remaining six companies, two of them were ambiguous. They did not directly refuse, but they did not show interest. After Teddy Bell visited three times, he determined that the other party was only up for sale and lacked sincerity, so he excluded them. . At present, Teddy Bell is focusing on talking about the remaining four companies. The Studio Company, the New Market Film Company, the Roadside Scenery Film Company, and Conch Films, a leading film company established less than a year ago.

After more than three months of negotiations, Teddy Bell believes that the New Market Film Company is the most sincere. Because of the relationship between works such as "Death Illusion" and "Memento", the atmosphere of the negotiations between the two parties is also very friendly. Three other companies also showed a tendency to sell. But that's what happened in the shopping mall. The negotiation of Universal Pictures' acquisition of DreamWorks has been a tug of war for nearly four months. Although Universal Pictures is currently the only acquirer, and DreamWorks is also unsustainable due to heavy debts, both parties It is constantly seeing and seeing, and the source is one word: interest. Therefore, before the last minute, the contract is confirmed in black and white, and everything is possible in the mall.

Evan Bell sat on the floor near the balcony in the hall. The floor-to-ceiling windows filtered out the hot sunlight, but only allowed the bright sunlight to illuminate the whole room. Evan Bell has been thinking about how the script for "Little Sunshine" should be shot, and he has a lot of images in his mind because the story itself is a road trip story, which is one of his favorite things. Therefore, Evan Bell hopes to pick up the guide tube again and shoot this work in person. What he has to do now is to carve out every character and every detail in the story.

This time Evan Bell still doesn't plan to play. There is a brother in "Little Miss Sunshine". There is no problem for him to play, but Evan Bell still doesn't want to. First, the challenge of the role is not enough. Secondly, it is also because he wants to focus his energy on the director position, and does not want to lose sight of one another.

Sean Mayer's recent work is also very busy, because of the busyness of Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson, the contract renewals of "Doctor House" and "Grey's Anatomy" are all under pressure on him. It's been a treat for Sean Mayer, despite the hectic workload.

In fact, in the eleven studios, there is no doubt about the busyness of work, but the atmosphere of the company is very relaxed, free and lively. It is not so much to go to work, it is better to say that you are busy while playing, even if you are tired, there will be enough time and space. Relax. What's more, it's a job that I like, and it's even more fun to do it. This reminds Sean Mayer of Pixar Studios. Evan Bell has always said that working at Pixar Studios is a pleasure, so why not work at Eleven?

Skillfully walking up to the third floor of Eleven Princes Street, Sean Mayer saw Evan Bell sitting on the edge of the balcony, and the voice came out first, "Evan ,good afternoon."

This thunderous sound, even if you don't have to look back, you know it's Sean Mayer, no, and Abner Alfred. Evan Bell looked back and saw Sean Mayer standing on the edge of the bar, took out a can of ice water from the and started pouring it into his mouth.

"When did you come to New York? Isn't Los Angeles still busy?" Evan Bell knows about the renewal of the two new drama actors, but now he doesn't need him to continue to do it himself. Ten Although the studio is small, everything is in order.

"The talk is over. Come to New York for two interviews, and there is a plan for you to sign. Teddy and Eden are not in Los Angeles. I just came to New York and brought it over to sign for you." A large glass of water came over.

Evan Bell looked back, "Won't you pour me a glass too?"

Sean Mayer froze in place, "Oh, I'll pour it for you." But after turning back and walking two films, he realized that this is not Evan Bell's house? Why did the guest pour water for the host instead? Still, forget it. Sean Mayer walked over to the refrigerator again, took out a water glass and started pouring water.

"What plan? Is there any new action in Eleventh Production?" Evan Bell asked casually, putting the script of "Little Sunshine" on his knee.

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