Great Artist

Chapter 1019: hit

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"Do you need me to accompany you to the radio today? Teddy is worried that if you go by yourself, the fans at the door will drown you." Sean Mayer was not in a hurry to talk about the new plan, but started chatting. After handing the water glass in his hand to Evan Bell, he also sat on the ground next to him.

"The result is not the same whether you go or not. Anyway, it should be fine to drive the car directly to the underground parking lot." It's hard to believe that with Evan Bell's current status and status, he still has a lot of time to travel alone. Different from the grand pomp of those top stars when he works, Evan Bell has never paid attention to pomp and may have been used to doing it himself in two lifetimes, so even without the help of assistants and agents, he can organize his work in an orderly manner.

Evan Bell released "So Beautiful (u', the sixth single from "Three" following the Grammy Awards in February. This single once again created the miracle of last year's "Bad Day" and showed unparalleled dominance in the adult singles chart by sweeping.

Compared with young people under the age of 20, "so beautiful" is more suitable for young people who have some experience. They have experienced the cruelty of society and the ups and downs of love. Although it has not yet reached the precipitation after the age of forty, it has gradually moved towards Mature. For the glimpse in the song but reluctantly succumb to reality, they know it's all just a beautiful moment, they know the sigh of regret, they also know the blessing of the smile, the word "let go" is really new to them However.

On the cover of the single "So Beautiful," Evan Bell depicted the back of a pink wig in the crowd of a speeding subway train. This nebulous artistic depiction brings out the essence of the song: there are six billion people in the world, but I can only see this person. This kind of romantic feeling hidden in the bones. received numerous acclaim.

So after the song "So Beautiful" was released, it exploded with amazing sales potential and won the Billboard singles chart for four weeks in a row. And in the adult singles chart, it has no enemies for 12 consecutive weeks. This is already "Three"'s sixth consecutive number-one single after the previous single "Hey Life Girl (hey, The craze hasn't completely subsided and still remains in the top five on the Billboard singles chart "So Beautiful" "It has created such a good result, which once again proves the fact that the average quality of the album "Three" is slightly better than that of "Two".

Then in mid-April Warner Records followed up with seven singles "Only Tonight". The single cover is a lonely stand-up microphone. Under the dim light, it becomes more and more lonely. The song's staying power was a little weaker, and it climbed to number one after four weeks on the charts, only to stay at number one for a week before slipping to number two. It's also the worst single on the album "Three" - it's not fair to others that even the worst one still won the number one for a week.

The official release of "Night of the Ship" as the eighth single in the last week of May, the cover of the single was somewhat unexpected.

On an all black cover. Only a spot of light above the word "in" makes it possible to vaguely see the word and the rest is pitch black. completely black. Pick up the cover and use the reflective principle to look at it so that you can see the full text of "Ship at Night" and other words such as "Evan Bell". Evan Bell is really unconventional this time. No one has blackened the entire cover, and even the font is black. From a distance, it looks like a black lump, and I don't know what it is.

But people who have listened to the song will have a feeling for this cover. Evan Bell's insistence on the hand-painted style of the single cover. Not without reason.

The sales performance of "Night of the Ship" after its release was not strong, but it was better than "Only Tonight". The score remains strong. to the third week. That's where Sean Mayer came to find Evan Bell this week. "Ship Night Walk" is already No. 2 on the billboard. Everyone's looking forward to this single's results next week to see what it can do Whether to continue the Evan Bell-style miracle to continue to win the championship.

"One" has four No. 1 singles, "Two" has eight No. 1 singles If "Three" can once again create a miracle and win eight No. 1s, then what awaits Evan Bell is a series of historical rewrites. To this end, Warner Bros. has also arranged a series of promotional activities, hoping to make Evan Bell make history as soon as possible.

"Today's radio is even for the fan meeting the day after tomorrow. Teddy has an assistant, but I don't know how the scene is going. Come and help." Now Teddy Bell is running for Eleven Studio's distribution department. Evan Bell's He is in control of the itinerary himself, so he is very clear.

Sean Mayer nodded, "Teddy mentioned to me that I'll talk about it when I go to a meeting with them on the 10th." After speaking, Sean Mayer dropped the briefcase on the ground He drew out an agreement "Which of the production costs of this project needs your approval and after you sign it, we will start discussing specific cooperation matters with Fox."

Evan Bell put the script on his lap next to the agreement and took over the agreement "Who proposed the plan?" He's been running around filming "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" for the past few months and so many changes have happened inside the eleven studios, and he's too late I know one by one, so I don't know a lot of things.

"Teddy. He finally decided to make the show after meeting with writer Paul Schurring around January this year," Sean Mayer is still talking. And Evan Bell looked at the script in front of him, but he was a little lost. Not because the script wasn't good enough for Teddy Bell but because the script was so good it was a 100% hit.

There have been several waves before and after exposure to American TV dramas in China in the past life. The first wave was the "Growing Pains" in the early 1990s, which brought many people into contact with American TV dramas for the first time. This wave reached its peak with the appearance of "Friends". The TV series that aired for ten seasons before and after has become an indispensable part of many people's growth.

The second wave is the 2004 American TV series that entered the American TV boom with the appearance of TV series such as "Friends", "** City", "Lost", "Desperate Housewives" and "Grey's Anatomy". A new era and this wave peaked in 2005 with the advent of a TV series called "Prison Break." Evan Bell still remembers that although it has been almost 30 years since the two worlds added up, it is still vivid in his mind. At that time, after the broadcast of "Prison Break" in the United States, the domestic subtitle hobby group launched a fierce competition just to provide wonderful videos for American TV fans in the first time. That kind of pomp is just crazy.

Although the TV series "Prison Break" has not been officially introduced into China, its leading roles are all popular in China, and its leading actor Wentworth Miller is even more successful. One of the most sought after actors. After that, a series of American dramas have risen strongly, such as "Heroes", "The Big Bang Theory", "Criminal Minds" and other TV series have triggered super popular American dramas in China and entered a real heyday.

Last year, Eleven Studio produced two medical dramas "House" and "Grey's Anatomy", and the "NCIS" launched the previous year successfully occupied a place in the American TV series. But Evan Belvan never imagined that one day he would be able to hold the "prison break" plan in his hands and become a figure who controls his life and death.

It is true that this TV series that Teddy Bell excavated is the "Prison Break" that will become a big hit in the future. Now Evan Bell is holding Eleven Studio's budget statistics for "Prison Break". The production cost of each episode of "Prison Break" is as high as Two million dollars is not a small number. Consider that Evan Bell made less than $300,000 for "Mystery Skin" and only $7 million for "Crash", so it reached more than twenty in one season The "prison break" of the episode is so expensive that it is a headache. Therefore, after the Eleven Studio has completed the budget, it needs the signature of Teddy Bell or Evan Bell to take Of course, the current Eleven Studio is still relatively small, and there is no way to shoulder such a high amount of money. expenditure. Just like the three TV series produced before, "Prison Break" will also be a joint production cost between Eleven Studio and TV station. From what Sean Mayer said just now, we can know that Teddy Bell hopes to cooperate with Fox TV to produce this "Prison Break" with a very vicious vision.

Looking at the agreement in hand, Evan Bell couldn't help but sigh that Teddy Bell is indeed very unique now. Even without the advanced memory of his previous life, it is not easy for Teddy Bell to still have the courage to win this script. Just now Evan Bell listened to Sean Mayer's elaboration. In fact, the script of "Prison Break" is not optimistic.

"Prison Break" screenwriter Paul Schurling once submitted the script to Fox, but it was put into the cold palace. After a year, Paul Schurling went through several rounds before he was appreciated by Teddy Bell. I have to say that Teddy Bell's vision is getting better and better. Even without the help of Evan Bell, he still won the hit "Prison Break".

Outbreak asking for monthly ticket for subscription! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommendation, and your support for the monthly ticket is my biggest motivation.)

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