Great Artist

Chapter 1029: What is fanaticism

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What is the difference between 100,000 and 10,000? If you stand in a stadium of 100,000 people, there will be a difference. If you stand in a huge stadium with 10,000 people, it is a lonely piece; but if you stand in a scene of 10,000 people? So in addition to the human head or the human head, standing in the sky and looking down, you can only see a dense head, golden black, brown, red and brown... Various hair colors are surging, ten thousand and one hundred thousand people. The significance of it is actually not that great, and maybe it is said that 8,000 people believe it. Because in a limited space, crowded scenes will make people lose the subjective judgment of numbers, and the result is: a group of people.

Of course, if you take a helicopter to see from the top down, after 10,000 people are crowded, there are 90,000 people who fill the surrounding streets and alleys, then you can still distinguish the difference between 100,000 people and 10,000 people. However, standing on the center stage, due to the limitation of height, there is no way to see in detail how many people are there.

At this time, ebner-alfred on the stage felt this way. He only felt that all the people in his sight, let alone Washington Square, even the surrounding streets were filled with people. At most, it can accommodate one or two thousand people, but at this time, all the people are densely packed, and the stage is almost impossible to leak. He can't tell whether there are 1,000 people, 10,000 people, or 100,000 people in front of him. Na-Alfred began to worry about leaving after the show ended.

"Hey, hey, Andre, look, that sign is for you." EBNER Alfred shouted cheerfully to Andre Lindberg, who was checking the keyboard beside him, pointing not far away of a brand. The sign read, "Andre, my baby, I will always love you".

Andrei Lindberg glanced helplessly at Epner Alfred. Then ignore him. Abner Alfred was used to it for a long time and didn't care at all. He took his own drum stick and ran to Diego Ramos's side, "Diego. Diego, you See if you don't, there are quite a few brands with your brothers written on them."

Diego Ramos still responded, looking at Abner Alfred with a smile, his white hair was particularly dazzling under the light, "Ball of light, what are you trying to say. Now you want to tell me , there are many people holding your sign at the scene." Now, there are also many supporters of the extrajudicial fanatics, and every time they appear at the scene, they can always find a sign to support them. The four members have their own supporters, but the lively and cheerful ebner-Alfred has obviously won a lot of support.

Epner-Alfred laughed twice, not admitting it, but not denying it either.

Callisto Ramos, who was standing next to him, leaned over. "That's because Teddy doesn't want to stand on the stage. If he comes out, it is estimated that the scene will be killed in seconds." This time. Abner Alfred was gone in no time.

Diego Ramos said with a smile, "Ebner just wants to enjoy the cheers, so you can let him go. After Evan goes to film, he will be bored for a few more months, which is pathetic. ." Diego Ramos's words did not have any consolation effect, which made Abner Alfred completely want to cry.

"Abner! The countdown is about to start, go back to your position." Andre Lindbergh's voice came through the noisy shouts, and the audience hadn't really exploded at this time, so the shouts were intermittent, Not too loud. They can still be heard more clearly.

Abner Alfred looked back at the steps on the side of the stage, where Evan Bell was already preparing, and couldn't help but hurried to sit behind his drum set.

At the signal of Andre Lindbergh, Epner Alfred began to play the low jazz drum, the drum beat of "dong dong dong" getting faster and faster. Then cut into the sound of the bass drum, the heavy rhythm drum beat is like a countdown, indicating that the performance time is getting closer and closer.

The humming and low voices of the audience began to gather little by little, the sound was like the noise of a plane preparing to take off, the turbulence of the engine//The fastest text update--no advertisements//It was suppressed in the chassis, but it contained with enormous energy. As the drum beat increased little by little, the sound gradually became more complicated. Countless heat gathered in Washington Square, making the air pressure lower and lower, and the beat of the heart began to speed up involuntarily.

When the drum beat reached a peak, the lights were all turned on with a bang, turning the blue-black sky into daytime in an instant, and the figure of Evan Bell in the center of the stage appeared there. All the energy found its vent at this moment, just like a dam that has experienced a long rainy season. As soon as the flood gate is opened, the water flows forward like a galloping horse. The screams, cheers and shouts of all the audience converged into a stream of water, which quickly covered the entire stage with the momentum of a ferocious flood. In less than a second, the entire Washington Square was submerged in the shouting. The earthquake that accompanied the "flood" made the stage tremble slightly, and even the surrounding buildings seemed to be crumbling.

With a wave of Evan Bell's right hand, the magic sound of Andre Lindbergh's DJing sounded, and Abner Alfred carefully controlled the drumbeat in his hand. Just a rhythm, many people on the scene shouted the name of the song, which is a "catalyst"!

Evan Bell's voice was integrated into the blood-squirting melody, "God bless each of us, but we are sinful husks living under the barrel of live ammunition, no one can escape the fight, never It's over, I can never stop fighting, I can never stop, no!" When he sang the last sentence, everyone in the audience collectively shouted, "No!" That kind of earth-shattering momentum made Manhattan Island begin to shake.

In the melody that is gradually moving towards high, the scene is like a volcano that is erupting, and it has reached its peak little by little. Everyone raised their right hands, and then beat the rhythm with Evan Bell's voice. Countless hands stood under the night sky, like a dense and exuberant forest, or a matrix of rifles. That majestic momentum pushed the heat of the scene to a new height.

"Let me sublimate, set me free (,)!" The tune suddenly slowed down, Evan Bell sang the most tender part of the song, and the audience sang along with Evan Bell's voice, "Let me Sublimation, set me free!" This is the voice of three thousand, eighty million or ten thousand people converging together, and the sound of this collective chorus even drowns out the sound of the speakers. Evan Bell's voice was like a beacon in the endless sea, leading the audience to slide to the other side together.

"Let me sublimate! Set me free!" Everyone was singing, and everyone was unleashing their enthusiasm. The dense sea of ​​people suddenly turned into a red ocean, shrouded in a layer of golden light. Below, not the red of magma, but the red of enthusiasm. That bright red is like a silk satin, which has become sacred because it is dyed with a layer of gold. The silk and satin dance without wind, just like the sea level is constantly making waves. That sentence "Let me sublimate! Set me free!" is like the loud noise of the waves hitting the rocks. The resonance that reverberates between the heaven and the earth excites an unparalleled momentum, which reverberates in everyone's heart and mind for a long time.

Even if it wasn't Washington Square, anyone standing in Greenwich Village could hear the uniform chorus, the madness that ignited the enthusiasm in the blood, and began to spread around Washington Square.

The chorus of "Let Me Up, Set Me Free" became the background accompaniment, and Evan Bell sang under this accompaniment, and then sang, "God bless each of us, but we live in the barrel of a live ammunition. Under the evil body, no one can get out of the fight, it will never end, it will never stop fighting, it will never stop, no!" Originally, this accompaniment should have been done by four extrajudicial fanatics, but now, their The voices also merged into the chorus, together to accompany Evan Bell's brightest and most sacred singing, and all the emotions reached the highest.

"No!" This roar carried the energy to tear the night sky, and it exploded like an atomic bomb. The audience fell into a state of frenzy, and even standing quietly in Greenwich Village, one could clearly feel a heat wave rolling in from Washington Square. The momentum is amazing!

Evan Bell only used one to bring the atmosphere of the scene to the highest peak, he raised his right hand, like the king standing at the top of the world, everyone on the scene was His subjects, following his command, all the noise stopped for a moment. Then, Evan Bell's right hand waved again, and Abner Alfred's drum beat sounded, "In the Mood for Love"!

The enthusiasm that had just cooled down at the scene began to accumulate strength again in the meticulous jazz drum beats of Abner Alfred. Evan Bell's clear and bright voice once again replaced the scene into a carnival world, swaying freely. Youth, enjoy enthusiasm, release madness...

After the performance of two consecutive songs, the enthusiasm on the scene has broken the table, just like the hottest summer in Miami, everyone found that it was only ten minutes, they seemed to be exercising for an hour, and they were sweating profusely. dripping. Evan Bell, standing on the stage, with sweat on his forehead glistening under the lights, used two songs to explain to everyone vividly and in detail: What is fanaticism!

Raising his right hand, the king of the world's peak once again sent an instruction, "Welcome to the night that belongs to you! I am Evan Bell who is responsible for serving you tonight, please enjoy!"

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