Great Artist

Chapter 1030: ship at night

1030 Ship at night

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Standing on the stage, Evan Bell seems to have the command bāng to control the world. He can easily mobilize all the enthusiasm in everyone, and he can also break into the deepest part of everyone's heart without hindrance. In softness, he can also inject the most real and moving emotions into everyone's blood through the melody. [This chapter is updated for you by netizens]

All the lights on the stage were dimmed, only a soft light fainted where Evan Bell was standing. The keyboard sound in Andre Lindbergh’s hand was like a spirit of the night, dancing lightly, Evan- Bell's voice is like the stars in the sky, with a dim light that is not bright, but it tore apart the thick ink of the night little by little, that voice like the sound of nature, under the cover of black color, like a thin smoke Spreading under everyone's feet, "It's like a ship sailing at night, you and I pass by, we're just spending time trying to prove who is right, if the wind breaks làng to the sea, if it's just you and I trying to find a ray of light ."

This song "Ships at Night" is actually not conspicuous in the album "Three". After all, this is a very high-quality album. You can choose from ten songs, which will indeed make people pick out. However, only when I am myself Appearing in Washington Square, and hearing Evan Bell's moonlight-like cold voice wrapping himself, can I truly appreciate the charm of this song, the kind of loneliness that seems to be absent, just like the blooming tan in the dark night. huā, blooming without a sound, only gave people a glimpse, and then withered in front of their eyes. The beauty that was released in that moment made people stunned, but then it was swallowed up by regret.

"Like a ship sailing at night, you and I hurt each other, say what you really think and cause a quarrel, my words become cannonballs, heading south. You drive the car down the driveway, but I'm still lying on the sofa, reminiscing The nightmare you had in fifth grade, trying to believe that your silence was justified. We'll be fine because I'm not leaving.

It's like the scene you saw when you were fourteen. Now it's gone. Your dad stays where you are, but your mom has left. How many parents will make the marriage go smoothly? We're just trying to find a heart that will never betray ourselves. "

The keys under Andre Lindbergh's fingertips jumped in his heart, light and lively, like the most elegant ballet. The notes that wrapped around his ears and lingered in his heart were like a wisp of soft smoke. Silently, let us involuntarily mí lost. Close your eyes and comprehend the emotions in the melody with your heart, and the world suddenly becomes brighter: on the endless sea level, only your own canoe is floating, drifting with the current, but the loneliness will be bit by bit. Eat yourself clean.

"I dim the lights and walk through the hall alone, we can feel each other, so close but out of reach. It's like a ship sailing at night, you and I pass by, we're just spending time trying to prove who's right Yes, if you ride the wind and sail to the sea, if it's just you and me trying to find a ray of light. It's like a ship sailing at night, you and I pass by, you and I pass by."

Evan Bell's voice is not deliberately provocative, let alone decorated hypocritical, just the simplest and most simple singing, but when the voice, melody and lyrics are combined, it is so perfect that people want to cry. In a trance, I felt that I was in a sea of ​​people, no one else existed, only myself, and the voice of Evan Bell accompanied, the world suddenly became extremely empty, and the space was scary.

"Papapa", there was a uniform rhythm in my ears, and when I opened my eyes, I could see that both Evan Bell and the extrajudicial fanatic on the stage raised their hands and beat the rhythm with their hands in the air. Over Washington Square, both hands were raised, "Crack! Pah! Pah!" The voices gradually merged into a sea, and the neat and crisp rhythms returned to dàng over the square, and the heartbreaking loneliness became more and more cold. .

Just in the middle of the beat, Evan Bell whispered, "I'll find my way, all the way to you. I'll find my way, all the way to you.

e, the loneliness flowing in the heart, dissipated little by little, turned into a power called "persistence", and made everyone's heart stronger again.

The ship travels at night, without the guidance of the lighthouse, and can only pass by. A brush with each other is a lifetime. Only by turning back to find the direction and chasing forward firmly can you find your own happiness. Perhaps, this is the true meaning of Evan Bell's creation of this song.

Evan Bell's singing stopped, and it melted into the night little by little; the applause at the scene stopped, and it melted into everyone's hearts little by little; the accompaniment of extrajudicial fanatics stopped, little by little The ground was melted by the enthusiasm of the scene.

"Someone asked me why I like live performances so much. Every time I hear this question, I say, it's because you haven't been on the stage." Evan Bell said into the microphone, and the stage lights turned on again. When I got up, I could clearly see the bright smile on Evan Bell's face, "As long as you stand on this stage and feel the enthusiasm of the audience and how close you are to the audience, you are sure I will fall in love with this stage. Music is a very magical thing, using the stage as a bridge, with notes and lyrics as a medium, to connect different people in this world together, let us communicate in a wonderful way , it's a communication from the heart from the soul. So, I like live performances, I love live performances. How about you?"

For Evan Bell's question, the scene answered with the most direct "ah", the continuous screams, although only the simplest syllable, converged into a huge hurricane, enough to The sea of ​​​​people set off a stormy làng.

For Evan Bell, today's song mí meeting actually doesn't have that much additional meaning at all, and neither the historical record nor the bulletin board milestone is the most important. The important thing is that he loves the stage and every performance. He just wants to enjoy the time he spends with the singers today and the process of communicating with music. So Evan Bell won't be on stage foolishly urging everyone to buy the single "Ship Night", won't be able to promote it to win his twentieth number one single as soon as possible, won't show tonight The theme of the song is "distorted", he just wants to sing for everyone, that's all.

"Raise your right hand, okay?" Evan Bell took the lead in raising his right hand, and although he didn't look back, he still said directly, "Abner, forget it, it's not a good habit to play drums with one hand. "The whole audience burst into laughter, "The following song is the last song tonight, let's play the rhythm together. Listen to me sing, 'Hey...hey...' You know what song this is. ?"

There is no accompaniment, only Evan Bell's clear voice is gentle under the night sky, but it is just these two simple hums. Everyone knows what song this is. It was officially released at the end of last year and has become the most popular song in the first half of this year so far. The popular single "Hey life nv child (he


Sure enough, the guitar in Diego Ramos's hand began to play the rhythm immediately, and Evan Bell's singing followed, "I have your chún print on my left earlobe, I know I I will never forget you, so I let myself fall on you. You are shrouded in the sweet moonlight, and that fragrance appears in every dream of mine. When we met, I decided that you were my destiny. "

There is no doubt that this is the most tidy chorus of the entire audience today. When Evan Bell sang the chorus, the accompaniment stopped and the scene sang neatly, "Hey, nv boy in my life, you a little Not like the mister mister band on the radio, you know your gestures are so otherworldly. Hey nv kid in my life, I don't want to miss any of your every move tonight, hey...hey... "Evan Bell also took the microphone farther away, and became like a general audience, playing the rhythm with his raised right hand, and singing the chorus part with everyone.

How many people are there? No one counts, some say 5,000 people, some say 12,000 people, and some people say 2,000 people, but no matter how many people there are, when everyone sings a song together, the sound is absolutely spectacular. of. The brisk country rock, in the night sky of New York, awakened the desire for road travel in everyone's body, longing for that freedom, that chic, that wanton.

When the chorus ended, the accompaniment of the band played again, and Evan Bell's voice came out of the microphone The audience stopped singing in a tacit understanding, and just waved the beat with their raised right hand. . The neat rhythm làháo is like an endless paddy field in autumn. A gust of wind blows, and the magnificent rice làng is laid out in front of you. Such a scene made Evan Bell's adrenaline burst rapidly, and his singing became more and more free and wanton.

This is destined to be a special night, it is destined to be an unforgettable night, and it is destined to be a sleepless night.

Evan Bell once again gave a classic performance in Washington Square, whether it is the classic "Huā Love Catalyst Hey, Life nv Child" and other released singles, or the "Ship Night" that is hitting the charts. Wen-Bell showed everyone the charm of live singing in the most direct, vivid and spectacular way.

It was definitely an aural and visual treat for the audience in attendance! As for whether the "ship at night" can create a historical record, is it still that important? It seems not. Because, no one will care whether Evan Bell can create a record, the beauty of the scene is the most important. What's more, Evan Bell is only twenty-two years old, releasing his third album, and he is one step away from the historical record. Does anyone think he can't break this record?

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