Great Artist

Chapter 1032: Director's new work

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Sixteen months have passed since the completion of "Mysterious Skin". During this long period of time, Evan Bell has been busy on and off, but apart from the "Brokeback Mountain" and the many expectations that made countless people fall short of the glasses In addition to the "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel, Evan Bell seems to have no movement in the direction of the director.

The media couldn't help but wonder, whether Evan Bell, who has taken a place in the director position with "Love Notebook" and "Mysterious Skin", is just playing tickets, or will he continue to launch new works? When June 2005 was buzzing with a series of new billboard records for "Ships Night (ght, Eleven Studios finally got the latest news: Evan Bell will be directing his third film Work, the minimum cost to produce "Little Miss Sunshine" invested 8 million US dollars, Evan Bell still will not play any role in the work.

"Little Sunshine Beauty"? What kind of work is this, everyone is confused.

Soon, the well-informed media found out that it was a work about family as well as a work about road trips. It's no surprise that everyone came to a realization. As we all know, Evan Bell attaches great importance to family. Eleven Studio is actually a family workshop. However, this time Evan Bell will use what perspective to interpret a family film. It is indeed expected. In addition, Evan Bell's preference for road trips is no secret. His experience of crossing the United States is widely circulated among fans. Now Evan Bell is going to shoot a road trip. It seems that It couldn't be more appropriate.

However, the "Premier" reporter Elliot Carter also inquired about something. For example, the script of "Little Miss Sunshine" has changed hands in many film companies, but everyone thinks that the story is too bland and there is no bright spot worth exploring; For another example, Focus Films hesitated, but in the end it was because the script was too ordinary. Unable to attract investment, the shooting plan was abandoned. In this regard, Elliott Carter's interpretation is "Evan has experienced the controversial 'mysterious skin' - including 'Brokeback Mountain'. A work that is urgently needed to restore the audience, a road movie depicting the warm feelings of the family, It was a really good choice. But we were skeptical that Evan could really make a 'bland' work come up with something new."

It seems that "Premier" and Evan Bell's tit-for-tat strategy has not changed. They are still trying their best to interpret everything about Evan Bell from a negative perspective. Of course, this strategy works for them in a highly competitive media market. Steady occupy a place, why not do it.

For the media's reaction, Evan Bell did not explain too much, and he must devote all his energy to the work of "Little Sunshine". As for the work, whether it is a mule or a horse, we can only talk about it when we take it out.

New Mexico is located in the southwestern United States, on the border with Mexico. It is a transportation hub in a heart location. The north-south interstate runs north all the way to Canada and south all the way to Mexico; the east-west highway connects California and Texas. It takes less than five hours to drive from New York.

This is a very special state where Indian and Spanish cultures are intertwined. Alien culture is also deeply rooted, and the legend that the world's first atomic bomb was born here, and Microsoft was born here, has given New Mexico a place in history textbooks. Of course, because of its border with Mexico and convenient transportation, New Mexico has also become a gathering place for many drug dealers. The rampant drug dealers have made this land covered by red rock cliffs, deserts and cacti a breeding ground for crimes. 's source.

The University of New Mexico, Kirtland Air Force Base, Sandia National Laboratory, and the Petrified Forest National Historical Museum are located in Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico.


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Albuquerque is not a paradise, on the contrary it is more like a dark birthplace in the middle of the desert, deteriorating air quality, strained water supply, eroded natural environment, rampant drug dealers, high crime problem, transportation hub The mix of people...all of which makes Albuquerque a terrible place to live. But at the same time, cheap land, lower taxes. And let many industries naturally start to develop around Albuquerque. Especially because this is a transportation hub, and the industry that provides peripheral services for passers-by is growing rapidly. Last year, Albuquerque's growth rate entered the top ten in the United States, and of course, the worst is also estimated to be among the best.

The story of "Little Miss Sunshine". It happened from Albuquerque as a starting point. Evan Bell set off alone from New York and drove to Albuquerque. Teddy Bell, Eden Hudson, and Sean Mayer have all been out of work recently, so they just sent an assistant team to Evan Bell - of course, the film's production team has arrived in Albuquerque early, Start preparatory work.

When the sun just rose, Evan Bell drove the iron-red Chevrolet that had not yet retired and embarked on a road trip again. A road trip is a wonderful thing, every time you can take a different road to your destination, just like all roads lead to Rome, the scenery you see will not be the same every time; even if you take the same road, because It varies depending on the time you pass by, who you travel with, and your mood changes. Watching the city, farmland, beach, Gobi, wasteland, forest, and stream keep retreating on both sides of the car, listening to the sound from the radio, humming along happily, and letting the thin morning sun outside the window shine little by little Into the cab, the mood is easy to light up.

After a four-and-a-half-hour drive, Evan Bell drove briskly all the way, and wrote a melody on the way, but because he was driving, he hadn't sculpted the lyrics yet. Road trips are indeed very suitable for creation, the original song "Tianguang (i

ent wasn't created during a road trip.

When we arrived at the crew, there was still a long way to go before lunch. As soon as Evan Bell got out of the car, a staff member greeted him. Evan Bell wore the simplest dark blue jeans today, with a blue-gray ripped T-shirt, looking tattered like a tramp and a bit like a depressed underground musician, but The staff of Eleven Studios have long been accustomed to the style of Evan Bell, and naturally they will not make a fuss.

The staff who participated in the filming of "Little Sunshine" were all members of the original "Mysterious Skin", and the "Lian Lian Notebook" crew was split up, some to prepare for the shooting of "High School Musical", and some to prepare for "Prison Break" "It helped. The staff of Eleven Productions are still not enough, so they can only carry it for a while.

Michael Amter greeted him sweating profusely. It has been ten months since he persuaded Evan Bell to buy the shooting rights of "Little Sunshine" in Dubai last year, and now the film is finally put into shooting. But for Michael - Amter, all is not important, what is important is that his smug work is finally going to the big screen.

"Evan, is everything going well on the road?" Michael Amter looked very energetic. Although there was no obvious smile on his face, the expressions on his brows, the corners of his mouth and his eyes clearly showed He was full of energy. This is a world of difference from when we encountered it a year ago.

Evan Bell nodded with a smile and took the warm water handed over from the side-this is the habit Teddy Bell left for Evan Bell on the set. Be sure to drink warm water and maintain your stomach. "This is good for me. It's all too familiar. It's a pity to arrive at the destination before the drive is in the state. It seems that I can enjoy the road trip together with the entire crew. "

The filming in Albuquerque consisted of two locations, one was the hospital and the other was the house of the protagonist Hoover's family. Now Evan Bell is standing in front of the rented house. Evan Bell was not in a hurry to go indoors, but patrolled outside, chatting with Michael Armit about the progress of the crew's preparations, while observing the furnishings around the house.

The Hoover family is a middle class - a middle class that is on the verge of bankruptcy. The economic situation of their family is not described by actual lines in the movie, but is more conveyed through the decoration of the room, the state of the furniture, the choice of supplies, etc. , including each person's clothing, vehicles, appliances, these details can clearly outline the family situation. To this end, Evan Bell also specifically discussed with Michael Armt and wrote a biography for the Hoover family, which introduced the family situation in Although it will not be included in the script, it is It is still distributed to the crew and actors, I hope everyone can have a deeper understanding of this work.

From the current point of view, the preparation of the props group is in place. After the filming of "mysterious skin", these staff members have long been accustomed to Evan Bell's invisible preparation work on the screen. Don't look at Evan Bell's usual giggling and approachable appearance. If he is not serious at work, he is definitely dead. On the contrary, if he is serious enough in his work, even if he is casual at ordinary times, Evan Bell will not care at all. He is even very happy to see the happy situation of the crew.

"Are all the actors here?" Evan Bell walked into the house from the garage, where two Hoover cars were parked, crowding the garage.

"Everything's here, it's rehearsing, you're going to see them now?" Because it's ready to start tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the crew is now fully ready to go.

Evan Bell shook his head. "They are working. If I disturb what they are doing, just stand by and watch."

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