Great Artist

Chapter 1033: character mining

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In front of an ordinary dining table, six people sat together. /--/ --Advertisement Full text This is the six members of the Hoover family. Father Richard, mother Cher, eldest son Dwayne, youngest daughter Oliver, uncle Frank, and grandpa.

At this time, Richard and Cher were sitting at opposite ends of the table, Dwyane and Frank were sitting beside Evan Bell and Michael Amter, and Grandpa and Oliver were on the opposite side. There was no cooking on the table, but a pile of scripts. They were holding their own scripts, apparently doing rehearsals.

In this family, everyone has their own problems.

Richard is a failed speaker, he admires his nine-step rule of success, he despises losers, and he wishes he could publish a book and achieve real success. Every day at home, he nags the nine-step success rule, trying to instill his philosophy into everyone in the family. But the truth is that no one wants to listen to his speeches—even his family, publishers who refuse to answer his calls, and he's teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.

Cher is not a good wife, nor is she a competent mother. She is busy with work and neglects her two children. She doesn't know anything about cooking. She is in a difficult period of quitting smoking... and the family's difficult economic situation is making her devastated. Her marriage to Richard appears to be in trouble.

Dwayne is in a rebellious period, he hates everyone in the family, it should be said, he hates everyone around him, he aspires to be a pilot, but his parents do not agree. He chose to worship his idol Nietzsche, and he expressed his protest and insistence with a silence, for which he has not said a word for nine months.

Frank, Marcel Proust, a Proust studies scholar - author of "Reminiscence of the Lost Years", fell in love with his student: a man. But instead of him, his students fell in love with his greatest rival, another Proustist—also a man. then. His rival in love also took away the honor that should have belonged to him, so he chose to commit suicide. Unfortunately, this attempt still failed, so he was taken over by his sister Xueer to stay at home temporarily.

Grandpa is very old this year. He thinks that since he has reached the end of his life, he should enjoy every moment of life to the fullest, so he has unbridled one-night stands with women, and is addicted to drugs. In the world of drugs, he spends his life willfully like a child Last time.

Oliver is ten years old this year, and her greatest wish is to be a beauty queen as beautiful as Miss America, and fortunately. -/ --Advertisement Full text She has a chance to participate in the beauty pageant finals of "Little Miss Sunshine".

Each of the six people has their own problems, and there are countless contradictions between them, but they are not willing to spend time listening to other people's problems. Therefore, the dining table at home has become a battlefield for quarrels. The dining table is also the most important scene in the opening phase of the movie "Little Sunshine". Evan Bell must pass the dialogue and expressions between the six people. It's not an easy task to articulate the contradictory basis of a story without appearing confusing.

Evan Bell just stood silently at the door. Looking at the six actors who were rehearsing, his eyes finally fell on the little actor who played Oliver. Whether Oliver's role is brilliant or not will determine the entire tone of the movie "Little Sunshine", and the brightest ray of sunshine refers to Oliver.

The face of the little girl who plays Oliver is not unfamiliar. She once appeared in "Princess Diaries 2" and also in big production movies such as "Tian Zhao". This little girl who is only September this year is called Ah Bigel Braslin, like in his previous life, still appeared in the lineup of "Little Miss Sunshine". In fact. The actor picked by Michael Armit is as good as the one Evan Bell remembers, and it's a good start.

However, in fact, Abigail Braslin plays the role of Oliver, so don't worry too much, she needs to do. It is enough to understand the little girl Oliver's mind, and then perform in her true colors. Evan Bell once directed two children, Nathan Gamble and Zachary Gordon. He still has a little experience on how to guide children to act.

"Hey, look who's here, isn't this our director." Among the actors who were rehearsing, Alan Arkin, who played Grandpa, saw Evan Bell and couldn't help but stand up with a smile.

Evan Bell smiled helplessly, "Sorry for interrupting your practice." Although he is the director, he shouldn't interrupt the actors' practice.

"No problem, no problem, we are also tired from practice. Of course, if you allow, we can rest for a while." Alan Arkin said with a smile, and gave Evan Bell a hug before welcoming him. .

Alan Arkin, who is 71 years old this year, was born on Broadway and won countless praises as actors and directors on Broadway, and then moved to the big screen. He once won the New York film critic for "Where to Find Friends" The Association's Best Actor Award, and also won the Oscar nomination for Best Actor, and later works such as "People from the West" and "Miaoqin's Family and Pretty Enemy" are both word-of-mouth and box-office profitable works.

After introducing each other, Evan Bell moved a stool and sat down beside Abigail Branslin, Michael Armt sat down opposite, and the eight people sat around the dining table. it is good. Ellen Arkin passed the little **** the right and looked at Evan Bell, who was still the one who took the initiative to stir up the topic and said, "How, how did you feel when you watched our rehearsal just now?"

In fact, after Evan Bell filmed "Love Notebook" and "Mysterious Skin", there will be more or less rumors about his director's sexuality in the circle. Evan Bell never appeared during the formation process of the "Little Sunshine" crew. Today is the first time we met. Everyone is naturally very curious about what kind of style Evan Bell will have as a young director. .

Even if Alan Arkin doesn't talk about this topic, Evan Bell also intends to communicate with the actors. He is a director who likes to communicate with actors. He wants to know what the actors think. If possible, he will hope that the actors follow It is really impossible to perform with his own ideas, and he will follow his own ideas to awaken the inspiration of the actors little by little. Just like guiding Blake Lively in the first place.

"I only watched it for less than three minutes. If I want to express my opinion, of course I can only say that Paul played his best." Evan Bell only used one sentence to make the atmosphere in the room a little tense. Immediately cheered up.

Paul Dano is just a year younger than Evan Bell. He will play the role of eldest son Dwayne. Because this character was in a state of silence, there were no lines at all in the rehearsal just now, and there was no scene involving him, so he just sat there quietly. What's more, in the position that Evan Bell was in just now, Paul Dano's expression could not be seen, so Evan Bell said this. Naturally, everyone laughed out loud.

Paul Dano was also born on Broadway. When he came to New York to pursue his musical dream, he didn't want to but made a breakthrough in his acting career. His outstanding performance in the ** movie "Lies (.e won him the Best Debut Performance Award at the ** Spirit Film Festival, and the film also won the 2000 Sundance Film Festival Jury Award. He was much earlier than Evan Bell's debut. In 2002, Paul Dano became a regular member of the popular series "The Sopranos", which also made his actor more and more smooth.

"Greg, during rehearsal just now. I didn't see your confidence. Are you still confused about the role of Richard?" Evan Bell said to Greg Kinnear, who played his father Richard. arrive. Greg Kinnear, who once starred in "Electronic Love Letters", has had a tepid career as an actor. On the contrary, it has better results on the talk show. That's one of the reasons why Michael Armt chose him to play the role of his father.

Greg Kinnear was a little surprised and said hesitantly, "Actually, I still don't quite understand the nine-step rule of success." He still admitted his own lack of self-confidence.

Evan Bell nodded, "I don't believe in the Nine Steps to Success either." This made everyone laugh again. "However, Richard believes this. Even if we, including his wife and his Father and all of his family didn't believe it, but Richard firmly believed it, and he had to make himself believe it. Because only he believed it first. He can make other people believe it. If you pay attention, Richard It is mentioned in De's nine-step success rule that the difference between winners and losers is whether or not they give up. Richard is in a very difficult state, he knows this very well, because the number of the bank card can't be wrong . But he told himself that he couldn't give up, he couldn't give up, and he was unwilling to give up. He hated being a loser. Of course, from a certain point of view, he was also escaping the fact that he failed, because a person who doesn't know how to give up is a There can be no real success."

Greg Kinnear picks up another script on the table, it's a story about family members and origins, and it goes into great detail about why Richard came up with the idea of ​​the Nine Steps to Success, and why he did it. Unwavering belief. Greg Kinnear felt he should read it a few more times.

Steve Carell and Toni Collette, who were sitting on the side, looked at Evan Bell and couldn't help but be more serious.

Steve Carell, who once starred in "Ace God", has been acting for many years. Although he has not improved, he is at least a senior. This year's TV series "The Office" starring him will premiere, and he himself participated in the production and screenwriting. The movie "Forty-Year-Old Virgin" will also be released. This time he will play his uncle Frank.

Toni Collette, who plays her mother Cher, is also an all-rounder who has achieved good results on Broadway and in her acting career. In 1999, "The Sixth Sense" also won her an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress. She is also featured in "All the time", which won praise on the Internet.

It can be said that the actors present, except for Abigail Branslin, who is only nine years old, are all actors who are older than Evan Bell, which is no better than "The Notebook" and "Mysterious Skin" Evan Bell's directorship is definitely a challenge.

But from the current point of view, Evan Bell's performance is still very good, and he has a good start.

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