Great Artist

Chapter 1054: European and American cooperation

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The position of being a director and an actor at the same time?

When Evan Bell mentioned Bernard Isenger's proposal, he was happy on the one hand, it was great, so he didn't have to hesitate anymore, because Grenouille's role is very challenging, Whether it is to show the sense of smell through the attitude, or to show the inner changes of the characters, it is not easy. This challenge allows Evan Bell to feel the excitement in his blood; on the other hand, he is worried, Evan -Bell is very clear about how heavy the director's work is, and standing in the position of an actor, especially a work such as "Perfume", which is completely revolved around the male protagonist, which means that the entire crew will follow Evan -Bell's rhythm, the pressure of this double work makes Evan Bell worry that he can handle it well, not to mention it is such a difficult work to shoot ō.ńéτ

When Evan Bell first took charge of the director of "The Notebook", there was such an opportunity, but Evan Bell didn't think he could do both, so he chose one of the two. In the subsequent "Mysterious Skin" and "Little Sunshine Beauty", Evan Bell could play important roles, but he gave up all of them, because he knew how difficult the director's position was, and at the same time taking care of the director. , but also to give a wonderful performance, it is easy to take care of one thing and lose the other.

But what about this time? If it goes, "Perfume" is Evan Bell's fourth directorial work within three years. He is still very young in the director's position, of course, if it is an actor's position. Evan Bell is full of confidence, after filming "Brokeback Mountain". Evan Bell's grasp of the role has entered a realm, which is quite relaxed and comfortable. But……

Evan Bell's hesitation did not last long. He finally took up the challenge. Because the charm contained in the work of "perfume" is so charming. Whether it's a director or an actor's position, Evan Bell has countless pictures and details in his mind, which makes him feel like he can't wait, hoping that the work will start soon, and then he will sit behind the monitor. Watch yourself bring this fascinating story to life.

But no matter how eager Evan Bell is, he can't start shooting right away. Mainly because of the problem with the script, Bernard Isenger has already adapted the script before, but now if it is filmed according to Evan Bell's idea, some plots need to be added. There are still some parts that need to be revised, and this work is naturally handed over to Evan Bell. in addition. Bernard-Isinger had to start inspecting filming locations in major cities in Europe and make preliminary preparations, which also made it impossible for the film to be put into production immediately.

Before the sunshine in July had time to invade California, the media discovered such a hulu without pop-up windows and no advertisements//The best news, taking the lead in bringing the heat of summer to the newspapers and magazines.

Although "Perfume" tells the story of a serial killer, it is different from the infinite debate caused by "American Psycho", and it is also different from the **** theme of "Brokeback Mountain". In fact, "Perfume" has always been highly anticipated. .

Patrick Suskind's original novel can be called a miracle of German literature in the 1980s, absurd and ironic at the same time beautiful and wonderful. Through the exaggeration, imagination and magnification of the theme of smell, a single and superficial story about the olfactory myth is extended to the social and historical level in the deep layer of smell, and the profound connotation of the whole world is presented through the world composed of smell. Perfume as an odor carrier is not only a charming fragrance, wafting with the breath of love and harmony, but also the opposite of the corruption, stench, filth and ugliness of the world, and it has become a kind of person who can control the weak will and deceive the greedy people with sight. Tool of. The fragrance made by the male protagonist with the body fragrance of twenty-six girls can control the trend of the whole society. This is the real irony of the real world in the novel.

And Grenouille is not just a murderer, he represents a lack of self-marking, the loneliness of being socially isolated, the tenacity of a humble life, the memory of the experienced world, the hatred of worldly prejudice. He is the only special existence in this foul-smelling world, and through his control of perfume, he has successfully broken the shackles of social ethics and morality, and achieved control over this ugly world. Therefore, although the story of the novel takes place in the distant eighteenth century Paris, it still reflects today's reality with a certain perspective and allegorical ability that travels through time and space, and actually becomes a charming and sad allegory of modern life.

Indeed, Grenouille is a serial killer. He is a special day in a deformed and depraved social state. What he carries is ridicule, counterattack and teasing of the whole society. Love and hate, life and death, beauty and ugliness, birth and destruction, eternity and eternity... All these elements full of contradictions and conflicts are magically concentrated on Grenouille, exuding a fragrance that makes the real world deafening.

Through the "perfume" story, one is watching a story of a serial killer and a parable of reality full of irony. Therefore, no one will reject this story, but look forward to the day when this story can be presented on the big screen and sound the alarm to the world in a direct way.

Since the birth of "Perfume" in 1985, readers all over the world have been waiting for this novel to be adapted into a movie, but the wait has been waiting for twenty years, especially after the death of Stanley Kubrick," The adaptation of "Perfume" is like an impossible task, exuding charming charm, but always hanging high on the bounty list, no one can complete it.

Now, finally, twenty years of waiting has finally ushered in a result. "Perfume", produced by Bernard Isenger, directed and starred by Evan Bell, is finally going into production, which is tantamount to a Great news. Different from Evan Bell's skepticism when he took on "Brokeback Mountain", this time, the media couldn't wait to express their expectations for the serial killer's work of "Perfume". As for whether to expect a classic or a destruction, everyone has their own thoughts.

Elliott Carter used Stanley Kubrick's words as the headline, "It's an Impossible Adaptation." In this article, Elliott Carter did not directly target Evan Bell, but stood in the position of a "fanatic of the original novel" and expressed concern about the film adaptation. "Kubrick spent several years researching the 'perfume' script, but finally gave up. Whether it is the huge fragrance system in the novel, or the transformation of the protagonist Grenouille in the context of the times, it seems too much Magnificent and incredible. As an actor, Evan has achieved a lot of amazing achievements, but as a director, the experience of only three works is not enough for him to shoulder such a heavy responsibility. This makes countless novels fans expressed concern that, perhaps, it would be better if the film adaptation remained a dream."

Although Elliott Carter has drawn fans of the original "Perfume" into his own camp, trying to use the power of these loyal fans to attack Evan Bell, this method is generally tried and tested; but this time , Elliott Carter seems to ignore the chemistry between Evan Bell and "perfume".

"Perfume" was published in 1985. Most of the loyal readers of the novel are now over 30 years old. They are not the protagonists of the Internet denunciation wave, nor are they at the age where they will swear for a movie. They are willing to calmly express themselves. the opinion of. And most readers think that if "Perfume" is really going to be adapted into a movie, maybe Evan Bell is really a good choice.

The views of the famous French professional film magazine "Cinebook" represent the views of most loyal readers, "Bell, who has always had a special preference for pornographic movies, showed us his role in the excavation of characters and the carving of stories. The mature side and the background of a master's degree in psychology also make Bell have a convincing level in the anatomy of a novel with profound connotations such as 'perfume'. Paris, what kind of color will appear in Bell's hands, people are also looking forward to it. This may be the work that has been announced since 2005, and it is worth looking forward to. "

Evan Bell's personality in **** movies, as well as his academic background as a top student at Harvard University, including his long-standing style of behavior, have made fans of novels cast a vote of confidence in Evan Bell~www Think Bernard Isenger couldn't be wiser. According to a survey jointly operated by Yahoo and "Facebook", more than 70% of netizens expressed their expectations for Evan Bell's version of "perfume", and the number of people who participated in the vote was as high as 500,000. Among them, more than half of those who have read the original novel of "Perfume" and expressed their expectations. This data also shows that the combination of Evan Bell and the "perfume" adaptation is still expected to be absolutely dominant.

Then, someone found the reclusive original author Patrick Suskind and asked him what he thought of this adaptation. Patrick Suskind was still short-tempered, and only threw out the sentence "I'll go to the cinema to watch it" and kicked the reporter out. But this sentence of Patrick Suskind is tantamount to an affirmation of Evan Bell. No matter what the finished film is, at least for now, Evan Bell's proposal to become the director and star of "Perfume" is a A flat river.

As a result, "Perfume" quickly became a well-deserved number one movie in the summer of 2005 that received countless attention before it was put into production. The cross-border cooperation between the United States, Germany and France is the first European and American cooperation work of Eleven Studio; Evan Bell is also a director and an actor, and his name can also be seen in the position of producer and screenwriter. Evan Bell's important works since his debut.

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