Great Artist

Chapter 1055: woman aroma

~Date:~Oct 23~

Today's update, please push the stubble, please count and read!

Although Eleven Studio has never cared about the media's "discussion" When Evan Bell took on the filming of "Brokeback Mountain", Eleven Studio really felt what is called a "hotline" and the telephone line will really get hot ; But after the news that "Perfume" is about to be put into production came out, the praise received by Eleven Studio was completely unexpected.

Originally, Teddy Bell thought that Evan Bell was going to play a serial killer and would be scolded by the media again, but now he saw a lot of praise. Of course, there are still a lot of violent remarks. After all, "Perfume" is a novel with countless fans, and it is very difficult to adapt. In addition, there was Stanley Bibrick's comment back then, that Evan Bell is still too young to complete such a difficult task, and there are many people. Therefore, excessive cursing remarks can still be clearly seen. But in general, the tolerance and expectation shown by the media and novel fans really surprised Teddy Bell. .

Whether it is the humiliation of "Brokeback Mountain" or the attention of "perfume", for Evan Bell, there is not much difference, he must devote himself to the production of works, only he puts all his effort into making the products well ,This is the most important. Of course, not to mention the script adaptation of "Perfume", Evan Bell was also busy with the post-production of "Little Miss Sunshine". ./

Evan Bell suddenly discovered that the year belongs to the music year, and he only filmed one "Brokeback Mountain" in the whole year; and the 5th year belongs to the film year, ending the shooting of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel, After completing the dubbing of "Ice Age iq," the filming of "Little Sunshine" was brought to an end, and now the production of "Perfume" is about to begin. Evan Bell couldn't help but wonder, when he ends this year, will he? will be schizophrenic.

After the negotiation between Teddy Bell and Bernard Isenger ended, and after confirming the proportion of the cooperation between Eleven Studio and Constantine Pictures, they flew back to New York directly with Evan Bell. Because July 1st is coming, it's Catherine Bell's birthday.

No matter whether there is time to accompany Catherine Bell for her birthday on July 1, the two Bell brothers' hearts to accompany their mother have never changed. Since the two brothers have enough time this year, Catherine Bell also stayed in New York, so naturally they have to get together.

However, when the Bell brothers returned to 11 Princes Street, they found that Catherine Bell seemed to have a plan.

On the third floor of No. 11 Prince Street, Catherine Bell was alone at this time. She was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the hall, sorting her hair. Catherine Bell wore a small rose red dress today. The bright colors of the clothes matched her skin very well, and those azure blue eyes added a touch of style. The knee-length length outlined Catherine Bell's beautiful figure. , with a pair of black lace-up high-heeled sandals on her feet, which brought out Catherine Bell's slender ankles. A sea-blue chain-link belt was tied around her waist, which immediately added a touch of slack to her clothes. A long golden hair is casually draped over the shoulders, and the slight curl is full of vitality.

Catherine Bell like this is rare. In fact, in the past two years, Catherine Bell's clothing style has gradually become clear, and a capable yet charming dress can always make Catherine Bell look radiant. But today's dress is different from the usual feeling of attending a fashion show or being interviewed by a magazine. The laziness with a little woman does not belong to the mother Catherine Bell, nor the designer Catherine Bell, but to the woman Catherine Bell. Bell's. …,

The two Bell brothers stood at the entrance of the stairs, a little silly. Evan-Bell can't remember how long it has been since she didn't see the word "woman" appearing on Catherine Bell. She has always been a mother, a strong and independent mother for the two Bell brothers, even if she opened up "Eleven". "After the brand, Catherine Bell is still not a woman. Today, Evan Bell saw for the first time the scent of a woman belonging to Catherine Bell.

"Hey, why are you back?" Catherine Bell turned around and saw the figures of her two sons standing at the entrance of the stairs like logs. She sat down on the sofa and leaned down to tie the straps of the sandals. The long golden hair slid down like a waterfall, and the facial features of the side face were covered with a faint golden color.

Teddy Bell coughed lightly, "Jin Ling..." But before he could say anything, he was snapped by one of Evan Bell's elbows, and Evan Bell went on to say, "I just finished the little beauty of sunshine. filming, and come back to rest for a few days.”

"Where's Eden? He didn't come back with you?" Catherine Bell did not notice the abnormality of the two sons, but asked normally.

"He's probably coming back tomorrow, there's still something going on in Los Angeles," Evan Bell said tactfully.

Catherine Bell was already dressed and picked up the black handbag on the sofa, "I have an appointment tonight, so don't cook your dinner at home, go out to eat." The two Bell brothers didn't say hello when they came back. Of course there is no dinner at home.

"Don't worry, we don't need it." Evan Bell said quickly, Catherine Bell had already walked to the stairs, kissed her two sons face to face, and then walked downstairs, Evan Bell seemed to think of something, "That Catherine she..." Catherine Bell stopped, Evan Bell paused, "It's okay, just a little thing about the Eleven brand, you can come back and talk about it. Enjoy dinner."

Catherine Bell showed a smile, then turned and disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

"Have you seen it? Catherine has put on makeup, and she has false eyelashes!" Evan Bell pressed his shoulder against Teddy Bell's chest and said incredulously.

Teddy Bell was obviously taken aback. "Really? I just noticed her lipstick. It's a bright color."

The eyes of the two Bell brothers met for a moment, and the two reacted at the same time, and immediately ran over to the balcony. Out of breath, he stood on the balcony, but the two big men stood on the balcony especially conspicuous, both of them squatted down and looked down through the railing of the balcony. Catherine Bell stood on the side of the street at No. 11 Prince Street. Before she could stand still, a man stepped out of a black car across the street, ran to the front passenger seat, and opened the door.

Seeing the figure of the man, the two Bell brothers blurted out at the same time, "Deboth Francis!"

Tonight's Debs Francis is obviously dressed in a prestige outfit. He is wearing a pair of black single provincial pants and a pair of black leather shoes. The top is a pearl white shirt and a smoky gray casual suit. The elegant bookishness is like blood Elegant and moving under the sunset. Catherine Bell walked over with a smile, the two hugged gently, and then Catherine Bell got into the car.

Deboth Francis stood where he was and adjusted his jacket a little, and it could be seen that he was very nervous♀ which made people laugh. Afterwards, Debs Francis took a deep breath before getting into the driver's seat and drove the car away from Princes Street.

The two Bell brothers were dumbfounded, and silently watched the car out of sight without saying a word. The ringing of the cell phone in Evan Bell's trouser pocket broke the silence, and Evan Bell picked it up. It was Eden Hudson, "Oh, don't worry, Catherine has another appointment. Just come back slowly, and be careful on the road." In order to celebrate Catherine Bell's birthday, in fact, Eden Hudson made a special trip back today, but he was a little late. …,

"Evan, Catherine and Di Bairen... are they dating?" Teddy Bell hesitated for a long time before he said.

Evan Bell pouted, "I don't think so. Judging from the expression of Dibbos just now, it is estimated that he arranged a special program to celebrate Catherine's day. If Catherine and Dibbos really started dating, they did not hide from us. Necessary, isn't it?" Evan Bell shrugged, then stood up, walked into the hall, and lay down directly on the sofa, "But in my opinion, there is a good chance that something will happen today."

Teddy Bell also came in, but he didn't rush to sit down, but went to the kitchen to find water to drink, "Evan, don't you think Dibbos is really too shy? He pursues Catherine so much. It's been a long time, why is there still no Who said there was no progress? Didn't you see the scent of the woman on Catherine today? This is something we have never seen before." Evan Bell Recalling the scene just now, I couldn't help laughing. It would be great if Catherine Bell could find her own happiness. "I think it may be more suitable for Catherine to be as tepid as Debs is."

Hearing this, Teddy Bell also stopped pouring water, and put the water glass on the bar ⌒ think about it, it is indeed the case. Catherine Bell's last time was like a moth to a flame and a stormy sea; but now, she has entered the age of starting with a dish, she no longer has the energy to be as vigorous as a young person, but this kind of plain waiting is more suitable. Besides, it didn't take long for the Edward Schmidt affair to end. God knows if Edward Schmidt is still coming to see Catherine Bell often, anyway, Catherine Bell never mentioned it.

Is it Edward Schmidt or Dibbos Francis? For this point, the Bell brothers did not mention it, because their ideas were all the same, and it was the most important thing to make Catherine Bell happy.

As for who it is, there is no difference between the two brothers.

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