Great Artist

Chapter 1056: website core

Today's second update, please push the stubble, please count and read!

Eden-Hudson has just returned from San Francisco, and he has been busy all the way. The busy running of the past four months has made him lose a whole circle, which has also made the originally cold iceberg temperament even more cold. Just as Studio Eleven has an unruly Evan Bell and a simple and honest Teddy Bell, everyone knows that Studio Eleven also has a poker iceberg-faced Eden Hudson. In this way, people can't look at their appearance, and everyone who has dealt with Eleven Studios will have a very deep impression on this sentence.

I don't know if it's because of the long journey or because I've been too tired for the entire cycle recently, Eden Hudson didn't have any expression on his face, and that kind of aura that no one should enter is almost directly on his head. Judd Karim and Stuart Chen, who were sitting beside Eden-Hudson, were completely trembling. The two sat in their positions honestly, motionless, and had no intention of speaking. Although they because utu

E's relationship with Eden Hudson has been around for a few months, but he is still not used to this big iceberg.

Fortunately, the distance from the airport to the city is not too far. The car stopped very soon, and Eden Hudson got out of the car neatly. Both Judd Karim and Stie Chen felt relieved. Now, because this super iceberg is finally leaving, they can go to the hotel where they live.

The two looked at each other with a hint of helplessness in their eyes. Originally, they thought that coming to New York this time would be a good opportunity, but they managed to let Chad Heli stay in Palo Alto, and the two of them got this business trip. Chance. But they didn't expect that after Eden Hudson answered a phone call at the airport, the entire popularity field dropped. If it wasn't for the outdoor sunset still very hot, they almost thought that New York was still in winter.

But before the two people exchanged glances, the door of the car opened again. "Don't get out of the car?" Eden Hudson's voice pulled the two back to reality.


Just as the voice of Judd Chirim came out, Eden Hudson disappeared first, and then they watched Eden Hudson skillfully open the iron door at the door and walked into the house . The sentence behind Judd Shilim, "I'll still be in a hotel", was automatically swallowed.

"Where is this place?" Judd Karim got out of the car and surveyed his surroundings.

Steve-Chen patted his companion on the shoulder, "Hey, there." Following the direction of Steve-Chen's finger, Judd-Karim saw the huge "Nine Princes Street" on the house number and they both understood Now, this is obviously the home base of Eleven Studios.

Carrying their luggage, the two also walked into No. 9 Prince Street. After leaving their mark on the glass wall, the two came to the conference room on the second floor and walked to the first room on the right. "Hell" room, the name can be a bit creepy. But after opening the door, I immediately felt that it was heaven inside.

The setting sun shone through the glass windows to brighten the whole room. The three young people sat on the floor beside the floor-to-ceiling windows. There were four plates of pizza and two beers on the floor. Evan Bell said with a smile, "Grass! I won't do such a perverted thing."

Teddy Bell, who was sitting next to him, was using a napkin to dispose of the residue at the corner of his mouth, and apparently just sprayed out the food directly, while Eden Hudson sat in the outermost position and pouted, "You are not going to act in a serial Killer, it's not much different from a pervert." That's the key factor that makes "hell" heaven, because the terrible low pressure on Eden Hudson is gone.

In fact, Eden Hudson was just curious about who Katherine Bell was dating, and made conjectures along the way, and **** Evan Bell deliberately didn't tell him. After arriving just now, Evan Bell didn't hang his appetite any more, and just said the answer, Eden Hudson's gossip needs were resolved, and he naturally relaxed. If Judd Karim and Steve-Chen knew the truth, their jaws would probably be gone.

"Hey, guys, welcome to hell. Come and sit down." Evan Bell saw the two people coming and waved to them with a smile. "You guys have come all the way from San Francisco, you must be tired, sit down and eat something. Stuff, take a break. By the way, I'm Evan, he's Teddy, just ignore this person."

Judd Karim looked left and right, put his luggage at the door, and walked over with Stuart Chen. "First time, I'm Judd Karim." "I'm Stuart Chen." Personally standing next to a pile of pizza, a little overwhelmed.

Teddy Bell noticed the discomfort of the two and said with a smile, "Just be casual, just use this as a university dormitory. Do whatever you like, follow your own habits. Evan just said that the sunset today is very good. Just moved in."

Only then did Judd rebuked Lim to notice that the conference room named "Hell" was not a conference room at all, but rather like their creative studio. There are only two long sofas in the whole room, and one is placed in the corner.

A removable whiteboard with a small table next to it, an Apple computer on it, and a projector. It is indeed a very relaxing place, even if it is used as a university dormitory.

"So, recently utu

How is the progress of e? "Evan Bell was holding beer in his left hand and pizza in his right, which was really comfortable and comfortable, which made the two newcomers who had just joined in a little less nervous and sat down directly on the floor.

"What are you asking about?" Eden Hudson replied stubbornly. He was eating pizza seriously, and because he was starving, he completely ignored Evan Bell's meaning.

"Am I going to ask about the technical aspects? You'd better not bother me with those complicated programming." Evan-Bell slapped his lips, as if it were a matter of course.

"Of course, who doesn't know that a computer idiot is your label." Eden Hudson complained quietly and went back.

Evan Bell ignored him and turned to look at Stuart Chen, a Chinese-American named Chen Shijun, who is a utu

One of the three founders of e, mainly responsible for the execution of the technical aspects of the second "Will the programming of the channel be difficult?"

Steve-Chen is two years older than Teddy-Bell, and he doesn't know much about the legendary Evan-Bell - after all, he is a technical nerd - but it is enough, he put the pizza in his hand. "Actually, the technical problems we encountered are not very big. The main problem is the application of channels, how to make netizens feel the convenience of channels without affecting the enthusiasm of ordinary netizens to upload videos. The channel plays the biggest role. That's what we're working on now. The programming of the channel is now complete, but after several tests, the general response is that it's too cumbersome to lose (

) browsing ideas, this is a serious problem. "

"Indeed, people are lazy these days, and they always want to use the simplest blade to achieve their goals." Evan Bell smiled, "Actually, your understanding of the channel is a bit wrong. It is an original video uploading website, you can watch your favorite videos and upload your own videos. The so-called channel is an additional service on this basis. You like this website, you like these videos, and then you want to be able to To be more precise in finding your favorite videos, or simply videos uploaded by your favorite podcasts, then you need to take advantage of the channel feature.”

Steve-Chen was immediately lost in thought, and it is conceivable that there should be countless thoughts running through his mind. Judd Karim, who was sitting next to him, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Mr. Bell...

"Evan!" Evan-Bell's voice interjected, and listening to others calling him "Mr. Bell" always made Evan Bell feel like he was at the negotiating table, or in a social occasion wearing a mask.

"Evan" Judd Shilim changed his name and paused before continuing, "You mean, when we open the website, the default is the grassroots channel..."

"No." Evan Bell interrupted Judd's rebuke to Lim again. "The default should be the original video channel."

Judd scolded Lim and lowered his eyes for a while, and then continued to say oh, "We can find our favorite videos on the page. If we want to find the exact publisher's video, or the exclusive channel's video, then The channel function will be used."

"Yes, the word is quite correct, functional. Channels are really just utu

It is only a function of e. In essence, the website is still a carrier for everyone to share videos. The channel function just makes sharing more purposeful. "Evan Bell is still not serious, the pizza in his hand doesn't match the content of the conversation." The original video is utu

The core of is not the original video, and there are other channels, which are the added value and value-added function of the future development of the website, but our foundation is still the original video, which will not change. Giving everyone the ability to share the videos they create and love is the heart of the site, isn't it? "

When Stuart Chen heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. It seemed that they had a poor understanding of this channel business before, which also led to confusion in their production and programming. Now it seems that, in fact, utu

The basic core of the website has not changed, and the channel is only a subdivided function.

"Evan, what do you mean, we should..."

Stuart Chen began to speak a series of professional words in a frenzy. But halfway through he said, he saw the very strange look on Eden Hudson's iceberg face, and the inexplicable smiles on Teddy Bell and Evan Bell's faces "What's the matter? I said Is it wrong?"

Evan Bell smiled, "No, I just don't understand it at all, I guess I've been to Boston just now and came back.

Outbreak asking for a monthly pass, asking for a subscription! Add more later. (To be continued

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