Great Artist

Chapter 1064: stop and watch

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"Fact-Fiction (t-n was released on August 22, the fourth Monday of August, as the ninth single from Evan Bell's "Three" album. Green Fiction m At this time, Evan Bell has already traveled to Europe to shoot "Perfume" for about a month.

In the past month, news about "perfume" has been flying all over the sky. The opening ceremony of the crew was unexpectedly very low-key. It was just that all the actors gathered in Paris and held a party. The news about the launch of "Perfume" was released, and everyone thought it had been in the preparatory state before. Immediately afterwards, the "Perfume" crew invited two-time Oscar winner Dustin Hoffman and British actor Alan Rickman, who played the role of Professor Snape in "Harry Potter". It was a sensation; then, it was said that the "Perfume" crew held a filming in Paris, and how many extras were mobilized; then the crew went to Provence and the ancient town next to Barcelona, ​​Spain to film...

This crew of more than 800 people is attracting the attention of European and American media all the time, and every move of the crew will become the object of attention. This is the most watched time after Evan Bell became the director. Although Evan Bell has long been accustomed to the attention of the media, and does not care about the attention of the media, the director's position is still different, and he must take into account the situation of the entire crew. Fortunately, Bernard Isenger, a big-name producer, has indeed helped Evan Bell a lot.

When the "Fact-Fiction" single was released, Evan Bell was still busy shooting "Perfume"♀ One single release, Eleven Studio and Warner Records once again adopted a different promotion plan, the single The digital downloads and physical albums are released simultaneously, and the music videos are released simultaneously on utube and TV stations.

At 9:00 am on August 20th, the single and the music video were unblocked at the same time and officially opened. Unlike in the past, people don't have to wait for the music video to be played on TV to hear it. You don't have to go to itunes to download a single to hear it. As long as you have a computer and open utube, you can see that the user named "Evan Bell" uploaded his first video. The name is "fact-fiction", and everyone can hear the song directly and see the music video this way.

All Evan Bell loyal fans, just stay home, can enjoy this music video. Everyone turned on their computers and watched the "fact-fiction" music video on utube. They fell into silence with the music, and their mood gradually calmed down.

at the same time. Like all the people sitting in front of the computer watching the music video, the biggest video billboard in Times Square in New York has also started to play the "fact-fiction" music video synchronously♀ It is still nine o'clock in the morning, people come and go in Times Square , so loud that it's hard to hear what sound is coming from the billboard. However, the faint melody, like the sound of nature coming from behind the thick clouds above New York, gradually calmed down the noise of the scene. People began to stop gradually, and their eyes turned to the big screen hanging on the building.

Fortunately, the "fact-fiction" music video doesn't just play once" and will be played over and over again for half an hour. As a result, more and more people stopped in Times Square, but strangely, the number of people who stopped was increasing, but the noise of the scene did not increase at all. It was like Central Park in Manhattan, " The word "Quiet" made an unprecedented visit to the crossroads of the world: Times Square.

On the screen, Evan Bell's simple music video is playing. Evan Bell seems to be sitting in the room at home, playing his acoustic guitar at will and singing softly. If anyone has seen Evan Bell perform on the streets of New York. You can feel that every time Evan Bell performs, he is so relaxed, immersed in the world of music, and communicates with all the listeners through musical symbols. The contagion spreads silently.

The lyrics of the song "Fact-Fiction" are not narrative style. But with romantic and poetic words, just like sweet words whispering in the ears of a lover, not necessarily the most gorgeous words, but they can go straight to the heart. Hear the opening line of the song, "Imagine a world without me and you start to fall apart," and the line, "Put on your best carnival costumes and smirk... She's in the twilight." It's just a vague figure, but the image in my mind is very clear..." The murmur-like interpretation weaves the poetry in the lyrics into a beautiful and moving picture.

Dripping through the stone. At this time, Evan Bell's voice seemed to be like this, like a trickle, without much power. Facing the noisy noise of the entire Times Square, it was watering slowly like a gentle rain, among the crowd. shuttle. One point, another point, echoing through the walls around the square, echoing softly in everyone's ears, and tapping lightly with everyone's footsteps. The kind of sadness that is concealed under the calm, wandering without rush and impatience, which is different from the impatience and noise of the big city, this kind of calm that calms down mania, excitement, excitement and depression, falling down drop by drop☆ In the end, a sea of ​​music was formed, making the entire Times Square quiet.

At this moment, the world is still [couples kissing at the entrance of the theater, street artists playing Chaplin in the corner, mother and son sitting on the stairs, white-collar workers in a hurry, travelers with bags on their backs, cleaning the streets The worker, the father who is on the run for his seriously ill daughter, the woman who just went through a breakup, the middle-aged man who didn’t wake up from a hangover last night, the taxi parked at the intersection, the hydrogen balloon floating in the air, the mouse running in the sewer... At this moment, the pause button was pressed.” The New York City, which was like being washed by torrents all the time, was suddenly frozen. The quiet power, centered on Times Square, made the city quiet.

Evan Bell's clear voice is like clear spring water, flowing slowly, washing the hustle and bustle of the city, and at the same time washing everyone's heart.

Should it be said that Evan Bell's scene is so moving, even magical? Or should it be said that "fact-fiction" is too powerful to hide the tenacity beneath the softness? Or should I say both.

Fact or fiction? In fact, this is our life. Many times, we can't tell whether our life is fact or fiction. Running around for money, running around for love, running around for a living, all this seems to be just to live to live, when "Alive" becomes a fixed word, not a fluid process, then everything loses its meaning and becomes a fiction stuck with facts.

The impetuous city will always make us lost, not only in this dense reinforced forest, but also in the busy daily hoeing work, and also in our confused heart. The fictional "she" in "fact-fiction" can be her as a woman, or she as a life goal and life dream. When we are lost in the cage of "life", we will I can't find the "she" who used to be alive and kicking in my heart.

This moment of sudden realization broke out in Evan Bell's clear voice. That rock-and-roll outburst was like a gradual life. At a certain day, at a certain moment, at a certain moment, it suddenly seemed like Like a bomb, it exploded.

Four minutes and twenty-one seconds, which is the duration of the "fact-fiction" song; five minutes and two seconds, which is the duration of the music video performed by Evan Bell. Five minutes, in one thousand four hundred and forty minutes of twenty-four hours in a day, is only a moment of less than three thousandths, and in a longer life, it is like a fleeting moment. a moment. But standing in place, listening to the melody and looking at the screen, Evan Bell's hand-drawn sketch builds a world, and then disappears little by little. These five minutes have left the bottom of my heart and my head blank, and my skin has surfaced. Small goose bumps appeared, and the whole person seemed to recall all his past life in a trance.

Stepping forward again, the guitar strings squeaked softly under the soles of the feet, like an air hammer, lightly beating on my heart. It doesn't hurt, and I don't even feel it clearly, but every time I touch it, the impetuousness, confusion, and sadness in my heart are quietly dissipated in the air.

Of course, Times Square can't really stand It's just that everyone's movements seem to have slowed down. People are still walking, but invisibly, there is something more in their hearts. I couldn't help but look back at Evan Bell, who was playing the guitar leisurely on the big screen. The extremely pure voice flowed into my heart, and then the corners of the mouth would draw an arc. , but more energetic. It's just that the curvature of the corners of everyone's mouth has different meanings, sadness, pain, relief, joy, relaxation, happiness, beauty, comfort... Everyone has a different understanding of the musical symbols that are still floating in the air. The same, it was completely released in Evan Bell's singing.

New York City is still the same, not much has changed, but the people who live in New York City seem to have bathed in the pure rainwater like the hair of a cow today, washing away the dust in their lives~updated first~clean. In fact, it's not just New York City. People who watch music videos on Youtube feel this way.

"Fact-fiction" is a kind of power, which is different from the power brought by simple muscles, but more like a kind of perseverance and flexibility, making one's heart stronger and stronger.

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