Great Artist

Chapter 1103: girl woman

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When the thin layer of obstacles was broken, Annie-Handwei completed her transformation from a girl to a woman. Like a fully bloomed rose, she proudly unfolded her dress and recklessly bloomed her own fragrance and beauty.

Annie-Handwei curled up in a hot embrace like a lazy kitten, the strong and well-proportioned muscles behind her passed through the skin of her back, every inch and every inch, which made Annie-Handan Wei suddenly became alert, she just wanted to turn her head slightly, but found that her hair was pulled slightly. Annie-Hanwei couldn't help but feel shy, and suddenly she didn't dare to move in her original position. She thought it was Evan Bell who pulled her hair.

But after waiting for a while, there was no movement from the man behind her. Annie Hanwei couldn't help but look back with courage. Evan Bell still fell asleep without the expected pair of blue eyes. Anne-Hanwei knew that Evan Bell had not been fully recovered from the cold these days, and his body was still a little weak. He did such an intense exercise last night.

Oh, God... Anne-Handwei thought of last night, she couldn't help but want to bury herself♀Everything seemed to happen quickly, but every detail was so clear in her mind. Ups and downs of mood, moving melody, soulful lyrics, and beer, moonlight, and then everything happens naturally. But what's next for her and Evan Bell? Evan Bell is still in a relationship with Blake Lively, how should she and Evan Bell correct their positions.

For a moment, Anne-Handwei wanted to be an ostrich again, but she soon gave up in frustration, because she knew that an ostrich could not solve the problem. If she kept avoiding the problem, maybe she and Evan Bell would be able to It's been so embarrassing. She doesn't have to be estranged from Evan Bell, and she can't even imagine how terrible it is to be a stranger with Evan Bell. But what to do with this? Is it just for one night?

Annie-Hanwei raised her eyelids. Looking at the handsome face in front of him, the usual unruly facial lines were softened a lot at this time. The handsome eyebrows, the thick eyelashes, the piercing nose bridge, the thin lips...the lips were a touch of pink, which was so tempting that one wanted to commit a crime. Annie-Hanwei was suddenly startled by her own thought, but then laughed again. It's usually men who think this way about women. She didn't expect that she would also play tricks on Evan Bell once, and the idea made her a little proud.

This proud, accidentally swayed her head again, only to feel her hair tugged again, Annie Handwei immediately looked around alertly, only to see that her hair was resting under Evan Bell's head. Anne-Hanwei pulled her hair and gently pulled it, but found that she didn't move, lest she would wake Evan Bell, so she settled down. Looking at his hair and Evan Bell's short and medium hair entangled, the entanglement of hair and hair, like two people's fingers intertwined.

hair knot. Anne-Hanwei didn't know what the word meant, but there was a sweetness in her heart that couldn't help turning upwards. Her eyes were on the place where her hair and Evan Bell's hair were tangled, and she looked at it seriously. Watch it slowly, and let the feeling of happiness fill your heart little by little.

Suddenly, Annie Hanwei wanted to understand, just like that.

Now that something has happened, face it bravely. Annie Hanwei knew that she loved Evan Bell, so clearly she had never before, that she loved Evan Bell deeply, and she was willing to stay by this man's side for the rest of her life. Just look at him quietly. Also good.

Happiness does not come by waiting. Instead, you have to work hard to fight for yourself, otherwise, happiness will always be one step away from yourself.

But what about Blake Lively? Anne-Han Wei's heart couldn't help but tighten. Annie-Hanwei thought of the current situation and the situation she may face in the future, her head could not help but go blank, only the helpless smile on the corner of her mouth.

"What are you thinking about?" Evan Bell's hoarse magnetic voice sounded softly in Annie Hanwei's ear, which startled Annie Hanwei. She immediately stepped back conditioned reflexively, not yet. Forget about holding the quilt to cover the spring light on your chest.

Unexpectedly, when Anne-Hand Wei stepped back, her hair was straightened, and when the hair tangled with Evan-Bell was pulled, both of them grinned. The hairstyle that looked so romantic just now looks messed up at this moment.

"Stop, stop." Evan Bell hurriedly stopped Annie Hanwei, who was ashamed and wanted to drill a hole, and then carefully peeled off the hair of the two people, which was regarded as liberating the two of them. Seeing that Anne-Handwei wanted to escape again, Evan Bell grabbed Anne-Hanwei's wrist, and then pulled Annie-Hanwei into his arms.

Annie Handwei found that Evan Bell's azure blue eyes seemed to have magic power, and she kept pulling herself to sink. On his chest, he listened to the powerful heartbeat with his left ear. Puff, puff, one click, another click, which made Annie-Hanwei's steady and powerful heartbeat quiet down.

"So..." Evan Bell's voice dragged a little long, making it meaningful. Anne-Handwei could hear the slight vibration in her chest, "We did it." After Evan Bell came to this conclusion, both of them were silent, as if they didn't know what to say. Because this is indeed a bit strange, the relationship between childhood sweethearts and sleeping in the same bed has changed, and the two people need a little time to get used to it.

The room was silent, only the breathing of two people could be heard. "Michelle and Thomas won't rush to my house and settle accounts with me." Evan Bell's joke broke the silence, causing both of them to burst into laughter.

Anne-Hanwei bit her lower lip with a smile on her face, "The two of them won't settle accounts with you. Thank God I finally have someone, and it's you." Anne-Hanwei's brother Michelle and Thomas, since he was a child, he felt that Annie Handwei couldn't marry because she was a man. They always encouraged Evan Bell to abduct and sell Annie Handwei, so thank God.

This joke made the embarrassment between the two disappear. The smile on the corner of Evan Bell's mouth has subsided. He is not a person who is used to avoiding responsibility, whether it is in the past or this life, because Evan Bell knows that he can escape for a while but not for the rest of his life, and escaping cannot solve the problem.

Evan Bell knew that he really fell in love with Annie Handwei, and that "Guardian Angel ( was actually his true inner voice, and he hummed it into a confession when he was not careful. When everything happened at night, he might be a little confused, but he knew exactly what he was doing and who was in his arms, so he knew what was going on.

"I don't regret it." Evan Bell said aloud, Annie Handwei's body shook suddenly, she couldn't help but raised her head and supported Evan Bell's chest with her chin, those big watery eyes full of water Is looking at Evan Bell in shock. Evan Bell raised his head slightly and placed a kiss on Annie Handwei's forehead, "I love you."

When Anne-Hanwei heard this confession, she only felt that her inner happiness had overflowed, her mind was blank, and only countless voices of "I love you" were echoing. Evan Bell confessed to her, Evan Bell and her thoughts are the same... In an instant, all the emotion, all the excitement, all the enthusiasm, all turned into tears in his eyes. Annie-Hanwei twitched the corners of her mouth, revealing a mocking but helpless smile, "Is it the kind of love like all your one-night loves?"

Evan Bell raised his right hand and touched Annie Hanwei's cheek lightly, but what he said next was not a love story, but lifted Annie Hanwei's face and took a deep breath, " You're pressing me down and you're almost out of breath, it's uncomfortable." Evan Bell turned over and fell on the pillow with Annie Hanwei, facing each other, looking at Annie Hanwei's face, looking at the stunned expression on Annie Hanwei's face, Evan -Bell laughed smugly. The two of them are too familiar with each other, and the numbness of love words is really not suitable for the two of them, "You know what I mean, I won't say it again."

Anne-Hanwei's emotion suddenly turned into gnashing of teeth, and she became more angry when she saw the smile on the corner of Evan Bell's mouth. In a fit of anger, she leaned forward and bit Evan Bell's shoulder fiercely. Immediately, Evan Bell's muffled voice came. But there is pain in this and more, there is a trace of inexplicable lust, "Little fool, it's better not to tease men in the morning, you know?"

Annie-Hanwei hadn't reacted yet, her teeth could not help loosening, and then she felt the heat from her thighs, and she started to look up again. Annie Hanwei immediately shrank back in fright, looking at the patience in Evan Bell's eyes, and Evan Bell's voice came from her ear, "If it didn't hurt you, this morning would definitely not happen. It will be like that.”

Listening to Evan Bell's words, Annie-Handwei only felt the pain all over her body surged up in an instant, accompanied by the passion of last night♀ that made Annie-Hanwei's cheeks red again. . "Last night, you said what you said when you held my back. Tell me again."

Annie-Hanwei was stunned, but she reacted immediately. She thought of her yelling last night, "Evan, I love you, I really really love you." No wonder Evan Bell didn't I confessed without asking myself what I thought. Looking at the joke in Evan Bell's eyes, Annie Hanwei only felt that she should be all red from the toes to the scalp.

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