Great Artist

Chapter 1104: face it bravely

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"So, don't say it again?" Evan Bell leaned into Anne Hathaway's ear and said softly.

Anne Hathaway is not the kind of woman who will be tender and tender, as awkward as if they had a love affair, so Anne Hathaway raised her knees angrily, and was ready to give Evan Bell a counterattack, everything It's the same as when they fight each other when they usually get along.

Evan Bell grabbed Anne Hathaway's knee with his hands sensitively, and then turned to the top of Anne Hathaway. The firmness met the softness again. Evan Bell gritted his teeth and said, "Idiot, hasn't what happened last night taught you a lesson, or do you think it will never happen again in the future? This part of a man is very important."

Anne Hathaway smiled happily, seeing Evan Bell's frantic appearance, with a proud look on her face.

"Let you be proud again." Evan Bell stepped forward slightly, Anne Hathaway immediately felt threatened, and her face changed, "Okay, okay, I surrender, I surrender." Evan- Bell stepped back proudly, and Anne Hathaway couldn't help muttering, "You always do this anyway..." Evan Bell immediately pressed forward, "Huh?"

Anne Hathaway watched Evan Bell's eyes flicker with pride, but she couldn't help but pull over Evan Bell's head and kissed it heavily. However, Anne Hathaway was still too young, and the force was a little too strong, and the two actually bumped into each other again. All the atmosphere was directly destroyed.

Evan Bell looked at Anne Hathaway who frowned slightly in front of him, and regardless of the pain on her lips, she leaned over and kissed Anne Hathaway's soft lips softly. After a while, he let go and said in a low voice, "Idiot."

Anne Hathaway's eyes glowed with water, as if calling for Evan Bell to do something further, she opened her cherry red lips. In Evan Bell's left ear, he said softly but firmly, "I love you."

Anne-Hathaway only felt an irresistible threat coming from below. Her body couldn't stand the toss anymore. For the first time last night, she only felt that her whole body was taken apart. . So she quickly put her hands against Evan Bell's chest. This was the first time she felt that Evan Bell's body was like steel, hard and irresistible, and the heat from her palm almost burned. Anne-Hathaway said quickly, "So, what about Blake?"

This sentence was like a fire extinguisher, and it immediately put Evan Bell out.

Evan Bell rolled over and lay beside him, and the hot breath between the two cooled down little by little. Evan Bell couldn't help but feel a headache. But he also knows that this is something he caused himself, and he has to face it, "I will tell her all this. If it hurts her or you, you have the right to vent to me."

Anne-Hathaway originally just blurted out, wanting to ease her embarrassing situation, but she did not expect to put this most realistic problem in front of the two of them. Anne Hathaway looked sideways at Evan Bell, only to see his long eyelashes hanging down. Projecting clear lines on his cheeks, the lines on his face became tough again, "If you want to choose to break up, it is a normal decision." After all, no woman wants to be in a serious relationship. play a supporting role.

Anne Hathaway knows that this is not a multiple choice question, not to let Evan Bell give up Blake Lively for himself, nor to give up himself for Blake Lively. But Anne Hathaway doesn't know what to do either. Are she and Blake Lively dating Evan Bell at the same time? This sounds too much like the Arabian Nights. But……

"Then if Blake doesn't choose to break up, neither do I." Anne Hathaway bit her lower lip and looked at Evan Bell and said. Anne Hathaway didn't want to go this far. But she had to face it, because things were already in front of her.

Evan Bell closed his eyes and rubbed his face hard, "If I told you that I love Blake, but I also love you, would you believe it?" Evan Bell turned to look at Annie Hay Servi. But his eyes didn't stop, and he quickly avoided it, because he didn't know how to describe his inner thoughts. Evan Bell found himself at this time, like an insatiable ugly villain, fantasizing about hugging from left to right, unwilling to give up Blake Lively or Anne Hathaway, he is unwilling to make a choice , but maybe the end result is that he will lose both of them.

Evan Bell doesn't want to, doesn't want to lose both of them, but he has no position to make amends, because all this is his fault. "I'm a bad guy, Annie, I'm a bad guy. I had **** with you when I was dating Blake. I don't want to lose the two of you, but I know I can't do it for my own sake. Emotions, it's not fair to both of you to be with you at the same time. So, I'll tell Black all the truth, like you know, and then..." Evan Belt paused and sighed. Tone, "I leave the choice to you."

"You mean, if Blake and I are not willing to give up, you will be with both of us at the same time?" Anne-Hathaway sat up directly, still with surprise on her face. But the surprise didn't last long, instead it was replaced by a helpless smile. Anne Hathaway knows no more about Evan Bell, and doing so is indeed Evan Bell's style.

Take a look at Evan Bell's philosophy of life enjoying life, and look at Evan Bell's emotional history with many achievements in the past. Anne Hathaway is not surprised. To be precise, she has already had this idea deep in her heart. Existed, but when the thought came out of her mouth, she was still a little surprised. After being surprised, he was calm—not accepting. This is Evan Bell, isn't it? Not surprisingly an answer.

Anne Hathaway came into contact with the gaze cast by Evan Bell. Evan Bell did not answer her question, but Anne Hathaway knew that this was a default.

Anne Hathaway sat up, bit her lower lip and didn't speak. After a while, she asked, "Bei, Luobei, look at me, do you really love me?" Anne Hathaway was serious Calling Evan Bell's Chinese name, she needs an answer, the most direct and true answer, not a product of passion, not a hormonal impulse, not an answer that a man can think of with his lower body.

Evan Bell also sat down and looked at Anne Hathaway seriously, a rare serious moment between the two of them. A lot of times, even if they are talking about their hearts, they will do it in a gags way. Such seriousness is not suitable for the two of them, but at this moment, it must be so serious.

"Anne Hathaway! I love you." Evan Bell said word by word, and after speaking, he didn't wait for Anne Hathaway to continue to ask, and then continued, "But, I also Love Blake Lively." Evan Bell didn't close his eyes, just tried to keep his eyes on Anne Hathaway's, and said seriously, "I don't know what will happen in the future, after all, love is also It will fade, passion will dissipate, romance will wither, and even the world may be destroyed, so I don't know what the future holds. But in this moment, in this moment of my serious face to you, I am The one who loves you also loves her, that's the truth."

Evan Bell doesn't know whether love can be divided equally, but deep down in his heart, there is a position that belongs to Blake Lively, a position belongs to Anne Hathaway, and there is a position ...At least, there's no doubt about that, Evan Bell is sure.

Anne Hathaway looked at Evan Bell's azure blue eyes, she knew that he was not lying, and those clear eyes revealed his thoughts. This is the first time since she was a child that Anne Hathaway can see so clearly everything that Evan Bell hides in her eyes - maybe not everything, just the part about their relationship - but through In that layer of mist, Anne Hathaway clearly got the answer she wanted.

Anne Hathaway raised her right hand and touched Evan Bell's cheek, "I already knew this would be the result, after all, you are Evan Bell, I have known Evan Bell for more than ten years. "Anne-Hathaway showed a wry smile on the corner of her mouth. "But, I can't give you an answer right now, I need time. Before I take the initiative to speak, we are still friends, okay? You don't want to ask any emotional things. , I'll let you know when I'm ready."

Evan Bell looked at Anne and opened her mouth, but when she came into contact with the firmness in Anne Hathaway's eyes, she finally said nothing and nodded in agreement.

Evan Bell looked at the pain and determination in Anne Hathaway's eyes, he really felt like a jerk, messing up his relationship, hurting Anne Hathaway, and bound to hurt Blake Lively . Couldn't love be like summer flowers like his life?

Evan Bell raised her head and traced it along Anne Hathaway's beautiful eyebrows, then gently slid down her cheeks, stopped on the rosy lips, rubbed it twice, and said softly To, "Annie, promise me that no matter what our future holds, you, Anne-Hathaway, can't leave my side, okay?"

Anne Hathaway saw that distressed look in Evan Bell's eyes, she couldn't help closing her eyes, forcing the tears back, and when she opened her eyes again, she had regained that bright sunny smile, "Evan said. Wen, remember? You said that you can't get rid of me in your life. It's true, because I won't let you get rid of me."

Outbreak asking for a monthly pass, asking for a subscription! Add more later. (To be continued


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