Great Artist

Chapter 1105: love choice


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Evan Bell closed the door of the room and leaned against the door, feeling only weak for a while. It's time for a showdown, it's time to face your emotions, it's time to make a choice... Evan Bell knows that things can't stay like this forever, although it's just confirmed For Anne Hathaway's heart, it's cruel to put the facts in front of you like this, but it's necessary.

it is necessary. Evan Bell told himself that he couldn't hide Anne Hathaway or Blake Lively like this for himself, he was already a bastard, and if he continued to be a bastard, their pain would only get more and more lingering . So, he has to do it. Even if Anne Hathaway and Blake Lively both left her, it had to be. No matter what the future holds, Evan Bell only hopes that he will not regret it in his life.

In the room, Anne Hathaway looked at the blooming blood-colored flower on the bed sheet, like a rose, she couldn't help biting her lower lip, and the tears in her eyes overflowed like this, she really loves her. Vin-Bell, love so much that I can't bear it. Anne-Hathaway suddenly understood what Jack said in "Brokeback Mountain", "Sometimes I think you can't bear it." This is how she feels now. It's a pain that blocks her breathing. Constantly churning in his own heart.

Outside the room, Evan Bell walked back to his room barefoot and called Blake Lively. Xiao Nizi's new semester has just started. She will be a junior this semester. He also became the deputy head of the drama club. Blake Lively received a call from Evan Bell, excitedly reporting on his recent achievements in school, chatting like a cheerful little skylark.

All of this is cruel, because once Evan Bell tells the truth, it will destroy all the good moods of Blake Lively. But in fact, this matter itself is very cruel, no matter when it is said, it is equally cruel, and it will not appear kind because of a little delay, because it has already happened and cannot be changed. The damage has already been done. All hesitation, that's just an excuse for Evan Bell to escape. So, long pain is not short pain, let Blake Lively know early. It may be a wiser choice to let her see her face and get her out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible.

Blake Lively woke up early this morning and was preparing breakfast when he saw Evan Bell calling. Blake Lively knew that "Brokeback Mountain" was screened at the Toronto Film Festival yesterday, but Evan Bell didn't call him last night. He should have been haunted by reporters, so he called himself early this morning. The two chatted happily, knowing that "Brokeback Mountain" received twenty-five minutes of applause from the audience in Toronto. Blake Lively is also genuinely happy, and she certainly knows how many people are waiting to throw rocks in their hands in this gay-themed movie.

Blake Lively went on to say something about the school, letting his cheerful mood infect Evan Bell. Blake Lively knew he had this ability, and Evan Bell said that every time he saw his smile, the corners of his mouth turned up. Therefore, Blake Lively also hopes that his happiness can be conveyed to Evan Bell.

But today's Evan Bell seems to have something on his mind, and he always speaks with a sense of heaviness. Blake Lively had a bad hunch, which soon came true. Evan Bell told himself that he had a relationship with someone else. Of course Blake Lively knew that Evan Bell had a relationship with someone else, not that she didn't mind. But she knew that Evan Bell was such a person.

Although Blake Lively didn't know Evan Bell's past, she also accompanied Evan Bell for a long time, and she knew what kind of person Evan Bell was. Blake Lively knows very well that he loves such an Evan Bell, who is uninhibited. He's not a good man, never has been; but he's a popular man. Always.

It's not that Blake Lively doesn't mind these things, it's just that she doesn't want to be a woman who is suspicious because she doesn't trust her boyfriend, and she doesn't want to be a woman who makes herself pathetic because of jealousy. So, Blake Lively won't ask Evan Bell about these things, she knows it's just a show, or just a one-night passion, those are passers-by, and she is the one who has been standing by Evan Bell's side people. Blake Lively is willing to think so because she knows that after the two of them confirmed their relationship, Evan Bell is basically single-minded about himself, and there is rarely that kind of overnight impulse. The only time Blake has doubts. - Lively didn't go to verify either. More importantly, Blake Lively and Evan Bell get along, so she feels real happiness and joy, she believes that Evan Bell really loves her, he is trying to get back on this track, and she I want to stick to this love forever.

But what really reassured Blake Lively was that Evan Bell would not deliberately hide or tell himself those things, which showed that Evan Bell did not care about the occasional woman. Today is different, Evan Bell officially told himself he had a relationship with a man: Anne Hathaway. Blake Lively knew exactly what it meant, it meant Evan Bell had a real love, this time was different, Anne Hathaway was different.

Blake Lively panicked.

On the other end of the phone, Evan Bell's voice seemed to come from another world far away. He was talking about everything that happened; he was still in love with himself, but he also loved Anne Hathaway; Hide it all and leave the decision to her.

"Why are you telling me all this, so cruel." Blake Lively's head went blank, and all the smiles on her face subsided, she just said subconsciously. She didn't even know the true meaning of her words. The toast in his hand fell to the ground, leaving only a trivial piece.

"Because I know it's not fair to you, I hide you, deceive you, just make you more painful, I hope you know all this, and then leave it to you to make a choice..." Evan Bell's voice came from the other end of the phone come.

"No, you selfish person, you are just looking for your own redemption. You spoke out what was in your heart, longing for my forgiveness, but mercilessly hurt me. You can continue to hide it, just as everything It has never happened. However, you can't bear the torture of your own betrayal, so you say it, don't say it so nicely, what is unfair to me, what makes me decide, the moment you decide to say it , you're liberated, and it's me who's in pain." Blake Lively roared frantically, pouring out all his thoughts. Evan Bell on the other end of the phone was speechless.

But Blake Lively knew that even if she was right about Evan Bell, things couldn't be undone. Because if Evan Bell conceals himself and continues like this, there will never be an absolute secret in the world. When one day he knows, the pain will be even more terrifying, and he may swallow himself up in an instant. Compared with now, I am afraid there is no such thing as any difference.

Blake Lively found that as soon as her body softened, her whole body was about to fall. She supported the stove with her left hand and let herself barely stand, "So what is it now, do you want to choose her or me?" Choose me , choose me, choose me! Blake Lively was screaming in his heart, screaming frantically, but Evan Bell didn't answer. "Won't you even lie to me once?" Blake Lively's voice began to crack.

"I love you." Evan Bell's voice finally came, but it wasn't that kind of reassuring expression, just an erratic erratic.

"But I don't need to..." Blake Lively hung up the phone directly.

The moment the phone was hung up, Blake Lively's tears fell silently, she couldn't hold it any longer, and she fell directly to the kitchen floor. Her heart hurts, it hurts, and the clear tear tells her: I love him, I love Evan Bell, but, but...

Blake Lively leaned against the cupboard door, sobbing silently, so heartache that she lost any ability to resist. She wanted to let go, she wanted to say "go and be with her, I don't need you", but she couldn't do it, she didn't want to break up, she didn't want to see Evan Bell standing with other women, Because she loved him so much that she was about to suffocate. However, continue to be with Evan Bell like this, as if she doesn't know what to do, she can't do it, she can't do it...

It It really hurts. Heartache, this word is really ridiculous, too literary, and it makes people feel ridiculous, but at this time, my heart is really hurting, like being shot by a submachine gun, full of holes and blood dripping, but still think about him. Blake Lively felt that he was too useless, like the kind of literary woman he despised the most. Knowing that her boyfriend was cheating, she was still entangled and unwilling to let go. Once upon a time, she sat in front of the TV, laughing at the ignorance and shallowness of these women, and said with a smile that if it were her, she would let go without hesitation, and even beat the man hard.

However, at this time, she couldn't do it, she couldn't do it.

Blake Lively wanted to cry, she wanted to shout, she wanted to burst out all the emotions, but she couldn't do it, just open her mouth and cry silently. She can't do it, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, it really... hurts.

She had just broken up, and she started thinking about him, what to do, what to do, what to do... Blake Lively looked at the phone in front of him, lying in a mess of toast, tears clouding his eyes, but Didn't have the energy to react.

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