Great Artist

Chapter 1152: 2 calls

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After hanging up the phone, Evan Bell was a little stunned.

"Perfume" later stage, graduation thesis, graduation design, preparation for concert... He has a lot of things recently, but thinking about it carefully, it is also a good thing. After all, concerts are what he has always wanted to do, and it is also another affirmation of his identity as a singer. If you go on a global tour, it will be a great experience. What's more, it's really a good idea to have a time to settle in the complicated emotional affairs recently, and go to perform all over the world.

I just don't know what happened to them...

Taking a breath, Evan Bell picked up the phone again and dialed the phone number. The person on the other side waited for a long time before picking up, "Evan, sorry, Chris left the phone in the lobby." The voice on one end was not what Evan Bell was expecting, but he quickly recognized the other's voice. "Emma, ​​sorry for calling so late, the children were not woken up by me."

It was Christopher Nolan's wife Emma Thomas who answered the phone. "They didn't even want to sleep. I was just driven back to the room by me. It is estimated that there will be at least two quarters of hours before they are willing to lie down on the bed." Emma -Thomas and Evan Bell are also relatively familiar. They casually talk about the trivial matters of their husband and wife and children. They are not as capable as the usual producers, but they are a competent mother. "Are you looking for Chris?"

"Is Chris busy? Or you can ask him to call me back tomorrow, it's not urgent." Evan Bell said with a smile.

"Chris is reading the script in the studio, it's okay, I'll give him the phone." The footsteps of Emma Thomas going upstairs came faintly from the other end of the phone. "By the way, I've been hearing about you for the past two days. It's going to be a concert, is that true?"

Evan Bell couldn't help laughing, "How come you and Chris are also interested in knowing that?"

Emma Thomas also smiled. "It's not me, we're not enthusiastic about concerts, but Flora has been asking me since she found out. She's crazy about you. Last time Chris was because of a poster of you in her room. And jealous." Flora Nolan. This is their eldest daughter.

"Tell Flora, yes, I'm going to have a concert, but the time has not yet been determined." Evan Bell said with a chuckle.

Emma Thomas' voice came, "That could not be better. Of course, I'd better tell her the good news tomorrow, or she won't want to sleep at night in a few years." There was a knock on the other end of the phone. . "Chris, Evan's phone."

Evan Bell only had time to say "Say good night to Flora for me" and then Christopher Nolan answered the call "Man, how did you think of calling at this time?"

"I promised Barry before to participate in the production of three Warner Bros. works, and they gave me the first recommended script, which was adapted by Jonathan. And you are going to be the director, is that so?" Evan Bell and Christopher Nolan is an old friend, so the chatting stage is simply omitted. Go straight.

Christopher Nolan's voice rose a little, "Yes, I'm reading this script right now. There are still some areas in this script that need to be discussed again, and Jonathan and I have been busy these days." They said in their mouths Jonathan is Christopher Nolan's younger brother, Jonathan Nolan, and an excellent screenwriter for "Memento" and "Batman: Mystery" is the result of his work with his brother. "Barry has told me that I hope you will be the producer of this work. It would be great if you can star in it. But I haven't considered your role yet. Have you read the script?"

"No, I haven't read the script yet. The script is with Teddy. I'm in Boston right now because of the lawsuit." Evan Bell's explanation caused a sudden realization on the other side of the phone, and a low voice." Yes, "Ying Hesheng" I was looking forward to the second cooperation with you, but now it seems that there is no way out."

"Did something happen?" Christopher Nolan looked surprised.

Evan Bell didn't go around in circles either, just said it directly. "I decided to hold a concert tour, which is estimated to last about half a year, so I don't have the energy to shoot movies."

"That's it... that's a pity." Christopher Nolan's tone dropped again, and he could feel his disappointment. "I thought I could work with you again. But about the concert, I know, Flora has been nagging in my ear for two days. Are you sure you're going to the concert?"

"Yes, I still have some work at hand. After I'm done, I will start the preparations for the concert." Evan Bell said simply, "So, it seems that our cooperation can only wait for the next time."

Christopher Nolan chuckled, "But seriously, I was worried that you would reject this script, because the role is not too challenging for you, and there is not much sense of breakthrough. The focus of this script is still on the story. The title of this script immediately positioned 'Deadly Magic (' as a story about troubles and obsessions based on magic. "

"No no, Chris, as long as it is your director's work, I have enough confidence in you. As long as you want me to act, I will accept this script without hesitation. The role is not a problem." Evan- Bell's words are definitely not polite words, and the sincerity in the words makes Christopher Nolan's mouth outline an arc: "Although there is no way to cooperate this time, maybe there is a chance next time?"

"Hopefully, next time I will come up with a super good role to attract you, so that you can't refuse, even if you have other jobs in hand, you will give up other jobs for this role and come to me." Christopher Nuo Lan's words made Evan Bell laugh and reply "I'm looking forward to it".

After hanging up the phone, Evan Bell still felt very regretful. As he expected, the script was indeed "deadly magic".

"Deadly Magic" is definitely a very good story, telling the story between two magicians in the Victorian period, in which the magic technology and the carving of human nature are excellent. In order to write a review of this movie, Evan Bell watched it six times before and after, repeatedly scrutinized every detail in the movie, and then wrote a professional review that satisfied him. In "Deadly Magic", Christopher Nolan once again showed his way of combining the plot structure, the sequence and flashbacks on the timeline. Although the plot structure is not as complicated as "Memento", it brings Christopher Nolan into the story. Architectural talent is on display again.

"Deadly Magic" broke into the top 100 in the imdb scoring system, and finally ranked 77th, which is by no means a false name. And it also performed well at the box office. Evan Bell can't remember the exact number. The North American box office should be around 70 million to 80 million US dollars, while the global box office has not exceeded 200 million, but it is very close. It can be said that this is a work that has been recognized both artistically and commercially.

It's really painful to miss such a good script, and one that Evan Bell can play smoothly if he wants to. Evan Bell can even recall the storylines of the two leading men in "Deadly Magic," Bourdain, played by Christian Bale, and Angel, played by Hugh Jackman. But having said that, as Christopher Nolan said, the depth of the characters in this movie is really not as good as Evan Bell's previous roles, and the sense of challenge is not enough.

But on second thought, missing out on a good movie for the world tour, not to mention that the exchange is not equivalent, but at least it was worth it. Evan Bell forced himself to get the information about "deadly magic" out of his mind before making a second call, which was to Meryl Streep.

Meryl Streep quickly picked up the phone "Evan, you better have something urgent or you'll regret interrupting me and Don's two worlds." Don Jamel, Meryl Streep's husband, a maverick sculptor, married in 1978, and their relationship is still stable.

Evan Bell was not afraid at all, but laughed out a voice, "I hope you won't break my nose, I still have to rely on this face to A joke made Meryl- Streep also laughed, "Meryl, thank you for agreeing to my invitation to star in 'The Devil Wears Prada'. "

At that time, after Thomas Lansing brought the script of "The Queen Wears Prada", Evan Bell called Meryl Streep. This old drama bone did not read the script at all, just listened to Evan -Bell described the whole story on the phone and then decided to act. Really give Evan Bell face. You know, Meryl Streep is more difficult to accept the script than Evan Bell. Evan Bell is a guy who can do whatever he wants. As long as the script is excellent, there is no problem; but Meryl Streep Pu is not. Even if the script is excellent, as long as it affects the time she spends with her family, she will also refuse.

Meryl Streep said with a smile on her face, "I didn't accept this script because of you. Don was jealous when he heard it. I was willing to act because the script was excellent." Bell and Meryl Streep had physical touches when they starred in "The Adaptation", which is why she said this. "However, when I took the script, you promised that you would also appear in this play. I called the director David the day before yesterday, but you were not on the cast list. I thought, you owe me an explanation."

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