Great Artist

Chapter 1153: cameo decision


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When Evan Bell asked Meryl Streep to star in "The Queen Wears Prada", Meryl Streep joked that she couldn't pull the box office, and she still had to borrow Evan Bell's East wind will do. Evan Bell didn't take it seriously, and agreed directly, saying that he was willing to play a cameo role in the movie.

But now "The Queen Wears Prada" has not yet started filming, and Evan Bell has decided to start touring. More importantly, Evan Bell's current relationship with Anne Hathaway doesn't seem to be suitable for appearing in the same work, which will only make the two people more embarrassed.

"Meryl, it's like this." Evan Bell was also a little helpless, but his explanation was interrupted by Meryl Streep, "Are you talking about the concert? Your concert is now It’s not like we haven’t started preparations yet, and it’s not just today’s issue for you to make a cameo appearance in the movie, so how much time will it take? No matter how busy you are, we are just shooting in New York, and it’s not a problem to spare a few days, it’s just a matter of your sincerity. ."

The eloquent Evan Bell was rarely speechless by Meryl Streep.

In fact, Evan Bell doesn't know that he has been doing things a little bit lately, and he is no longer as unscrupulous and free as he used to be. If according to the previous character, Evan Bell agreed to make this cameo without saying a word. Even if the tour has already started, so what, back in New York in the middle of the tour, the filming of a cameo scene will never exceed five days. This is much simpler than the original "crash" scene. So, as Meryl Streep said, it's just a matter of sincerity.

only. Because of the Anne Hathaway affair, Evan Bell really didn't do as much as he once did. He went straight to Anne Hathaway and Blake Lively on his own terms, and it's a mess; he's in front of Blake Lively on his own terms. Blake Lively's haggard face can still appear in his mind; he continues to contact Anne Hathaway according to his own ideas, but Anne Hathaway is reluctant to answer his call, She was only willing to talk to "friends"; then, he appeared on the set of "The Queen Wears Prada" according to his own ideas, so what should Anne Hathaway think? Will their cooperation be as peaceful as before?

At the beginning, Evan Bell could quarrel with Bridget Mouna while maintaining the professionalism of the actor to star in "The Mechanical Enemy"; but facing Anne Hathaway, star in "The Queen Wearing Prada". Evan Bell is not sure. Even if he can do it, Anne Hathaway can do it, but the filming process is a kind of torture, the torture of rubbing salt on Anne Hathaway's wound. Evan Bell doesn't know if he can continue to be willful.

If you follow your own thoughts and do whatever you want, then Evan Bell will have a dream of hugging from side to side, but this is only his own wishful thinking. What should the girls think? Do they want to? That's the point. Otherwise, men all over the world are thinking about hugging each other. Even if they are married, they will not talk about the third, fourth, and fifth, and there are countless romantic nights in hotels, bars, and clubs. But the point is. No one can do whatever they want in this regard. Because the relationship is for both parties, it does not mean that you can give up if you give up, nor does it mean that you can do this if you want to.

This is why Evan Bell is helpless. He knew that he was sloppy and not like himself at all, but there was still nothing he could do. For a few moments, Evan Bell even wondered if he was so selfish, should he just let go and let Anne Hathaway and Blake Lively find their own happiness, if they can continue to be friends, then the best Well, if you can't, watch them happy. But that's even less Evan Bell's style. So, Anne Hathaway and Blake Lively are tangled, so why not Evan Bell?

Bar fights, road trips, tour decisions... Evan Bell has been working hard to adjust his mentality, hoping to live a truly dashing life, but the so-called dashing must be under the premise of "no concern", otherwise, even Open-minded people can't be smart.

Life is as gorgeous as summer, what a beautiful word, but how difficult it is to do, only Evan Bell himself knows.

"So, Evan, what are you hesitating about?" Meryl Streep also noticed the hesitation in Evan Bell's tone.

Evan Bell took a long sigh and finally decided to face the problem head-on, avoiding the "emotional problem" that is never the right solution.

This time, it was Meryl Streep's turn, speechless. "Oh..." She uttered a single syllable meaningfully. "Feelings, then I can't do anything about it. No wonder..." Meryl Streep Pu also wondered before that Evan Bell is definitely not such a procrastination person. He has always made decisions neatly. If he likes it, he likes it, and if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. But if it's an emotional issue, then maybe, because even if it's a stray, as long as you have real feelings, everything is uncertain. No one can control their emotions freely. This is the biggest weakness of human beings.

Meryl Streep also sighed, "Then I won't force you. If you can play, then I will be very happy; but if not, I have to hope that we can meet on the set next time. "Meryl Streep is a very capable and tolerant woman. Talking to her doesn't need to make things clear, but she can always find the answer she wants.

Evan Bell exhaled, "Okay, I'll give you an [answer]."

"Never tonight." Meryl Streep's words caused Evan Bell's slightly heavy mouth to lift slightly.

After hanging up the phone, Evan Bell thought about it and finally decided to text Anne Hathaway. "Hey, friend, is it convenient to talk now?"

Anne Hathaway's reply came quickly, "Man, I'm lying in bed reading the script, but because I'm too excited, I don't have any thoughts of sleeping." Because I saw Evan Bell used it specially "Friends" begins, so Anne Hathaway's tone is also very comfortable, without any struggles and trivialities, exactly the same as before.

"The 'The Queen Wears Prada' script?" Evan Bell returned the message.

"Yeah, this script is really fun, you know? It turns out that there are so many unknown things in the fashion world. I must ask Katherine tomorrow, are they really going to fight over a high heel? "Anne Hathaway's text messages were displayed on the phone, and the lifeless letters pieced together a language, but Anne Hathaway's excited expression was outlined a little bit in front of Evan Bell.

"No, you're probably going to be disappointed. Catherine only designs men's clothing now, and doesn't know much about women's clothing. Also, Catherine does design and doesn't know much about magazines." Evan Bell quickly put His own reply knocked on it.

"Oh, disappointment. I'm also looking forward to learning more about the dark side or something, which is much more interesting than the movie itself." Anne Hathaway's reply was very quick, you can feel that she is now relatively high adrenaline , the whole person is quite excited.

Evan Bell bit his lower lip, hesitated for a moment, or pressed the button quickly, it was really not his style to be sloppy "If I cameo as Nate, what do you think?" Nate "The Queen Wearing Prada" "Andy's boyfriend, played by Leanne Hathaway.

After pressing the "send" button, Evan Bell stared at his phone in a daze. The sent pattern on the phone screen made Evan Bell's heart settle down. The screen of the mobile phone went black a little bit, and the surrounding time was magnified infinitely, and the sound of the second hand was ringing in my ears.

Tick, tick... Each voice was so clear, unhurried, and evenly rhythmic, but it made Evan Bell more and more restless. Waiting is a very complicated thing. If you do it with a grateful and caring heart, then every second will become extremely happy; on the contrary, every second is a burning flame in hell, suffering every inch of skin.

Evan Bell finally couldn't bear it anymore, he sat up and looked around, but he couldn't even find an alarm clock in the room, and couldn't find the source of the "tick" sound at all. At this time, Evan Bell realized that these voices were all made up by himself, the kind of nervousness and anxiety that made him crazy. This made Evan Bell a little frustrated. He suddenly became unsure. He was not sure whether his decision to be emotionally like a summer was correct, because from now on, his desire to be emotionally like a summer was just a matter of A selfish decision, he is suffering, and Anne Hathaway and Blake Lively are suffering Maybe, feelings can never be a multiple choice question; maybe, feelings can never be one and the same. Divided into two; perhaps, the so-called left hug and right hug is just an excuse that a man finds for his heart...

The sound of the "di" text message came, planning Evan Bell's thoughts, and ending Evan Bell's self-torture. Looking at the reply time above, Anne Hathaway's text message took 30 minutes to send back. But at least, she still replied, instead of sinking into the sea.

"Okay, why not? We didn't have any rivalry in 'Brokeback Mountain' last time, but this time it's different." Evan Bell looked at the string of characters on the screen, those meaningless letters pieced together one by one rich A sentence of magic, but with everyone's deepest emotions.

In a trance, Evan Bell seemed to read between the lines and saw Anne Hathaway biting her lower lip tightly, and then slowly letting go, the rosy lips faded a little bit, and the freshness on her face also changed. Bit by bit retracted into the heart. This made Evan Bell very distressed. What he wanted to see was the smile on Anne Hathaway's face, but just now, it was himself who took the smile away from Anne Hathaway's face.

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