Great Artist

Chapter 1186: Ticket rush

Today's fourth update, please recommend, please subscribe!


"Don't be arguing, it's almost nine o'clock, and you can buy tickets right away." William Wood looked at the time, it was eight fifty-eight. After ten years of development of online shopping, all steps are not unfamiliar to everyone, so this matter itself is not novel. But William Wood could feel his heart beating faster, and involuntarily tightened. William Wood wiped his right hand on his thigh, wiping the sweat from his heart.


"William, refresh!" Ben Danny shouted from the side, and they really made a bet just now. He made a bet that all 40,000 tickets for the two concerts in New York's Madison Field in eight minutes would be sold. empty.


William Wood hurriedly raised his hand, not wanting to slam the back of his hand on the table because of the urgency, he suddenly grinned. However, he still gritted his teeth, put his right hand on the mouse, and then clicked to refresh, the time display was already "fifty-nine minutes". William - Wood couldn't help but refresh several times.


"William, didn't Evan send you a concert ticket?" A voice from behind couldn't help but asked, but Ben Danny, Angelina Joan and others shouted in unison, "Shut up. mouth." The guy who asked the question suddenly stood there with an innocent look on his face.


There was only the sound of mouse clicks in the office, and the tense atmosphere made people dare not speak out, lest they accidentally make a sound, otherwise it would disturb the reaction time of William Wood's hands, or else it would make the network speed slow. If you get stuck because of yourself, you will be resentful.


"Time!" Angelina Joan exclaimed, obviously she noticed that the time on William Wood's computer was already nine o'clock.


However, the page of the Temajet ticketing website still did not change. William Wood couldn't help refreshing it again, cursing in a low voice. He was obviously very dissatisfied with the time of the Temajet ticketing website. At this moment, the page was swiped. . The noise of chattering nearby broke out immediately. Swept away the silence just now.


The voices of "click, click" and "hurry up, hurry up" came one after another.


William Wood was even distracted at this time. It was as if there were countless horns ringing in his ears, which reminded him of Times Field. However, William Wood's finger speed is still very fast. He has been trained in the life of a reporter for many years. Whether it is coding or pressing the shutter, speed is a must. Click to enter the ticket page, select the number and date. Begin to choose seats, but the picture of the seating chart shows up, and William Wood is dumbfounded.


I saw that the 20,000 seats on the seat table page on December 9 had already become a lot of red, at least more than half. His eyes are full of red that has been chosen, and William Wood swears that his action just now will never exceed ten seconds! But the information on the picture was reflected in this way, which surprised William Wood.


Surprised but surprised, William Wood's movements were not slow. He didn't have time to choose a seat, he just clicked casually on the gray highlight as far forward as possible, and the mouse moved down quickly. Click OK. The pictures began to be uploaded, which only took a second, but it felt like a century. William Wood only felt that the noises in his ears began to amplify infinitely. "Entertainment Weekly" has not been so lively for a long time, which reminded him of the market in the countryside.


"Hurry up, hurry up." The voices came one after another.


William Wood realized that the seat selection was complete, then he quickly scrolled down to select the payment method, and finally clicked OK. This time, the ticket purchase is finally completed, as long as you pay for it. But William Wood didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief. He moved the mouse habitually and wanted to click again, but found that there was no response. Move the mouse to the refresh button and click it several times in a row, but there is still no response. Half of William Wood's breath was stuck in his throat. Made him cough violently.


"Damn it!" This line has been echoed in almost every corner of the United States. Among them, William Wood's sentence was stuck in his throat, and he kept coughing.


"What's the matter? What's wrong?" There was another voice, "Quickly confirm, William, quick!"


"It's stuck, oh, God, it's stuck." Seeing that William Wood coughed very badly, Ben Danny clicked his mouse a few times at random, only to find that the website of Temajet ticketing was actually stuck. Living. "Shit! What a **** site this is, it's stuck! William, you have to tell Evan that this company is really rubbish."

Before Ben Danny's complaint was finished, Angelina Joan came over with a surprised voice: "Ben, Temajet is currently the best ticket company in the world..."


Ben Danny's voice froze immediately, and finally he just said embarrassingly, "Their website is too bad, at least they need to add some more servers."


William Wood grabbed Ben Danny's mouse, clicked the refresh button a few more times, and tried a bunch of keyboard shortcuts, but the screen remained motionless "Damn shit!" William Wood's The foul language was blurted out, but the movements in his hands did not stop.


Suddenly, the screen moved. A group of people swarmed over behind him, crowded in front of William Wood's computer, and made suggestions. But sadly, it's not the payment page that William Wood wanted to see, but the page for choosing a seat. William Wood subconsciously clicked on the link and wanted to re-select his seat, but the page was "swiped" in red, which shocked William Wood, and the noise behind him all disappeared in an instant, as if There was an invisible hand that stuck the throats of everyone in the office, and the dead silence even brought out the sound of the computer's fan.


"Why? That's impossible!" I don't know who was the first to sigh, "William, refresh and see." Obviously, no one believed that all the tickets were sold out.


William Wood refreshed again, and it was still red, with dense red dots covering the fan-shaped seat list. "William, change to number ten and see." Step back, change number nine to number ten, and choose your seat again: all red, no doubt.


Silent. The whole office was silent, and no one could make a sound. Even well-informed reporters were stunned for a few seconds in the face of this situation.


"Is it a system failure?" William Wood was a little surprised, but the advantage of being a reporter is that they are not as helpless as the countless viewers who buy tickets online at home. They pick up the phone and contact the ticketing agency through their own connections. The company's staff is not a difficult task.


When William Wood called, he found that the Temajet ticketing office was also in chaos, and the background sound of the phone was one after another. After the other party answered the phone, without waiting for William Wood to say more, he directly said, "Temajet Ticketing, about the tickets for the 'first' world tour in New York, the tickets have been sold out. May I have more Can anything help you?"


William Wood looked up at his colleagues and said, "Sold out?" Ben Danny, Angelina Joan and others had all recovered, and they all looked at the computer screen at this time, 9:04 After that, everyone started talking about who would win and who would lose the bet just now. "Hello, I'm William Wood from 'Entertainment Weekly'. I want to ask, are Evan's two concerts at Huāyuan sold out?"


The Temajet ticketing staff also heard William Wood's self-reporting home, and the move that originally wanted to hang up also stopped. "William, yes. There are 1,000 standing tickets in the infield and 16,000 seats in the stands. , a total of 34,000 tickets in two days, all sold out." After deducting the part of building the stage, there are only 16,000 seats left in the stands. "We will post a specific announcement later."


"Wait." William Wood realized that the other party was about to hang up, and quickly said, "What is the sales time?"


The staff paused, "We are still counting the specific time, but it should be about three minutes. Sorry, we still have a lot of work to do, please pay attention to our announcement later. Thank you for your call." Then the other party called hang up.


"William, what's the time record?" Ben Danny was the first to ask everyone's curious Wood's eyes widened, and his face was different. "About three minutes, specifically Waiting for the announcement for a while. The Temajet ticket office is already busy."


"Ugh..." Angelina-Joan whistled, "A new record has been set. It seems that we all guessed wrong, and all underestimated the power of Evan fans. So, who is the time distance from the bet just now? Is this record recent?"


"I, I, I said four minutes and thirty seconds!" The first person next to him raised his hand and "claimed it" with a smug expression on his face, "I thought I had already predicted very boldly, but I didn't expect that, Evan It always surprises us, doesn't it?"


Just as these reporters squeezed out their busy time to gamble, William Wood refreshed the page again and found that an announcement had been posted on the Temajet ticketing website.


"Everyone, thank you for your support for Evan Bell's 'first' world tour. Termajet Ticketing once again expresses its deep apologies for the hiatus on the website just now. The first stop of the 'first' tour in New York City has two Tickets for the concert have already sold out. Within two minutes and fifteen seconds, a total of 670,000 people logged on to the ticket purchase page, which not only caused the server to crash due to overload, but also sent all the tickets in the shortest possible time. Tickets are sold out. Thanks again for your support and good luck with Evan Bell. Enjoy! Thank you for your Temajet tickets."


Two minutes and fifteen seconds? 670,000 people? Sell ​​Pan?


12,000, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!



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