Great Artist

Chapter 1187: add sound


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In the process of buying tickets at the ticket window, due to window restrictions and queuing restrictions, no matter how fast the ticket sales speed is, it will inevitably take time to line up. However, online ticket sales are completely different. Turning into the super-light speed reaction of the computer, the ticketing process is naturally accelerated a lot. pull cow m

Temajet Ticketing has been fully prepared, and the website's server is enough to handle 500,000 people online at the same time, and 500,000 people, which is absolutely enough for a ticketing website. After all, before this, the concert website ticket purchase has always existed as an additional service for fans, and the main ticket purchase method is still the traditional window ticket purchase. But who would have thought that as soon as the ticket purchase for the first stop of Evan Bell's tour was opened, the official website of Temajet Ticketing was paralyzed. This was the first time in the history of Temajet Ticketing A stunned record.

Within two minutes and fifteen seconds, all 34,000 tickets were sold out in two days, which really caught people off guard.

Even William Wood's group of reporters who are used to the storm were surprised, let alone those ordinary audiences? Grey Lennon was one of them, and he had no idea what was going on.

It's Sunday, and Grey Lennon doesn't have to go to work, but he still wakes up after 8:00 a.m. to participate in a video conference from his desk at home at 8:30. The meeting only lasted less than ten minutes, and Grey Lennon still had time to make a pot of *coffee for himself, toast two slices of toast, and spread sweet butter before returning to the computer and getting ready to surf the Internet. Buying two tickets for Evan Bell's "first" world tour in New York, he recently had a date, but unfortunately both of them are very busy with work - the other is a lawyer - so there is not a lot of date time . Grey Lennon thought that he should invite her to listen to Evan Bell's concert, which would be a rare experience.

But when Grey Lennon went online, all he saw was an announcement on the Temajet ticketing website that all tickets for Evan Bell's New York tour were sold out. Grey Lennon's first reaction was. "Are you kidding me?" He glanced at the time of the release, and it was only 9:15. He remembered that the concert would be for two days, and it was held in Madison Square Garden. This means that there are tens of thousands of tickets. Grey Lennon could only laugh helplessly after reading the announcement in detail again.

Looking at the computer screen, Grey Lennon was a little ecstatic. He knew that there were many people who liked Evan Bell. Just looking at the sales of the album, he knew how exaggerated it was. However, the popularity of the concert was beyond his expectations. Grey Lennon's mind was, on the one hand, expressing regret for missing Evan Bell's concert. On the one hand, I was thinking that I couldn't take my date to the concert. It's a pity.

Grey Lennon could only sigh in desperation, regret is regret, he is already thirty-four years old this year, and he is no longer young and frivolous, so he quickly accepted this fact. Gray Lennon thought about it, opened Eleven blog, and planned to go up and see where the next stop of Evan Bell's tour was, if it was Boston, New Jersey, Baltimore or something like that. Then you can still drive there and watch.

But I don't know what's going on. Today, the opening speed of Eleven's blog is slower than that of a snail, which makes Grey Lennon a little surprised. As far as he knows, Eleven Blog has its own separate server, and it is not difficult to cope with the number of visitors to the website. He has also seen that 200,000 people are online at the same time without any problem.

After finally waiting until the Eleven blog page was displayed, Grey Lennon saw the number of people online in the upper right corner and couldn't help laughing. A series of numbers "five, three, two, seven..." is roughly counted, and it should be six digits. That means more than half a million people are online at the same time, no wonder the website is so slow.

Grey Lennon found the first post, and it took another two minutes to open the page, which read the list of the first cities on tour. New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta. Miami...that's the four gig cities on the east coast.

Grey - Lennon thought about it, it takes about two and a half hours to go from New York to Philadelphia, and the concerts are basically on Friday or Saturday. At that time, he and his date can drive to Philadelphia together. After watching the concert, they will stay in Philadelphia for one night and come back the next day. This is a very good journey. The night view of the Delaware River is always unforgettable.

While figuring out how to snap up tickets for the Philadelphia concert, Grey Lennon scrolled down the page, trying to find out when the Philadelphia concert tickets would go on sale. But before the page was scrolled down, Grey Lennon saw a burst of shouting in the latest message column, and the meaning was surprisingly the same: New York extra!

As the world's largest city, New York has a population of 20 million, and nearby cities such as Boston, Baltimore, and New Jersey are also very convenient to drive. The entire metropolitan area of ​​New York has a population of 65 million, occupying the entire United States. Twenty percent of the weight, and Evan Bell's first-round tour only has two stops in New York and Philadelphia in the greater New York metropolitan area, which is definitely not enough.

Now, tickets for two concerts in New York are sold out in less than three minutes, which is an absolutely unacceptable result for the audience. Countless fans who hoped to arrive at the venue to watch the concert but were unable to buy tickets have expressed their protests on the Internet.

"Evan, two games are definitely not enough, absolutely! Strongly request extra games!"

"Evan, I've waited for three years just to be able to go to your concert, please, I beg you, please be sure to join in!"

"I sincerely pray to God that Evan's New York concert can be added, and I am willing to use my one-year abstinence to fulfill this wish."

"For God's sake, Evan, if you don't play, I swear, I will... kneel in front of you! Evan, I really need to be at the concert, I mean it of."

"I'm going to kill you, Evan Bell! I love you madly, and if you don't play, I'm not sure I'll do anything out of my mind."

"Extra games, resolutely add games! Evan, just two games with more than 30,000 spectators, what a cruel thing for New York, you have to play extra games! This is my last wish in 2005!"

"I've decided to attend every Evan concert, so even if it's an extra show, I'll keep going! Evan, extra show! Extra show!"

"Decided to follow in Evan's footsteps and sign up for every tour in the country! Expenses at their own expense. Facebook group..."

"Decided to follow in Evan's footsteps and sign up for every tour around the world! Expenses at their own expense. Facebook group..."


This series of additional voices shocked Grey Lennon, because he checked it, and there were at least more than 5,000 comments. It's only 9:25, and it's less than half an hour before the concert tickets go on sale. The fans' enthusiasm for calling for more shows has paralyzed Eleven Blog. Staggering indeed.

For Grey Lennon, an extra game was the perfect idea. After thinking about it, Grey Lennon also left a message on the Eleven Blog, "Evan, as a loyal fan, although I have already passed the age of crazy for concerts, I am very sure that if I miss your The concert, that will be a great regret in my life. So please add, please be sure to add, I will do everything possible to get tickets. God bless."

It was still very difficult to refresh the Eleven Blog, and it took three minutes for this message from Grey Lennon to be uploaded. After the refresh, the number of messages has risen to 7,000. It seems that the additional noise will overload the eleven blogs.

Grey Lennon closed Eleven's blog and opened Facebook. Under the influence of Evan Bell, Grey Lennon has long joined Facebook and enjoys the convenience brought by this social network. Entering the group of Evan Bell's "first" world tour, the top post really asked for an extra show in New York.

This post was posted by Elena Jasmine. This little girl has become the envy of everyone since she enjoyed Evan Bell's fan benefits on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show, and there are also a lot of Evan Bell fans. fame. After clicking on the post, sure enough, Elena Jia Siming was stuck on the page, and the ticket purchase was not successful, which definitely made her furious.

Elena Jasmine just turned sixteen this year and got her driver's license, so she was planning to go on a road trip with Elaine Brook and a few mates, driving all the way from Los Angeles to New York to experience the Let's take a look at Evan Bell's journey to the Eagle Rock Music and then to Gotham City to attend the concert. Now, because I haven't bought a ticket, all my good moods have been destroyed.

Therefore, Elena Jia Siming immediately posted a post on Facebook calling for more appearances, and now the number of messages has exceeded 2,000, and the number is constantly rising. The click-through rate has broken through 20,000 sturdily. The topic created in this short period of time is indeed surprising. It seems that the topic of today's "first" world tour will not end for the time being.

Grey Lennon looked at several forum posts and found that the calls for more games were louder than waves, and it seemed that the mighty New Yorker was planning to completely block the Internet today. However, Grey Lennon did not find any posts selling tickets, you know, at this time someone had already paid three thousand dollars to buy an eighty dollar ticket. It's normal to think about it, no one wants to sell the precious tickets in their hands like this.

Grey Lennon couldn't help but smiled bitterly. It seems that even if Evan Bell agreed to add the game, it is estimated that his task of grabbing tickets would not be easy.

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