Great Artist

Chapter 1188: stop abruptly


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Fans' pleas for an extra show at the New York station were quickly answered. Evan Bell has always been generous to fans who truly support him. The most important thing is that the tickets for the New York station would be sold out so quickly. I really did not expect it, and Eleven Studio also had a wrong estimate of the ticket demand in the Greater New York metropolitan area, so the decision to add a game was soon. Got the approval of Eleven Studio.

After confirming that Madison Square Garden will also be available on December 11, the "first" global tour in New York has increased to three concerts. There were 17,000 tickets for the third game, and Temajet Ticketing started online ticket sales again at nine o'clock three days later.

In order to cope with possible network congestion, Temajet ticketing specially added the company's temporary server, the result was barely able to cope with the crazy time of 60 seconds from 9:00 to 9:01, all 17,000 tickets It sold out in the blink of an eye. This is not called "ticket sales", but a veritable "ticket grab". The comparison is who's hands are faster, who else's network speed is faster, and then... luck!

New York's Madison Square Garden is still too "small", and only 20,000 seats cannot satisfy the wishes of the majority of fans. Even after three shows, there are still many fans who have not been able to buy tickets. The only thing I can comfort myself is that this is a global tour, I missed New York, and there are still many performances to come. Everyone expects Evan Bell's tour to be performed in larger venues, such as a large-scale performance of 100,000 people. The concert, then all fans who are eager to enter the venue can get the opportunity. So, the New York station is just the beginning.

There was "Little Sunshine" before the Gotham Awards, and then there was the "first" world tour concert rush to grab tickets. The autumn of 2005 was definitely lively for Evan Bell, and the summer sunshine seems to be still there. Shrouded in Evan Bell. reluctant to leave. The languid autumn sun also carried some splendid flavors. But that all came to an abrupt end on November 26, when an ad in the New York Post appeared.

The New York Post is one of the oldest newspapers in the United States. Founded in 1801, it is still one of the most important newspapers in New York, although its current circulation has dropped to less than 400,000 copies—a peak of 700,000 at its peak. Before the 1970s, the "New York Post" had always won a broad mass base as "one of the newspapers that most faithfully records daily life in the world", but in 1977, the newspaper was rejected by Rupert Merger. After the successful acquisition of Doc, the style of the newspaper has undergone a huge change, and the news of violence and **** has been infinitely amplified. Reports of scandals and cases dominate the newspaper's main theme and attract readers through exaggeration and exaggerated language.

Rupert Murdoch, the world's leading media tycoon, the largest shareholder of News Corp., is also the owner of "The Sun" and "News of the World". Rupert Murdoch entered the London news market through the "News of the World", and the "New York Post" was the stepping stone for the media mogul to enter the New York news market.

Although the "New York Post" and "News of the World" have no necessary connection, but under the guidance of News Corporation, it is normal for them to do nothing for news. so. The New York Post is staring at Evan Bell, and it's not uncommon: Of course, there is a relationship with Sean Hall. They are more than happy to discredit Evan Bell.

Unlike the "News of the World" whose main influence is still in the UK, the "Globe" and other supermarket tabloids have very limited influence. The "New York Post" can sell more than 300,000 newspapers every day, and its influence is still considerable. So conservatives ran an ad in the New York Post: not so much an ad as it was a joint statement, just in the ad slot.

The joint statement stated that it firmly resists the release of "Brokeback Mountain" in major theaters in the United States, and believes that the Motion Picture Association of America should ban the screening of the film. They considered "Brokeback Mountain" a blasphemy against God. Homosexuality violates morals and hurts family members' emotions. It's no different from stealing and killing people, thinking it's against the laws of nature, even animals don't do it. The joint statement strongly condemned Evan Bell and the entire "Brokeback Mountain" crew, arguing that they were misleading teenagers, which would teach them to accept homosexuality - Evan Bell's influence on teenagers cannot be ignored. Finally, the joint statement also said. Protest marches will be held in New York, Los Angeles and Salt Lake City next weekend, calling on all supporters to unite in a backlash against the release of "Brokeback Mountain", calling on major theaters to ban the show.

As soon as this joint statement was published, it immediately began to spread with lightning speed. In fact, the issue of homosexuality in the United States has been an accumulated problem for a long time. It only takes a little sensitive topic to hype it up easily. Say it's election time, say there's a **** parade, say "Harry Potter" is out - conservatives have always thought the film was strongly gay.

This time, although "Brokeback Mountain" is just a **** movie, like countless **** movies, there is nothing special, but the excellent movie, coupled with Evan Bell's super high influence blessing, Venice and Toronto As a result, the film quickly became a banner, and it seemed that at any time after it was released, it might incite a carnival of pro-gay people in society.

So, conservatives decided to preempt it!

In the past two months, Thomas Lansing and Kurt Laporte have encountered major obstacles. The major theater chains have been resisted by conservatives, and the distribution of "Little Sunshine" has been completed, while the distribution of "Brokeback Mountain" has only been negotiated in New York and San Francisco. In the end, Thomas Lansing and Kurt Laporte decided to start with limited screenings, and then slowly expand the scale of the screenings after relying on word of mouth. That's when the release date for "Brokeback Mountain" was confirmed.

Unexpectedly, conservatives seem to be on the verge of "Brokeback Mountain", and they are eager that the film will not be released - thus avoiding the 20-minute applause at the Toronto Film Festival. Conservatives directly fought in New York, one of the **** strongholds, and issued a joint statement in the "New York Post", officially fighting the battle!

The political and cultural fields of the United States are basically divided into two camps: liberals and conservatives, while New York is the stronghold of liberals, who have always maintained a supportive attitude towards homosexuality, while San Francisco is another stronghold of gays. Every year these cities hold grand **** rights marches, which are getting bigger and bigger every year.

Since the conservatives have decided to start a war in the liberal stronghold of New York, they are naturally not unprepared. They have mobilized all aspects of the right-wing forces. It seems that they are determined not to let "Brokeback Mountain" be released. Right-leaning bloggers, radio talk-show hosts, social pundits, and even Republican lawmakers have joined the debate. Republican Senator Jim Demint said, "Homosexuality is strictly forbidden! Movies like 'Brokeback Mountain' should be thrown into a crematorium and burned, and never should see the sun in this world!"

In America, when **** issues collide with politics, it's definitely a headache for anyone. And when Republican senators joined the protests against Brokeback Mountain, things were already getting bigger.

Among the more than 500,000 officials currently serving in the United States, religious conservatives dominate. According to statistics, only 450 officials have publicly admitted their homosexuality, and this number is three in the House of Representatives and three in the Senate. is zero. So, you can imagine what the reaction in American politics will be when conservatives attack. The only good thing is that "Brokeback Mountain" is just a movie, not something as serious as legalizing **** marriage.

With countless people coming out in support of conservatives, then-Vice President Dick Cheney was forced to speak out on the issue because his daughter, Mary, was gay. Dick Cheney's answer was, "It's just a movie, don't take it so seriously, don't you? The movie theater has the right to show it, and you have the right and freedom to go into the movie theater and watch it." In fact, he meant it very much. Clear, think conservatives are still making too much of a fuss, he seems to think conservatives think too much of Evan Bell. UU Reading

And President George Bush, who has just been re-elected, also jokingly expressed his views, as we all know, he is the representative of conservatives, "Oh, whether this movie will be released in theaters or not, but at least I don't have time to go to the movies. God knows, I haven't been in a movie theater for a long time." He kind of avoided the question, after all, it's just a movie, and it's really not that serious.

Amid the clamor of protests, the autumn sun is finally starting to cool, and the prospect of "Brokeback Mountain" seems to be getting worse. Evan Bell was very surprised when he learned of the joint statement of conservatives. He remembered that the release of "Brokeback Mountain" in his last life was not so stiff and the resistance was not so great. Now it seems that there are indeed many things affected by this little butterfly.

For Evan Bell, "Brokeback Mountain" is not alone, and there are definitely many people who are willing to stand up for this movie and for **** rights. Before Evan Bell expressed her opinion in the media, the well-known **** host Ellen DeGeneres took the lead and expressed her support for Evan Bell with her actual actions.

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