Great Artist

Chapter 1190: cocoon

Evan Bell is not Harry Potter, he can't be magic: the conservative forces in Hollywood didn't lose their minds [] It's just that conservatives and religious groups in society miscalculated the situation and ended up cocooning themselves

Gay-themed movies have always been a taboo that cannot be touched in Hollywood. The overwhelming boos when Evan Bell took on "Brokeback Mountain" are still vivid in my mind. Even after the premiere at the Toronto Film Festival, I knew the appalling " The "Bell Phenomenon" professional media also gave corresponding praise to "Brokeback Mountain", but this does not mean that they have compromised on the subject of homosexuality. The work, this work of art has been praised, but for homosexuality, this is still a personal view of people and values

Therefore, even if "Brokeback Mountain" returns with its reputation, the distribution work of major theater chains still faces huge challenges.

If conservatives change their way, such as condemning "Brokeback Mountain" for glorifying homosexuality when in fact it does not, such as calling on audiences not to walk into the cinema to watch movies, such as calling on the major Hollywood studios not to promote **** movies , then these social conservatives are bound to get countless support, just like when their joint statement was just released, overwhelming support for their remarks

Indeed, there are still many people in the media who scoff at gay-themed movies. This is a deeply ingrained concept in the Hollywood film industry, and will not be criticized for "Brokeback Mountain", or what they got in Venice or Toronto. Any change in any award is a matter of concept and a social issue. There is no way to change it in a short period of time. Even if it will change one day in the future, it will be a very distant future, and it will take a long time to subtly influence it.

So, whether it's Hollywood entertainers or people in the media, there's going to be a lot of people on the conservative side who think homosexuality is really unacceptable] However, this time the situation is slightly different

When Evan Bell started to fight back, the situation for the conservatives began to take a turn for the worse because everyone discovered that the conservatives were trying to ban the release of "Brokeback Mountain", which had been separated from the category of **** issues and rose to 〖word〗 The speech of some conservatives on freedom crosses that line

What does it mean to be banned? Means conservatives have started to block the voices of the underprivileged

A movie can be officially released, which is not determined by conservatives, but by the American Film Institute after the classification, through the discussion between the distributor and the major theater chains. Of course, the major theater chains will be sensitive to the subject matter. Influence, thereby limiting the number of screens on which movies are released, and this is why the so-called "art theater chain" appears.

In fact, before the conservatives issued the joint statement, the effect of "Brokeback Mountain" in the major theaters was not so conservative. The original intention was to use the momentum of public opinion to force the major theaters to make "Brokeback Mountain" simply under pressure. It's just the excesses of conservatives, and the underestimation of Evan Bell's influence that ultimately led to a result that was far beyond their expectations.

Now it's not just about **** movies, it's about freedom of movie screening. So, neither Hollywood entertainers nor the media can do anything more because any movie has its own release. 〖Freedom〗, 〖speech〗 〖Freedom' is protected

"You can hate gays, hate 'Brokeback Mountain' but you can't let this movie be banned" This is the main reason why conservatives are in a passive position at this time. the highest point, and thus have the upper hand, but do not want to be a cocoon]

So what can Hollywood people do? What can the major film companies do?

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, this kind of thing is just like the movie rating system. Today conservatives can arrogantly ban the release of "Brokeback Mountain", and tomorrow they can shoot at any film company. For this group of conservatives Come on, they don't care if you're with Eleven Studios, they're a bunch of lunatics who care about everything. It's not about **** movies anymore, it's about sensitive movies, and naturally it involves everything If the film public can openly agree with the conservatives' proposal to ban the release of "Brokeback Mountain" this time, what about the next time? Maybe the studios themselves

This summer, because the Walmart chain signed a $30,000 check to the Los Angeles Gay Rights Association, it was really just a charity. $30,000 was a drop in the bucket for Walmart, but conservatives threatened To hold a demonstration of "No entry to Walmart City...", Walmart City has to be forced to express that it will maintain a neutral position. This is the most obvious case.

Therefore, the people who were clamoring to oppose "Brokeback Mountain" shut up. They oppose homosexuality, but they don't want the freedom of speech, which is a right protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. If you get involved, it will be an endless war of words. As for Universal Pictures and Disney, they know when they can fight infighting, and when they should join hands with the outside world. This moment is the moment to join hands with the outside world.

Rather than these people speaking for "Brokeback Mountain", they are speaking for their own interests. But Evan Bell took advantage of the core point of "interest" and pulled all the momentum.

Compared with the 150,000 signatures of conservatives, it is obvious that the 35,000 signatures that Evan Bell got in the artist circle are absolutely as powerful as a nuclear bomb. Almost at the moment when the press conference ended, There was a frenzy of solidarity signatures on the Internet. In less than six hours, 300,000 signatures were successfully collected on Facebook. That kind of battle seems to be planning to be on the same front as Evan Bell and the conservatives. Send people to fight to the end

The next day, an advertisement font appeared on the bus bodies of four cities including New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Boston. "Some people are gay, accept it." But it became an advertisement, shown to everyone on the bus in the city

Conservatives seem to realize at this time that they have stepped on a mine that cannot be messed with. When they realize that their speech seems to have crossed the line, and that Evan Bell has caught the loophole, and it continues to enlarge, resulting in Conservatives are in an unfavorable situation now, but there is no regret medicine in the world, and there is no turning back. At this moment, the topic of whether "Brokeback Mountain" can be released is starting to burn in the entire United States.

Carefully read through Evan Bell’s experience since his debut, rejecting commercial blockbusters for his studies, facing slander incidents and resisting the media, and still not dazed by the fame and fortune works such as “Pirates of the Caribbean”, the director became famous under repeated doubts, The flood of criticism can't shake his determination to take on "Brokeback Mountain". Don't let the "Sunshine Beauty" incident that was released recently. No one has the guts of Evan and Bell to take on a film that has been unattended for four years. A "boring" drama, and still able to produce such a brilliant work... From the very beginning, Evan-Bell was synonymous with personality, unruly, and unruly With the support of Michelle Heather after winning the Grand Prix at the Venice Film Festival, it is not surprising that Evan Bell reacted to such provocation from conservatives

Since Michelle and Heather came out of the closet to the present, although Evan Bell was not a member of Heather's family, she grew up with Michelle and Heather, except Teddy. Besides, Michelle Heather is always like a big brother, he is also family

A large part of the reason for filming "Brokeback Mountain" was to make the society face up to the homosexual group, so that Michelle and Heather could breathe freely in broad daylight. Therefore, Evan-Bell is absolutely in an agreed position

Conservatives have [freedom] of speech, they can [freely] express their thoughts on the evil of homosexuality, but they have no right to prevent the release of "Brokeback Mountain", no

After conservatives organized a protest the parade of **** supporters also started again. Different from the marches for **** rights every summer vacation, most of the participants were **** groups. This time in Egypt Under Wen Yibeier's strong call, everyone is to support the release of "Brokeback Mountain". Although this film is a homosexual work, there are many people who reject it, but everyone agrees with Aegis Bell's point of view: the film has the right to be released. As for them No, when the time comes, no one is forcing them into the cinema anyway.

This time the parade is still held in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Boston. It is reported that more than 150,000 people signed up for the parade, which made the police departments of the four cities nervous for fear When an accident occurs, it is known that Evan Bell, Anne Heather, Extrajudicial Outlaw, Jason Mayez, Christopher Nolan, Leonardo DiCaprio and others will all be involved. When participating in the parade in New York, the police became more nervous

This is the second march in the Big Apple within a week, and it's also a demonstration against the conservative protest march that was just posted earlier. If conservatives join the parade today, then 〖〗 The outbreak of physical conflict seems to be possible at any time, which gives the police a headache

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