Great Artist

Chapter 1191: protest demonstration


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Located at the southernmost tip of Manhattan, Battery Park (also translated as Battery Park), where the park's prototype was formed because of the Fort Clinton National Monument, was followed by the appearance of the "immigrant" bronze statue, which was for coming to the United States through the gate of Fort Clinton. Built by eight million immigrants. Therefore, Fortress Park has always been of special significance to the immigrant-swarmed Xiacheng District. Here, monuments and green spaces are the main scenery, cannons can be seen from the pier facing the sea, and the Statue of Liberty and Alice Island are not far away.

Today, a large number of people gathered in the Battery Park early in the morning. Looking around, it definitely exceeded the scale of 10,000 people. In fact, according to incomplete statistics, the Battery Park finally gathered more than 50,000 people. Walking into the scene of Battery Park, you can see that the kitchen, temporary hospital and library are all ready, and a large number of volunteers are sending out flyers to safeguard **** rights.

While this was due to protests by conservatives calling for a protest against the release of "Brokeback Mountain", there's no denying that if "Brokeback Mountain" wasn't a **** work, it would never have gotten to where it is today. Therefore, it is also a predictable move to send flyers on the spot to safeguard **** rights.

It's just that not everyone at the scene is **** rights defenders. At least 20% of the people are here to watch the fun. They want to see if conservatives will take action? Or what will Evan Bell do? Another 20% came to protest "Freedom of Speech". They had no interest in the movie "Brokeback Mountain", but came to express their support for Evan Bell. . Therefore, less than 60% of the people came specifically to support "Brokeback Mountain".

But no matter what, all kinds of protest signs and slogans on the scene filled the Battery Park. The crowds and slogans in the mountains and plains clearly made people feel the prosperity and noise of New York, a world-class metropolis.

The New York police are on high alert for this attack. More than 400 police officers are fully armed and deployed at the scene to maintain order. Dozens of police cars are guarded at various intersections to deal with emergencies. The police even temporarily set up observation towers to form a three-dimensional security network with the police helicopters hovering in the air. Lest the conservatives also arrive at the scene and a head-on conflict breaks out, it will get out of hand.

in a field of more than 50,000 people. Without a stage, Evan Bell is like a drop of water merging into a lake. Even if the drop of water is crystal clear and sparkling like a diamond version, it is not so easy to find. The reporters had expected Evan Bell to make a high-profile appearance, but when they found Evan Bell, Anne Hathaway and others, it was already past lunch time. Evan Bell and others were sitting in a corner of the park. Holding a protest sign in his hand, like all protesters, he insisted on expressing his position. There was no deliberate grandstanding, and no deliberate incitement to public sentiment, which surprised everyone.

The first person to find Evan Bell was a reporter from the "New York Post". As one of the sources of the protest demonstrations, the "New York Post" has been working hard to follow the development of the incident. Although the "New York Post" is not a good bird. But compared to the "News of the World", they are not shameless to that point, and they still maintain a certain degree of friendship with Eleven Studio.

The reporter looked at the sign in Evan Bell's hand. It said "We have rights!" He thought about it, then walked forward with his tape recorder. "Evan, at the Toronto Film Festival, didn't you say that you were shooting 'Brokeback Mountain' or that you wanted to make a film Movies no one watches. So why don't you just limit screenings when conservatives are rejecting your films? Or. You are trying to gain attention, and your fundamental idea is to win the attention of the public? "

Without waiting for Evan Bell to answer, a group of people cursed over, "Go eat shit, you", "Grass your mother", "You're a bitch. Raised..." The sound will not be far away The reporters were slowly attracted. Because after the protests started this morning, everyone was very orderly, and they were just expressing their positions. There was no radical move, which undoubtedly disappointed the reporters. Now, there are finally waves, and naturally they all come over.

As a client, Evan Bell is always calm when facing reporters, because he used to be a reporter himself, and he knows how to deal with these reporters, which he is all too familiar with. Evan Bell still held up his sign "No! I'm defending the right of my movie to be released! Even if my movie is released in 4,000 cinemas, people who don't want to watch the movie will still not go into the cinema; on the contrary, if People who want to see my movie, even if it's only in four theaters, will still go to see it. I'm defending my right to 'four' theaters!"

The reporter of the "New York Post" just set up a set, and it was a little disappointing to see that Evan Bell didn't get in. But he thought of how to provoke in a blink of an eye, but before he spoke, Evan Bell went on to say, "Besides, if I want to gain attention, I don't think I need to do anything, you media are already busy. Let's keep it." This sentence was meaningful, making the reporter in front of him speechless for a while.

From the start of the filming of "Brokeback Mountain" to a series of news events after the Toronto screening, in fact, Evan Bell did not deliberately promote it, let alone hype it. It's just that these media are unwilling to let go of the sensitive topic of homosexuality, as well as the direct chemical reaction between this sensitive topic and Evan Bell. So, yes, Evan Bell doesn't need the hype at all, the media itself is there.

The reporter is naturally not a vegetarian. He quickly suppressed his inner depression and said directly, "Evan, are you deliberately provoking the bottom line of religious groups and conservatives, under the banner of safeguarding **** rights, for the sake of Seek more benefits for yourself." This is very vicious, and it has a taste of confounding right and wrong.

Evan Bell laughed instead of being angry, "Sorry, who provoked first? Who said that he wanted to ban the release of 'Brokeback Mountain'? Who first stopped the parade, called for signatures, and tried to use public opinion pressure to seek benefits? Who was it? To persecute the rights and interests of every normal citizen in the name of religion?" In the face of Evan Bell's aggressiveness, the reporter could not refute a word. However, if he was trying to **** off Evan Bell, he should have succeeded. "It's not me, it definitely won't be me! It's those conservatives and religious groups you say!"

"Sorry! I don't know what they say about God. As far as I know God, as a layman, he loves all people! God created us to love us the way we are. Homosexuality has nothing to do with us. Different, they also have joys and sorrows, they also have their daily lives, they also have family and friends, and they also fall in love with others, but the other party happens to be the same sex, that's all." Evan Bell crackled a long list of remarks. Just blurted out, making the "New York Post" reporters have no resistance at all. "So, don't talk to me about provocation, don't talk to me about rights, don't talk to me about God! If they have any other tricks to attack me, you are most welcome. !"

"Remember!" Evan Bell said word by word, the firmness on his face made the reporter shudder. "We have rights!"

Anne Hathaway, Leonardo DiCaprio and others who were standing beside them seemed to realize that this moment was very important, so Qi Qi raised their hands and shouted loudly, "We have rights!" Michelle Hathaway, Katherine Bell, Teddy Bell, Eden Hudson, extrajudicial fanatics and others also began to shout. This line began to spread, from one person to ten people, to one thousand and one thousand people, and soon, more than half of the people at the scene shouted. No.

The deafening "We have rights!" echoed in the sky above Lower Manhattan.

At this moment, all the reporters were dumbfounded. Why did they suddenly become emotional? And this line seems to have something in it. It can be understood that we have the freedom of speech, and movies have the right to be shown; it can also be understood that being **** has the right to be treated correctly! Even, it can be understood that being a vulnerable group in life should have their own rights!

When more than two-thirds of the 50,000 people at the scene began to shout this slogan, the shocking emotion gradually became aroused, and it became an amazing force in the sky above New York City. This force is also gathering in Boston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles at the same time.

The protests lasted only one day, but conservatives discovered that the world had changed.

Five days ago, conservatives could still find countless But when the protest organized by Evan Bell ended, it seemed that all allies disappeared in an instant - of course not true There are still many diehards who remain, but because this incident has been separated from the category of homosexuality, there are not many people who remain. Except for a small number of extreme right-wing elements, others are reluctant to join in. After all, it's just a movie, so it shouldn't be so real. Conservatives and religious groups are left with nothing but their breath.

However, the only thing conservatives should be thankful for is that they didn't go to the protests and demonstrations, and if they did, they might not be able to come back.

In the continuous wave of "rights", conservatives who were originally strong have retreated again and again. Except for Wyoming and Utah, other states have let go and expressed their willingness to publicly show "Brokeback Mountain", but it will be released. The number of screens still needs to be discussed.

Wyoming and Utah, this is the last frontier for conservative forces! The wave of protests in these two states is still serious. "Brokeback Mountain" is still in a state of strong resistance here, and the ban on screening is still their only [answer]!

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