Great Artist

Chapter 1373: this is Love

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Evan Bell maintained a high level in the last performance after ninety-one concert performances, which brought infinite surprises to everyone. The fastest full-text novel) was the first encore dedication. She performed a breathtaking dance, overwhelming the audience; for the second time, Encore brought a full single, "This is love...shocks the audience

When the "first" world tour officially came to an end in New York, countless audience members hadn't come out of the wonderful seven months, as if this was the beginning of December last year, Evan -Bell's road to making history has only just begun but the end is the end, when the sun rises the next day, Evan Bell's first world tour 1373 This is love is finally over

Although the "first time" is over, the topics it brings and the records it creates will never end It's enough to be a topic of discussion for countless people. What's more, it's a pity that the concert ended, but everyone knows that the release of Evan Bell's fourth album will not be too far away. happy news

Sure enough, on Monday, July 10th, Evan Bell's twenty-sixth single and the first single "This Is Love" from the album "Four" was officially released

Although Evan Bell still did not choose the release time of the album "Four", everyone knew that the release of "This is Love" had sounded the sprint horn of "Four" for a while, and major music companies began to inquire. When will Wen Bell officially release the album, it is estimated that a group of singers will retire. I just hope not to fight with Evan Bell, otherwise the album sales are likely to fail

The release of "This is Love" has not had any news or signs of publicity before this, but in fact it does not need any publicity, just 1373 This is Love is the "first" world tour finale performance, which It's enough for this song to get huge exposure, not to mention, this is the end of November last year "That's it... After this single was released, Evan Bell released a single again after seven months, just this one. A gimmick is enough to get everyone's attention

However, Evan Bell's release of "This is Love" this time has also released the MV at the same time, which is really rare) Originally, the general view was that Evan Bell would edit the clip of the tour as "This is Love" The MV, but Evan Bell did not, he really took the time to shoot a complete MV during the tour, which is also a surprise for all fans

The mv was officially premiered at 9:00 on Monday morning. This time, in order to win the premiere rights of the "This is Love" mv, five TV stations came to compete. Appeared, but sent mtv global music TV station, which also belongs to Viacom Group, and finally added cable TV station literally translated as American classic movie cable TV station, this competitive lineup is really strong

However, Evan Bell then said that the MV will be broadcast on the 11th channel of the lure tube on Tuesday, so the major TV stations are only competing for the MV's premiere rights and 24-hour broadcast rights. After the news came out, Both MTV and MTV have withdrawn from competing TV stations with sincerity, and their performance has impressed Teddy Bell; while Fox TV and MTV have already made plans. Fox TV hopes to pull Evan Bell into the "American Idol" lineup. The upcoming sixth season audition can make an appearance; they hope to hype the topic. Under the circumstance that the ratings are declining, they urgently need some topics to boost the TV station's exposure. Of course, with the mv as a breakthrough, they can achieve the same results with Eleven Productions. Cooperation, hoping to get the excellent TV series produced by Eleven Studio, is also one of the ideas.

Under this situation, the competition for mv was extremely fierce. In the end, it was Fox TV station who had deep pockets and overwhelmed two powerful competitors and won the premiere rights of "This is Love".

When the "This Is Love" music video premiered on Fox, it was 9 o'clock in the morning, but it still achieved over 15 million viewership ratings, which is not enough for a piece of music that is only 4 minutes and 20 seconds long. According to the videotape, it can be called a heaven-defying grade.

Evan Bell, who is now a representative of the generation of directors, is now directing the MV. Naturally, he is familiar with this MV. Evan Bell tells the story of a family, using a method similar to "crash" as many clues expand

The child of a family of three was drafted into the army. This is the first time he has left home since he grew up, but before leaving home to go to the battlefield in Iraq, he stood at the door of the house and hugged his parents for a long time, but he was unwilling to take it away. In the arms of the family, what we have to face is not only the sinister society, but the frightening every step of the battlefield, but the boy turned and left resolutely, carrying the army green backpack and disappearing in the sight of his parents little by little.

The mother watched the news about the war on the TV screen, clasped her hands tightly, and prayed devoutly. Crystal tears flashed on the old face with frosted temples, but she was always reluctant to let go of her hands. To wipe the tears from the corners of my eyes, I only hope that my piety can move God

His father was carrying sandbags on the construction site, and sweat slowly flowed down his forehead, but he was unwilling to rest. Only when he had lunch would he sit down. He held up the lunch box his wife made for him with trembling hands, and squatted on the ground. Dirty corner quietly eating lunch After lunch, my father took out the picture of the family portrait in his wallet, took a deep look at it, and then walked to the construction site again

The city was in ashes, the flames of war were raging between the low houses, the children in ragged clothes stood beside the road at a loss, the rubble behind them smoked thick smoke, but they could no longer see the appearance of home. The two armies suddenly exchanged fire. , once again disturbed the tranquility of the ruins shrouded in smoke

The son held the rifle in his hand tightly, and looked at his comrade who was shot and fell to the ground at a loss. He took a deep breath, finally mustered up the courage to pick up the weapon in his hand, and started a fight with the opponent, but he saw A child curled up in a corner not far away, trembling under the gunfire, his **** eyes were puzzled. He guessed that the child didn't even know what happened. Maybe the house was peaceful the last moment. , but the next moment everything is ruined

The son threw a grenade, causing the opponent's firepower to pause for a while. He hurriedly ran towards the child, picked up the child, and ran back to his camp. Just as he was about to walk down the trench, the gun shot There was a sound, and a gorgeous blood flower bloomed from the back of the son. At this moment, the world fell into black and white, only the bright and magnificent red was showing off.

My mother left the house and became one of the volunteers in the city. She came to Orleans. The city was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. My mother entered the rescue station and became one of the many volunteers. One of the buildings in Orleans' urban reconstruction, he organized homeless people who had no homes or jobs to enter the construction site and rebuild the city with his own hands

When the son came back and appeared in front of his father and mother, he was lying on a stretcher and lost his left arm forever. Looking at the old and tired face, the mother stepped forward and hugged the son tightly, and the father also Walking to the stretcher, the tearful mother said only one sentence, "Thank God, you are still alive"

When the mv ended, many people couldn't help but tear up. This mv is not too fancy, and the story is very simple. It just revolves around a family of three. However, in it, it is interspersed with the most important things for Americans in the past few years. Important events: Iraq. War. Hurricane Katrina. This is an ordinary story of a family. It is an expression of opposition to war and calls for peace. It is an expression of the need for unity in the face of disaster. It’s okay to express that family love is supreme, but when the mother said the last sentence, other themes are no longer important. In fact, everything is just from one thing, that is love.

Combined with the lyrics of the song "This is Love", the idea of ​​the entire mv became clear: "Love is why we persevere, it is worth all the pain; love is why we are knocked but Stand strong again; love is where the heart lies, love is the power that comes down from the sky, love is this, this is love"

Evan Bell is still Evan Bell. The MV for only more than four minutes clearly established the three images of son, father and mother. Everyone has different ways to deal with difficulties. But they are closely united because of "love". Evan Bell draws on the technique of the classic "Schindler's List", and uses black and white pictures for most of the mv, and only uses color at special moments. Light up, the texture similar to oil painting makes the whole mv look beautiful. At the last moment, when the mother said "Thank God, you are still alive", the tears on her cheeks slid down and lit up the father's face The relief on my son's face lights up the smile on my son's face, lights up all the colors around it, and warms everyone's heart in an instant.

It is not difficult for loyal fans to find that at the end of the mv, the words "To the Burns and Mrs. Burns" are written in the lower right corner, but it has caused countless people's conjectures. When Catherine Burns saw the mv, she When it came to the last line of words, the tears in her eyes could no longer be controlled. When the embankment burst, she knew that her mother's last words were what she wanted to say to her husband, but unfortunately, she had no chance to say them.

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