Great Artist

Chapter 1374: fall from the sky


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"This is love... This song still carries on the glorious tradition of Evan Bell's previous twenty-five singles, with hand-painted covers. The cover of the single is a pattern of two hands clasped together to form a love heart. , the part where the hands are interlaced is reflective white, the color gradually deepens as it spreads out, and when it reaches the edge of the cover, it becomes a dim yellow with a sense of vicissitudes. The entire cover has a grainy effect, and the traces left by the years are very clear , not like a painting, but like an old photo from decades ago.

Just above the hands, "This is Love" is depicted in very block letters, and then in the lower right corner is the words "Evan Bell, produced by Eleven".

It's been a long time indeed. In the past year, although Evan Bell has been releasing singles one after another, you must know that Evan Bell won his twentieth title with "Ship Night" in June last year. The first number one single, tying the Beatles' historical record; but compared to Evan Bell's performance in movies, the music is indeed somewhat inferior. It is a pity that the new work that everyone has been waiting for has never been released even though the world tour has set off waves of frenzy.

This time, Evan Bell finally came out with a new piece of music, which instantly attracted everyone's attention. After the MV premiered on Fox and attracted 15 million viewers, the MV for "This Is Love" landed on uTube the next day. In just 24 hours, the hit rate exceeded 20 million, and Created 90 million hits within a week, and has the momentum to surpass "American Idol" and "Prison Break" to become the king of uTube hits.

On the other hand, professional music critics have been looking forward to it for a long time.

Adam Roy can't wait for a long time, he has been looking forward to Evan Bell's new work. Although many people are worried that Evan - Bell Jianglang is exhausted, the talent in music has been squandered. But Adam Roy is not worried at all. Because from the perspective of the "first" world tour, Evan Bell's ability in music adaptation and performance has not declined at all, and it is still improving, which shows that. Evan Bell's time immersed in music has not decreased but increased, which is enough to prove that he is in good shape.

"This Is Love" Adam Roy logged on Eleven Blog for a 20-second audition after his Madison Square Garden concert. It was only twenty seconds, and Adam Roy was still shocked. This is another absolute classic, perhaps not as amazing as "Tianguang...", but better than a series of classics before Evan Bell Tracks. Songs like "Better than Hallelujah... Catalyst..." are halfway through.

After listening to the whole song, Adam Roy had to sigh that this is indeed a very good song.

"The drum beat from the prelude easily caught the audience's ears. The seemingly flat drum beat released the essence of British rock little by little, so that when the rhythm guitar strings were cut, the song was brisk and sad. The atmosphere has been created It came out. This time, Evan Bell did not have any surprises in the choice of instruments. There was no piano that was easy to create an atmosphere, but Evan Bell, through his own voice, infinitely amplified the emotion in the lyrics. .Let the listener involuntarily indulge in it.

' It's in the child's eyes when they leave home for the first time; it's in the beating heart of a soldier when he's shot at the front; it's in the worried face of the mother, when she feels the aftermath of the explosion. ; it was in the old palm of my father, as he worked day and night. ’

Just the first paragraph of lyrics, Evan Bell vividly outlines different pictures with his warm brushstrokes. When interpreting his voice, he is not deliberately provocative. Rely on that voice. As soon as every story is depicted in our minds, the softness in our hearts has already begun to tremble slightly.

When cutting into the chorus, Evan Bell's voice is clear but not warm, tough but not soft, and it is vividly displayed. Almost every word pierces our hearts, no need to be sensational, because the words and phrases of this song are already the biggest catalyst for our emotions.

What exactly is love. What makes us persevere in difficulties, what makes us stand up again and again from falls, what makes us heal ourselves from pain, and what makes us face difficulties without hesitation. At the end of the day, what makes our bright red hearts beat.

is love.

'Love is power from heaven'. Evan Bell presented the answer with his most powerful and sharpest weapon, hitting us with no backhand and only drifting in the torrent of melody.

Everyone has their own softness in their hearts, and this softness is where love lives. Maybe it's a relative, maybe a friend, maybe a lover, maybe a pet, maybe a movie, maybe a song, maybe it's just a cookie that your mother baked for you when you were a child...

Evan Bell is always so good. With a single line of music, a lyric and a single voice, he easily interprets a 'love' vividly: against war, calling for peace; anger at war, boredom, regret for death, Melancholy, yearning and hope for peace; love and worship of life... Evan Bell's melody is like a light of hope deep in his heart, quietly taking root and sprouting, and then growing into a big tree in the sky.

this is Love. "

Adam Roy's review on Rolling Stone gave "This Is Love" a 9 out of 1, Evan Bell's fifth song to earn Adam Roy's 9 out of 10 , in Adam Roy's career as a music critic, it is the thirty-third song, which shows Adam Roy's admiration for this song.

Although "This Is Love" is just a single, it still easily won the love of the media. Among the thirty-nine media reviews, twenty of them gave a five-star recommendation and a four-star recommendation. There are fifteen, and the remaining four also have three three-star and one two-star.

Britain's "Q Magazine" considered this to be Evan Bell's most successful integration of anti-war sentiment into music, and the song was elevated by focusing on the most sincere human emotions. Qualifies as a quasi-classical piece.

The famous music magazine "Rotation" commented, "This is love, this is Evan Bell. Evan announced his return in the simplest, but also the most gorgeous gesture. There is no doubt. This is Best single of the day so far!"

The ever-sharp and fiery "Mixer" did not contradict either, saying "this is Evan Bell's best single since 2005, and the best single of any artist." And in At the end of the comments, "Mixer" firmly believes that Evan Bell's song was inspired by his own love, and they speculate that Evan Bell is now in love. Keeping their usual spicy and hot style.

"The Sound of Music" has always been tepid for Evan Bell, and his voice has always been relatively calm, and this time was no exception. "It's undeniable, it's a good song. Evan proved with such a song His presence has never been ignored." Other than that, The Sound of Music doesn't have much to say about the song itself.

Compared with the "calmness" of these newspapers and magazines, "Billboard" only used the sentence "Return of the King", which pushed Evan Bell to a whole new level. well known. Evan Bell has always performed well on the Billboard, especially when his music is always full of personality and out of tune with the mainstream market, he can still create miracles in sales time and time again. That's the most amazing thing. So, it's not surprising that Billboard magazine has such a high regard for Evan Bell.

William Wood's comments on "US Weekly" were not too outrageous, but because of his relationship with Evan Bell's mouthpiece, he was still noticed by many people. William-Wood believes, "Evan's music has now begun to return to its basics, and he can traverse a variety of musical styles with ease. This time's 'this is love' has the distinctive characteristics of British rock's mid-tempo rhythm, the song In a cheerful atmosphere, the colors of unruly and melancholy appear. Under the strong conflict, the theme of 'love' collides with the most gorgeous and psychedelic colors. I have to say. The signboard of 'Evan's' , always surprises us.”

Compared with Evan Bell, who has faced countless doubts every time he is in the film field, his path in the music field has always been smooth. On the other hand, it has shown enough strength and quality from the beginning of "just a dream... that it is impossible to be admired. It requires sales and sales. It requires awards and awards, personality and personality. There is support... Evan Bell's music really doesn't have many places to pick on In addition to satirizing Evan Bell's too small, it is estimated that there is not much to say.

Among the media, "This Is Love" became the daily champion of the iTunes download chart on the day it was released, and approached the scorching summer of 2006 with an unstoppable attitude.

Under the circumstance that a lot of fans and the media are highly sought after, many media have noticed an important thing: Evan Bell's Billboard singles number one has accumulated 20 songs as early as last June, breaking the record. The first record is a matter of time, but Evan Bell is not in a hurry, and has no intention of putting the record under his name as soon as possible, and has not released his latest single until today, thirteen months later. And now, with the momentum of "this is love", the billboard championship doesn't seem to be a problem at all, so when will this championship come? Is it the airborne champion? Or have to wait another week?

So, under the instigation of the media, almost everyone is watching, when will Evan Bell's twenty-first championship single be born!

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