Great Artist

Chapter 1377: A rare opportunity


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In Evan Bell's view, the biggest difference between the adjusted "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" in this life and the previous life is the outline of the characters. After several changes to the script, the roles of Bill Turner, Norrington, Admiral Butler Beckett and others have been greatly weakened, but only a focus has been enlarged. The real focus of the characters shifted to Isabella Swan and Davy Jones.

Isabella Swan's wit, courage and cunning as a female pirate showed her first edge, allowing the green one to play more than a vase. And the role of Davy Jones, as the villain who made a grand debut in the second episode, the script expanded his situation of digging his heart for love, so that this role was perfected, and then in his relationship with Will, Bill, Jack and others During the confrontation, they all increased their role and outlined his image as a maritime hegemon little by little.

The secondary supporting roles were shortened, the main supporting roles were enlarged, and the plots of other branches were simplified as much as possible. This shortened the entire movie from 150 minutes in the previous life to 133 minutes, removed the bloated and cumbersome story, and made the main line clearer, obviously much smoother. And the flashes of Isabella Swan and Davy Jones also made people see more character charm. Although the sacrificed Will Turner is involved in the father-son line, he has not many scenes, but at the end of the film, he sees Isabella Swan kissing Jack Sparrow, as well as being trapped by his father. The worries aboard the Flying Dutchman set the stage for the next installment.

In general. The tweaked and streamlined "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" maintains the fun, humorous style of the first, adding special effects and scenes, of course. And the indispensable Captain Jack Sparrow, on the whole, is a class higher than the previous life. This is Evan Bell's personal view. He was quite satisfied with the results of the film.

However, Evan Bell is the only one who has been reborn. Other media do not know that the finished product of this version is much better than the previous life. The media only know that they saw a brand new story on the big screen, and then based on their own Senses rated the story.

How many people in the media hate Evan Bell? The answer is, as many people like him, as many people hate him. Because he always likes to give reporters problems. Even at the expense of the reporter himself, he had to laugh, which made the reporters hate him to the core; but at the same time, the reporters could not do without Evan Bell, think about it, the Cannes Film Festival, the concert tour , graduation ceremony, "this is love", "Pirates of the Caribbean 2"... These countless topics are the magic weapon for major newspapers and magazines to sell wildly at the beginning of summer. No one will miss these.

Love and hate, must be the biggest idea of ​​all reporters about Evan Bell, the only exception is William Wood. It's also the time when reporters swarm every time the possibility of potentially bad news about Evan Bell comes up. The root cause of rushing to the ground.

For example, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2".

In fact, from an objective point of view, after Evan Bell's check, this is a very successful commercial film, with a clear main line, rich characters, wonderful plot, excellent special effects... There are really many places to praise. But on Evan Bell, the media will not think so.

Starting from "Death Illusion", Evan Bell's every work has been able to set off a storm of word of mouth, even the commercial films "Sniper Phone Booth", "Enemies Robot" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" rely on astonishing word of mouth to silence reporters Speechless. It almost seemed like an impossible task to wait for Evan Bale to go wrong. And now, the bug has finally appeared.

Compared with Evan Bell's previous high-quality works, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" can only be regarded as one of the popcorn movies, and the overall quality has not been sublimated. So, this became an excuse for all the media to attack Evan Bell. No one knows, if this time is missed, when the next opportunity will come, or even if it will never appear. Therefore, the media, with extremely harsh eyes, used a microscope to magnify "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" infinitely, and then criticized them completely.

Surprisingly, the media that bears the brunt of this time is neither "Premier" nor "News of the World", but "Vanity Fair", which has always been enthusiastic about Evan Bell's lace news, "This is an incompetent film. sequel", was their one-sentence review.

In the detailed comments, "Vanity Fair" believes, "First of all, the branch lines to be expressed in the film are too many and too complicated, which leads to a little confusion in the narrative level of the film, but the villain Davy Jones has become the core of the film's narrative. , The side continued to show the power of his abilities, but in the end, no energy erupted. The only thing that made him appear powerful was the octopus sea monster.

Secondly, Elizabeth Swan has completely lost the innocence and loyalty of the first part, constantly falling into the charm of Captain Jack Sparrow, and interacting with her ex-fiancé a lot, which is really difficult Will Turner, a mature blacksmith, was embarrassed. At the end of the movie, Elizabeth Swan actually kisses Captain Jack Sparrow in order to lock the captain with a trick, but the point is, the captain actually fell for the beauty trick? This is really eye-opening.

In the end, the ending of the movie is too deliberately abrupt. Captain Jack Sparrow was devoured by the war octopus sea monster; the witch Tia said she could go to the end of the world to save the captain and the Black Pearl, and then Captain Barbossa, who had been wiped out in the first part, reappeared. This clearly tells the audience: If you want to know the answer, please enter the cinema at the same time next year. This is a huge cheat for the audience.

Even if Captain Jack Sparrow is still charming and upside-down on the big screen, this isn't a proper sequel. "

The criticism of "Vanity Fair" is reasonable, and it can be said to be conservative, so the "premier" that followed was merciless at all, and Elliott Carter was full for the arrival of this day After waiting for five years, I can finally attack Evan Bell openly. How can I miss it?

"'Slimy, wet, intricate, stinky and long', this is my impression of 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2'. Jack, Will, Elizabeth and other masked characters were confirmed in the first part The image has changed, and there is no change in the sequel. He dutifully completes his role in making troubles and behaving badly. The portrayal of the character instead gave the villain David Jones a lot of scenes, but in the end, it didn't come to an end, making people one-sided. foggy water.

Even the special effects scenes that took a lot of effort to render are not necessarily satisfactory. The special effects are obviously more dazzling than the first film, and the additional investment of 80 million can be clearly presented, but the dim and depressing tones make it difficult to see, not to mention the chaotic picture that is always filled with countless characters, and even makes it difficult to see. People can't tell which is the character and which is the background, which greatly weakens the effect of special effects.

When combined with the deliberate ending to lead to the third episode, it's a total disaster. The audience ran after Captain Jack Sparrow for two hours, and the result was '', which made people stunned. The questions about this movie have not been answered yet, and you can't wait to make the audience "look forward to" the third film next year? I don't think this is a wise choice.

All in all, it was a disaster. "

Elliott Carter did his best to scold every aspect of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", and there was hardly any bright spot in his writing. "s work. The extreme criticism of "Premier" was also very prominent among the many voices that fell into the ground, attracting a lot of attention, and the magazine's sales also reached a new high, which made "Premier" all overjoyed.

"Variety" magazine, which has always commented relatively seriously, also criticized "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" this time, "Overall, this can only be said to be a qualified work. First, Davy Jones and Jack Spay The grievances between Luo are too stiff to stand up to any scrutiny; second, the production scale and special effects investment are far more than the first, but they are self-defeating because of too much craftsmanship; third, Jack Spey The **** affair between Lowe and Isabella Swan can be called a major failure, which not only destroys the established image of the three protagonists in the first film, but also makes the film go to the level of vulgar blood.

If it wasn't Evan Bell's work, it was just an ordinary sequel movie, it would be wonderful, eighty out of ten. But unfortunately, this is the work of Evan Bell. Far inferior to any of Evan Bell's old works, people can't help but feel embarrassed. "

From the criticism of "variety", it can be seen that The most important thing is that the media has given hope to Evan Bell. Evan Bell's previous works have already set a very high standard. That led to the harshness of mainstream reviews. Evan Bell knew this and could only helplessly smile. The much-maligned shortcomings of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" in the past life have been greatly improved, but in the end it was because of his own high standards that the film suffered a frenzied bombardment by the media.

Us Weekly believes that "'Pirates of the Caribbean 2' suffers from the sequel curse."

"News of the World" commented, "Except for the screen being washed away by hundreds of millions of visual effects, most of the time we don't know what the movie is about."

Can't blame them too much for the media's criticism and strictness, as this is their only chance for revenge in the film industry for the past five years. In fact, although there are many people who lose their minds, there are still many people who keep their senses. They stand in an objective point of view and give a pertinent evaluation to "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". It also tilted the reviews of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" again, struggling amid the chaos.

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