Great Artist

Chapter 1378: word of mouth melee


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In fact, in Evan Bell's film career, almost every film has suffered from word-of-mouth controversy. The ones that have achieved overwhelmingly good word-of-mouth are "Brokeback Mountain" and "Little Sunshine". As for other works, most of them are It is the benevolent who sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom, but the praise prevails, and with the precipitation of time, the excellence of those works fermented little by little, making people fascinated. This is the most admirable part of Evan Bell.

Take the "Perfume" that met the world at the Cannes Film Festival a month ago as an example. This work has achieved a very rare polarized review, which also makes "Perfume" the most anticipated this year amid controversy. a film. The fact is that there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people. When the whole world is praising Shakespeare, there must be some people who disdain him. No one can please everyone, no one.

The same is true of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". After its release, it was severely criticized by many media because of its status as a sequel and the high standards of Evan Bell. However, there are still many media who stand on an objective standpoint and criticize "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". They think it is a very good movie. Although it is not as classic as it is, it is definitely worthy of the word "excellent".

The New York Times' Neil D'Arcy has never been stingy with his compliments on Evan Bell, even when Chris Fairbanks was disappointed and angry when he filmed "Brokeback Mountain" for Evan Bell. When choosing his words, Neil D'Arcy still retained his attitude. Because he firmly believes that Evan Bell must have his reasons for making his choice. This time is no exception. Forget everything else. "At least, 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2' entertained the public, and the laughter in the movie theater was enough to make us applaud the movie." Neil D'Arcy's comment has been recognized by countless people.

Of course, Neil D'Arcy believes that "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is far more than just entertaining the public, it is a successful work.

"The sequel continues the mysterious charm of the first episode. Elisabeth is still beautiful and brave, Will is still handsome, and Captain Jack Sparrow is still sloppy, swashbuckling, and charming. At the same time, the three characters They all grew up again, Elizabeth learned the cunning of a pirate, Will learned the responsibility of an adult, and Captain Jack Sparrow let us discover his inner reluctance for his friends and for the Black Pearl.

In a sense, Captain Jack Sparrow told us three summers ago that he's not a good guy. But we don't agree with this, because such a successful, but a bit greedy for life; brilliant, but cunning and evil Captain Jack Sparrow, he is not a comic book hero, but a man we all love and love Hate pirates. Captain Jack Sparrow is on this adventure. Betrayed his friends more than once, but when the Black Pearl was surrounded by octopus sea monsters, he opened the compass to his inner desire, which led him to finally return to the Black Pearl and save his mates. Such a real Captain Jack Sparrow. Let's move. At the end of the movie, in the face of the **** mouth of the octopus sea monster, Captain Jack Sparrow bravely pulled out his sword, and then went head-on. Captain Jack Sparrow is still the most perfect pirate in our hearts.

In addition, the portrayal of the villain Davy Jones in this sequel is undoubtedly successful. Davy Jones's story of digging his heart for love immediately made this character three-dimensional, and such an affectionate man for himself My beloved daughter, who has been stationed in the ocean for more than a hundred years, this infatuation alone is enough to move people.

As for the direction of the whole story, people from all walks of life are vying for the heart of Davy Jones kept in the coffin of the soul. The clear and simple main line goes hand in hand with each branch line, as well as wonderful fights, gorgeous special effects and endless humor. 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Gathering of Souls' continues the witty and relaxed style of 'The Curse of the Black Pearl', and adds more human torture, whether it's Elizabeth's temptation to the captain, or Bill's to Will The love of father and son, or the captain's own redefinition of friends, all make the works have the qualification to make people continue to reminisce. "

Neil D'Arcy's comment in the "New York Times" made the "New York Times" sell 300,000 copies that day, far exceeding the 230,000 copies of "Premier", which can also It can be seen that in fact, there is still a market for positive reviews than negative reviews. Although the negative reviews are aggressive this time, the positive reviews of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" are not weak.

Writing in Film Review, Chris Fairbanks wrote, "This is undoubtedly a wonderful work, and Evan Bell uses his precise interpretation of human nature to bring deep themes into such a wonderful commercial film. Among them, it is amazing.

The Admiral's desire for the coffin represents greed and ambition, the behavior of James who robbed the coffin halfway represents desire, Elizabeth's shaking of Jack represents morality, and the interaction between Bill and Will represents For the sake of family affection, Jack's return to his friends represents friendship, and the Black Pearl's reliance on Jack represents loyalty... These most basic human natures are seamlessly integrated into the multiple branches of the story. This also makes 'Coffin of Souls' surpass the 'The Curse of the Black Pearl' in overall quality and become a more exciting commercial blockbuster.

Of course, the excellent interpretation of the characters in the film reflects the essence of the film incisively and vividly. Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Evan Bell, is precise and impeccable. He uses a lighthearted way to show a pirate's treacherous, cunning, timid, passionate, and the pirate's inner bravery and wisdom. Under the interpretation of Evan Bell, Captain Jack Sparrow has become a symbol. He escapes the siege while laughing, he persuades the enemy while talking and laughing, he saves his friends in the fright, and he In the face of the crisis, his dress, his words, his actions, his expressions, and even his way of life have become a character that is admired and admired by countless people.

It is this Captain Jack Sparrow that makes running away so handsome. "

Chris Fairpunk's professional commentary has undoubtedly injected a lot of confidence into the "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" supporters, and Evan Bell's efforts in changing the script, Chris Fairpunk and Neil D'Arcy Personally, I deserve to be the film critic who knows Evan Bell the most. I will point out the biggest highlights of the script one by one, so that Evan Bell really has a sense of happiness in meeting a bosom friend.

As one might expect, picking out bad news about Evan Bell in Entertainment Weekly's William Wood commentary is almost as difficult as hearing Evan Bell's praise from Elliott Carter. "Entertainment Weekly" has no doubt given the praise to "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" again.

"Three years of waiting, 130 minutes long, really lived up to our long-term hard expectations. 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2' is like a delicious seafood salad, with good appearance, good taste, rich taste and endless aftertaste. And it also has a coveted ocean vibe.

The story is very simple, the sea overlord Davy Jones wants to collect debts from Captain Jack Sparrow, which leads everyone to target the coffin that hides the heart of Davy Jones' Achilles heel. fierce competition. In terms of the plot, the clear main line is not too boring, on the contrary, it answers many questions left over from the first part, such as why the compass cannot guide, such as why the Black Pearl is the fastest ship at sea, such as the original The inside story of First Officer Barbossa's betrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow... Coupled with the hilarious details and the stunning plot, this feast is indeed a delight.

In terms of special effects, the crew has also made a lot of breakthroughs. The crew of the Flying Dutchman is full of magic, and vividly interprets the term 'Pirates of the Caribbean'; the special effects of Davy Jones are even more amazing, and Bill Nighy continues 'true love is supreme' 'The second time I worked with Evan Bell after that, although the special effects brought Bill Nighy's face to life, he still borrowed the delicacy of the special effects to clearly show the story behind the hero of Davy Jones' generation; Octopus The special effects of the sea monster are superb. The hard bones and soft tentacles are realistic, and the scene of the octopus attacking the Black Pearl is even more breathtaking.

As for the characters, from the wonderful Captain Jack Sparrow, to Elisabeth, Will, to Davy Jones, in just 120 minutes, he performed an admirable performance on each character. The portrayal is absolutely perfect, every character is vivid on the paper in the lens of a few words and a few words, very vivid.

The only pity is that the ending of the movie laid a huge foreshadowing in order to create suspense, which raised the expectations of countless people for the third episode, and this expectation can only be answered next year~www.readwn. com~ If the suspense is set as a TV series, it will undoubtedly be successful; but as a movie, the suspense setting makes people feel a little worried. Judging from the comments of the audience now, it is mixed.

But no matter what, 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2' is undoubtedly the most sumptuous meal this summer, and people can't take their eyes off it! "

In William Wood's comments, although he was quite dissatisfied with the ending, he also secretly satirized the media who made a lot of fuss. As for who will take the seat, it depends on the individual.

In this word-of-mouth melee, Roger Ebert's one-sentence comment suddenly lit up, "This is a commercial movie, with handsome characters, plump characters, wonderful plot, hilarious details, and twists and turns. , brisk pace, great special effects, can we ask for more?"

This comment has also become the most vivid footnote to "Pirates of the Caribbean 2".

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