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Chapter 1379: Fight the hot summer again


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The annual summer season is highly anticipated.

The summer of 2006 was kicked off by "Mission Impossible 3" led by Tom Cruise, followed by "The Da Vinci Code", "X-Men 3", "Cars", "Superman Returns" , "Fast and Furious 3" together to make the hot summer lively. Of course, there has also been a dark horse at the box office, that is, "The Queen Wears Prada", which was released on June 23. This comedy film has won the championship for a week among the strong players, which is impressive.

However, it is a pity that this year's summer season is a bit weak, and the grand occasion of a hundred flowers blooming in 2002 cannot be seen at all. Even the 2003 "Finding Nemo" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" crowned the North American champion can become a news scene. It has been rare to see it, and it can be seen that the competition is fierce. And so far this year, almost every film has been able to win the championship in a row. More importantly, no work has yet exceeded the 300 million mark at the cumulative box office. This is too sluggish, and Hollywood is worried. Especially in this year's spring season, under the performance of "High School Musical" and other dark horses, the box office was unprecedentedly good, approaching the luxury record in 2002. Therefore, if Hollywood wants to revitalize the long-term weak film market, the summer season will end. It's important.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is so high-profile, there are reasons for this. Everyone wants to know whether Evan Bell's box office appeal can save the North American market and whether it can become the first commercial blockbuster since 2006 to exceed the threshold of 300 million at the box office.

"The Devil Wears Prada" in its second week. "Superman Returns" topped the North American box office charts in the last week of June with $87 million, followed by the first week of July. "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" hit, which also reshuffled the box office charts in the summer.

The release of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" had a strong impact on "Superman Returns", and the box office showdown between the two is also a major attraction. The point is. Unlike the previous confrontation between Eleven Studios and Universal Pictures, which is full of gunpowder, "Superman Returns" is a work of Warner Bros., and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is a work of Disney. Disney and Universal Pictures are closely related, but they are not. Because Evan Bell is involved, the showdown between "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Superman Returns" is intriguing.

In addition, works such as "The Queen Wears Prada", "Cars", and "The Da Vinci Code" are all still in theaters, and these works are facing the impact of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". How long can it last at the box office?

On July 7, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" was officially released. Under the invincible momentum, it won the Godzilla-level data of 58 million US dollars in a destructive situation, surpassing last year's "Star Wars Prequel 3" in one fell swoop. : Revenge of the Heath", which earned $50 million, became the new No. 1 in the single-day box office in North American film history.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is the last bargaining chip for Disney's self-salvation after six months of decline, and "Cars" has achieved excellent results. However, the slight disadvantage in word of mouth also made Disney very dissatisfied, and this time, Evan Bell was picky about the script before starring, and Disney naturally hoped that the script reviewed by Evan Bell would be the first to win the box office . And then by the way also win the word of mouth. In this case, Disney has spared no effort in promoting "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", and has not softened due to the conflicting relationship with Evan Bell. After all, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is Disney's work, although Evan Bell has Dividends at the box office, but Disney is the one who makes the most of the money. Movies create good results at the box office. For Disney, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2" was released in 4,200 theaters. This is also the largest premiere work in film history. From this, it can be seen that Disney's ambition is to win.

And the result really surprised Disney. The new opening single-day box office record of $58 million in film history is even the same as the number that won the box office championship in the first week of the premiere of "The Devil Wears Prada", which shows the power of this box office number. As for word of mouth, although there are many negative comments, the overall media score of 71 points is already a very gratifying figure, the freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes is 79%, and the evaluation on IMDB is 7.3 points. , are in no way inferior to the evaluation of "Pirates of the Caribbean". Overall, the negative comments are only huge, and the positive comments still easily prevail.

So, Disney doesn't need to worry too much. After the premiere, they can already smile. Of course, if the box office in the first week of the premiere continues to set records, it will be even better. No one will dislike the rising box office numbers, and Disney will not.

On Saturday, July 8, in the hot topic of the official end of the "first" world tour, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" exceeded the 100 million mark at the cumulative box office, replacing "Spider-Man 2" as the North American film history. The fastest film to top $100 million at the box office; on Sunday, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" continued to turn the entire North American film history upside down with an unstoppable momentum.

When Monday's box office statistics were announced, almost all the media exclaimed, "Amazing!"

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Gathering of Souls" actually earned $150 million within three days of its opening, topping this week's North American box-office charts with an absolutely powerful figure. Under the shroud of this astonishing box office number, it broke a series of records in just three days after its release, first beating "Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Heath" to win the box office record on the day of its premiere, and then replacing it "Spider-Man 2" made $115 million and topped the box office weekend with a figure of $150 million; not only that, the single-house box office averaged $35,714 The revenue also set a new box office record for a single venue with more than 3,000 theaters. Of course, there is also a statistic that is enough to make everyone pay attention: the first weekend box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Deathman" is a full two of the $74 million of the previous "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl". times!

In 2003, "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" was regarded as a dark horse in the summer of that year, with a good result of 380 million US dollars locally and 750 million US dollars worldwide, which made everyone dumbfounded. , which makes Captain Jack Sparrow of "Charming and Enchanting" become a new generation of aesthetic orientation. In addition, Orlando - Bloom and Keira - Knightley's worth is even higher.

So, the popularity of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Death Man" was to be expected, but because "Superman Returns" swept $87 million at the box office last week, the movie itself missed the Fourth of July* On the date of the first day, many film critics predicted that the premiere should hover around $80 million, and the final box office figure is estimated to be difficult to surpass the previous work. But the result still broke everyone's glasses, because with Evan Bell, all the impossible become possible. The $150 million premiere box office made those "worrying" media laugh at it. It seems that breaking the threshold of $300 million to become the No. 1 hit this summer is a breeze.

After Disney lost its right-hand man Pixar Studios, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series finally saved them face, especially for the previous "Disney theme park rides adaptation movie". At the same time, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" also joined forces with "Cars" to dedicate the grand occasion of Disney's **** of the summer vacation in 2003: Disney should have "Finding Nemo" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 1" jointly dominate the summer vacation in 2003, but three years later , things are different. Now the embarrassing question for Robert Eagle is, why is it the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series?

The inextricable relationship between Disney and Evan Bell has long been no secret. When Michael Inas was in charge, the relationship between Disney and Evan Bell was not a good one. Evan Bell This thorn is a thorn in the eyes of Michael Inas, especially after the incident of "Mysterious Skin" and refusal to continue to play Captain Jack Sparrow, Michael Inas is even more fond of Evan Bell. And with Pixar's "hate for taking his wife", Evan Bell and Disney are almost a pair of bitter enemies.

However, the copyright around Pixar's cartoons has brought the two parties back to the negotiating table. Right now, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise is doing so well at the box office that, even with the second and third films finished, how will Robert Eagle deal with Evan Bell for a long time to come? The relationship between them must be one of the compulsory courses for Bell fought again in the summer after two years. He was a blockbuster and started his journey in 2006 with a series of records: the previous "Ice Age" and "The Devil Wears Prada" can only be considered warm-ups. With the current momentum of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Gathering of Souls", it is not a problem to break the previous "Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Heath" record of breaking 200 million at the local box office in eight days, and it is even possible to break the previous "black box office" record. "The Curse of the Pearl" failed to achieve the goal: breaking the 400 million threshold at the local box office.

Of course, the crux of the matter remains the second-week box office drop. At the opening of the summer program this year, the opening score of "X-Men 3: The Last Stand" exceeded 100 million, which made all film critics overjoyed, but there was a collapse of 66% in the second week, which directly sentenced the film to "death penalty" ".

In the face of the strength of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", Warner Bros' "Superman Returns" suffered a complete collapse! The drop of as much as 60% makes Mr. Superman's prospects suddenly dim, and the possibility of "Superman Returns" breaking through 200 million is quite grim!

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