Great Artist

Chapter 1442: perfect praise

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"Long live life... The official return of Evan Bell in the music market was announced with the momentum of King's Landing. This classic song comparable to "Tianguang..." easily attracted the attention of the United States and even the whole world. It even swept away the dreary sluggishness of the nine months before the music market in 2006, like a hurricane, turning the depressed music market upside down. www.)

But no matter how big the momentum of "Long Live" is, no one will forget that the single was released in tandem with Evan Bell's latest album "Four," and what about the quality of the album? Like the album "Two", with "Tianguang" as the core, other songs are not inferior; or like the album "Three", the overall quality is eye-catching.

The "Fifth Wonder of Los Angeles" is in full swing in major cities in the United States, and people soon see the true colors of "Long Live Life" and "Four".

The cover of the single "Long Live" is beyond everyone's expectations. Evan Bell actually copied the famous painting "Freedom Leading the People", and it is no longer a sketch, but also a complete oil painting. Obviously, Evan Bell did a great job of copying the fake in order to achieve the level of authenticity. However, in the use of color, Evan Bell did not use the old-fashioned effect, which made the sense of historical precipitation not so clear. It can be seen at a glance that it is a copy work. Finally, right on top of this oil painting. Dazzlingly outlined with white paint, "Long Live..." font almost completely obscures the center of the picture. Just below the single is a line of white font that reads, "Evan Bell. Eleven.".

It's the most dazzling of all Evan Bell's current single covers, mostly because of "Freedom Leading the People" as a backdrop, with characters, colors and scenes filling the entire cover. And the font of "Long Live Life" took up most of the paintings without hesitation. You can also see the white paint sprinkled on the painting, giving people the illusion that Evan Bell is just writing random words on the original, and a sense of rebelliousness immediately blows.

Compared with the fancy single, the cover of "Four" is a lot neater, but the shock effect is not weak at all.

The cover of "Four" uses bright red, just like His Majesty's bright shawl and cloak, the visual effect is very impactful, and it is on top of the red background. A golden crown is quietly placed in the middle with a two-dimensional effect, and the radiant gold is lined with red to make it elegant and luxurious. This is a radiating crown with four radiating tentacles sticking out from the top, and each tentacle is inlaid with a crystal clear blue gem. Although this is just a painting, the collision of various pigments and colors is completely lifelike, and the sound of exclamation is completely involuntarily felt.

On the cover, except for a crown. There's nothing but a crown with a red undertone and that's it. But attentive listeners can find a line on the ring at the bottom of the crown, "Evan Bell, produced by Eleven." This seems to be the name of the crown builder. It also seems to be marked as belonging to the Evan Bell crown. People suddenly realized that the four radiating tentacles on the crown actually represent "four", and the combination of the crown itself with red means the supreme momentum of the arrival of the king of the album, which also continues the atmosphere of the title song "Long Live Life".

Open the back of "Four" and you can see the track list of the album listed in white font on the back cover.

"Long live life", "This is love... American secret... just like seeing it for the first time... passing by... fireflies... guardian angel... heart like ocean... my story... falling... a total of ten songs, as Evan Bell's previous style was all composed and composed by Evan Bell. As soon as the album came out, it immediately triggered a second round of craziness in music critics.

This time, "Mixer" preempted "Rolling Stone" by releasing Stephanie Palmer's contributed music critics.

"Evan's previous three albums have repeatedly tried different types of styles, and this 'Four' is no exception. In addition to rock, Evan's attempts in pop, soul, electronic and other music genres have made everyone's eyes shine. This It is a rock album brought by Evan again after five years. The overall quality is higher than the 'Two' and 'Third' that amazed everyone before. Compared with the 'Two', The overall quality of the remaining nine songs has improved; compared to 'Three', while the quality of the nine songs remains at the same level, 'Long Live' elevates the entire album. It's hard to imagine Evan's musical talent Still emerging continuously, this twenty-three-year-old boy has boldly entered the hall of great men and found his place in it.

The classics of 'two' and 'three' were originally thought to be unsurpassable, but 'four' refreshed everyone's cognition, Evan's energy on the road of music is far from reaching the limit, all we can do is continue to look up With his forward pace, and hope that he can become a witness to this great history. "

Stephanie Palmer commented on the overall quality of the album, giving "Four" an absolutely classic rating, and she also believes that this is the best album since Evan Bell's debut, which is enough to see her Loved this album.

Compared to the overall review of "Mixer", Adam Roy's "Rolling Stone" music review is reluctant to be so general, "I have to review every song on this album, such a good album. It has been full Haven't seen it in two years", so Adam Roy reviewed each of the album's eight songs individually—except for the two that had already been reviewed.

The excellence of "Long Live Life" and "This Is Love" need not be repeated. These two songs are definitely two of the best songs since 2006. The great thing about the album "Four" is that, while the vanguard makes everyone applaud, the whole album has the ability to kill other singers in seconds.

"American Secret", "Like the First Time", "Passing By", and "Guardian Angel" are all rock genres. In addition to the two tracks mentioned earlier, the album "Four" has a total of six rock tracks, but the first ones are brilliant and the first ones are different. After five years, Evan Bell is back in rock style again, showing us his growth and contact vividly.

"American Secret" is an American hard pop rock. In the exciting tune, Evan Bell euphemistically told the story and perfectly demonstrated the true meaning of burning youth in extremely cheerful music. And in the last forty seconds of the song. All the highness has settled down into sadness, and the calmness and pain after the passage of time are hidden in every musical symbol, tingling the memories of first love in the depths of our minds.

"Like First Time" is a typical British rock, combining the styles of folk, hip-hop and rhythm and blues. Evan Bell's clear and hoarse voice brings the sadness of the melody to the extreme. Standing at the crossroads of the bustling city at a loss. The sadness of standing at the intersection of heavy life is beating everyone's heart.

"Passing by" is a continuation of the "Hey, Life Girl... style of the album "Three", rock and country and road music, and the changes in the guitar strums are all contained in Evan Bell's voice. The attractiveness is worth savoring.

"Guardian Angel" is a new challenge for Evan Bell. It uses the clearest and gentlest way to interpret rock and roll, and maximizes the tenacity of being soft and strong. When the sub-song tunes to the highest point, the fatal persistence hits at a stroke. To the deepest heart, no woman can resist this deadly tenderness.

Among these six songs, Evan Bell has brought his understanding of rock to the extreme. Whether it is lyrics or melody, or the combination of emotion and song, it has really risen by two levels. His grasp of music The ability, the ability to control emotions, is amazing.

"Heart Like Ocean", "My Story" and "Falling" are also in the style of rock and roll, but more inclined to the soul style. Among these three songs, the tenderness of "Heart is like an ocean", the discouragement of "My Story", and the despair of "Falling" bring out the touch of soul and blues in Evan Bell's voice to the peak, as if Good Kashmir is average, just a touch is enough to melt.

The biggest surprise in the album comes from "Firefly", which is the first time Evan Bell has ever tried electronic music. The ecstatic has a deep and hazy melody with beautiful and magnificent lyrics. , Evan Bell used a song to describe the magnificent scene of the stars and the suspected Milky Way falling into the nine days. This has a sense of picture that is no less than "sky light", showing a refreshing auditory and visual enjoyment.

The above are all from the content of Adam Roy's music criticism, and at the end of the music criticism, he ended with this sentence, "The quality of an album should not be spoken by the critics, but by the listeners. .I once said 'two' is perfect, then said 'three' is perfect, and now I don't want to repeat that 'four' is perfect. I just want to say that as a listener, I Perfection is defined by Evan Bell. I look forward to true perfection defined by Evan Bell."

Obviously, when everyone thought that "Long Live Life" had created a peak, the comments of the album "Four" refreshed everyone's views. Adam Roy's review on "Rolling Stone" officially announced that Evan Bell has landed in the ranks of the great singers.

And in the midst of this overwhelming acclaim, what Sony Bertelsmann and Universal Music feared happened, without any doubt, Evan Bell set off a sales frenzy in the music market, and no one had the power to do so.

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