Great Artist

Chapter 1443: Detonate sales

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"Q Magazine" used the word "poor words" when reviewing the album "Four", they believed that among the many praises, even the words "perfect" and "classic" were not enough to describe the praise for Egypt. Venbell's admiration. www.) At the end of the last century and the beginning of this century, this idol group, together with the West City Boys and the Backstreet Boys, propped up the sky of the male idol team, and its popularity can definitely be said to have swept the world. Although compared to Backstreet Boys and Westside Boys, Superboy's survival time is not long, and only two albums have really achieved great glory, but Superboy has maintained a record that no one can break so far.

After the release of Superboy's 2000 album "Nothing in Return". It sold an incredible 2.4 million copies in its first week, a number that remains the highest single-week sales record on the Billboard album chart to this day.

In 2002, Super Boy disbanded, Justin Timberlake went solo, and his first album achieved a good result of 430,000 in the first week of release, although it was not comparable to the one-week sales of Dongze in Super Boy. But the results are also very gratifying. Justin Timberlake's music career flourished in the years following his solo career, and he began trying to find his place in the film industry.

Justin Timberlake can definitely be regarded as one of the first-line members of the star-studded American entertainment industry. Before Evan Bell was reborn, Justin Timberlake had sold 17 million copies of his two solo albums. After the release of two albums, he shifted his acting focus to the film field, "The Social Network", "Friends" The performance in works such as "Go to bed too" is very good. Taking Justin Timberlake's second solo album as an example, the seven consecutive singles, the three consecutive albums, and finally the sales of 9 million worldwide, has achieved remarkable results.

Therefore, it is understandable for the media to establish Justin Timberlake as Evan Bell's opponent, especially in the case of "Sex. Sense Return" taking down "This is Love", this kind of showdown will become more and more Have fun. It's like confronting Usher when Evan Bell released "Three". There is competition and competition, which naturally excites the media.

But unfortunately, in front of today's Evan Bell, Justin Timberlake is more than one level worse and has no confrontation ability. The media is excited and happy, and Sony Bertelsmann Records is a cup.

"Four" and "Long Live Life" took less than eight hours to top iTunes' weekly album and single download charts, which directly refreshed the iTunes download record and finished with unstoppable momentum. **** of the music market.

The album "Four" sold 630,000 on its first day of release, and the sales figures in the following days showed an astonishing development curve. By the end of the week, the album "Four" actually won The 2.2 million sales figure left everyone speechless.

This was not the heyday of music in the 1980s and 1990s, nor was it in the early 2000s when the music market was still prosperous, and the era when an album moved over 10 million has long since passed. No one can break the 2.4 million results created by Super Boy "No Reward" not because other singers have no such appeal, but because the entire music market is shrinking. But now, the album "Four" was released on Thursday, and in just a week or four days, it has grabbed 2.2 million sales, which is indeed enough to fall below the glasses of all experts.

Robbery, the word used to describe the sales number of "four" is really good, people watch this album loot like crazy in the music market that has been in the doldrums for several years, everyone seems to be crazy, from the shelves Grab the album "Four", put it in your backpack, and check out contentedly.

Back then, "No Reward" was released on Tuesday and scored 2.4 million; now "Four" has been missing for two days, and the sales volume has still reached 2.2 million, although from the figures Saying it didn't break that sales record, but technically the title for the fastest-selling album in Billboard's history was going to be moved from "No Reward" to "Four." This is also the first time since the beginning of the 21st century that the album's weekly sales exceeded the threshold of 2 million after a lapse of six years.

At the beginning, "Three" sold 1.63 million copies in a single week, which has already attracted everyone's attention. This time, "Four" has created a new historical record with even more brilliant numbers.

In the face of the sweeping momentum of "Four", the sales of all other albums collectively showed a sharp decline, and the most affected is undoubtedly Justin Timberlake. Under the media's rendering, Justin Timberlake has undoubtedly become Evan Bell's biggest competitor. Under the situation of mutual competition, one is like the original "Mechanical Enemy" and "The Bourne 2". Thrilling; one is that, like this time, one side completely crushes the other Timberlake's album is a tragic harbinger of fate.

Justin Timberlake's solo second album, under the pressure of "Four", actually dropped 80% in sales in the second week of its release. It's pathetic. This makes Sony Bertelsmann Records regretful. Originally, they estimated that Justin Timberlake's album sales this week would be at least 250,000. Now it has dropped by half. In front of Evan Bell, it is completely No resistance whatsoever.

Both Sony Bertelsmann Records and Universal Music had to wonder if Evan Bell did it on purpose. After cheating on Disney once, then they made a big somersault in the music market, just to retaliate for the previous "Intern Doctor". They fell to the ground when a brawl broke out on the "Lei" crew. If so, no doubt, Evan Bell succeeded.

The big dip in Justin Timberlake's album is just the tip of the iceberg. All other singers' records in the same period, Beyoncé, Little Wildcat, John Mayer, Fergie, Ludacris, and others, all fell sharply. On the Billboard charts, the combined sales of all albums from No. 2 to No. 40 still can't match the first-week sales of the "Four" album.

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