Great Artist

Chapter 1454: brutal victory

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"Which one do you think is better of the two songs 'Tianguang (ent)' and 'Long Live Life (da)'?"

Hearing this question, Evan Bell immediately clapped and laughed, as if hearing a joke, "I don't think this question should exist in itself. Because in my opinion, my music is excellent, although For music critics and listeners, they all have their own preferences, and they can also evaluate their pros and cons. But for me, these music are all my own creations, and I naturally like them all.”

Evan Bell's remarks made Diane Sawyer laugh, and Evan Bell went on to say, "It can only be said that each song has different levels and feelings in terms of artistic conception, some are singing life and death, some are Celebrating the greatness of nature, and some interpreting the historical process." Of course, in terms of quality, "Tianguang" and "Long Live Life" are superior to Evan Bell's other creations, but a song cannot only be based on In terms of quality, this is not called Apple, all the songs are Evan Bell's own work, of course he likes all of them.

"It's my fault, then I'll change the question. Which of these two songs do you prefer?" Diane Sawyer blinked his right eye, showing a hint of cunning, and seemed to be influenced by Evan. -The influence of Bell's entire conversation atmosphere has become relaxed. "Even if it's your ten fingers, there is a preference order, isn't it?"

"Of course." Evan Bell didn't evade this time, but nodded and admitted, "Personally, I prefer the song 'Sky Light', because this song is derived from the realization of nature, I personally The love of nature is a little bit more than history.”

"Tianguang" is born out of nature and sublimated in personal emotions, "Long Live Life" is derived from historical evolution to life perception. As far as Evan Bell is concerned, these two songs have a very special place, and both represent His new understanding of music is naturally indistinguishable. But on the show, there is no need to be so serious and explain everything, so Evan Bell simply gave an answer.

"What should I do, I personally prefer 'Long Live'. Although I have tried to sing with you many times, but always failed, I still can't put it down." Diane Sawyer played for Evan Bell. He hit the song and said with a smile, "However, today I have the honor to hear you sing 'Long Live Life' live. Even if I just think about it, I feel excited. You should satisfy this wish of all our listeners, right?"

"No problem. Willing to serve everyone." Evan Bell stood up and gave a standard knightly salute.

Diane Sawyer turned to look at the camera, "Good morning, America. We've just talked so much with Evan, and we have a lot of feelings for the song 'Long Live', but it can't be more than that. Hearing this song in person. Let's come to the scene and feel this song brought to us by Evan Bell with all the audience - 'Long Live'!"

Evan Bell left his seat and walked onto the stage as Diane Sawyer lined up for the camera. The members of the Extrajudicial Fanatics were already ready, and all the 35,000 spectators in the audience suppressed their inner excitement, waiting for Diane Sawyer's introduction. completely released.

At the moment before, the noise and "sexy return" of Rockefeller Plaza were still echoing over Manhattan, attracting many people passing by Fifth Avenue to flock there. When everyone saw Justin Timberlake singing and dancing on the stage, they all took out their mobile phones and started filming the spectacle in front of them.

But the next moment, the tsunami-like cheers of Times Square flooded the sky, just like tides and dark clouds, spread out from the surface and the sky at the same time, making the lively moment of Rockefeller Square. dimmed in between. This gives people a very absurd illusion. There is a person standing alone in Rockefeller Square shouting enthusiastically, and then suddenly there are a hundred people cheering in Times Square. This is not a level of comparison at all, like a gust of wind. Rain generally completely submerged Rockefeller Plaza. Even Rockefeller Square still screams, as if adding momentum to Times Square.

This intense and cruel contrast caused the liveliness of Rockefeller Plaza to stop for a millisecond. On the stage, Justin Timberlake continued to perform calmly. The wind and rain, big and small, have long been accustomed to calmly handling every change on the stage. However, the fans in the audience did not have such calmness. When they heard the shocking shouts from Times Square, this millisecond pause suddenly caused a sense of humiliation.

Unidentified pedestrians heard the screams and screams from Times Square on Seventh Avenue. The contrast was so obvious that almost everyone misunderstood that a concert was being held in New York today, and Rockefeller Plaza was the warm-up guest. , Times Square is the authentic performer. As a result, people's footsteps began to move towards Times Square. The crowd seemed to have suddenly changed direction, and the swarms rushed towards Seventh Avenue.

When people near Fifth Avenue learned that Evan Bell was performing in Times Square, they ran towards Seventh Avenue in an instant. Some people even saw Justin Timberlake on the big screen in Rockefeller Plaza. , the footsteps are still involuntarily moving in the direction of Sixth Avenue and Seventh Avenue.

This almost gave people the illusion that there was a hurricane or a tsunami in the east, so everyone began to flee to the west. The spectacle of this surging tide is jaw-dropping.

Evan Bell stood on the stage of Times Square and sang "Long Live Life" loudly. There is no doubt about his stage control. This classic song, under the interpretation of Evan Bell, is beyond Doomsday, beyond nature, beyond human beings, and the proud overlooking of the height of life, spread throughout the Times Square. This is a baptism from the soul, people can't help but stop and watch, even if you close your eyes and savor it carefully, it still makes people feel a lot.

Times Square filled up quickly, and the crowd was blocked on Sixth Avenue. Forty-seventh Street and Forty-sixth Street between Sixth Avenue and Seventh Avenue were completely blocked. . In addition to cars, there are many people on the road. On both sides of the street are people heading towards Seventh Avenue. This crowd of people has paralyzed the entire traffic system.

Evan Bell's singing faintly covered the surrounding two blocks, like the sound of nature, making people yearn for it.

Seeing that the situation was over, the audience at Rockefeller Plaza still did not give up. They just paused for a while, and then burst into amazing cheers again, cheering for Justin Timberlake, releasing all the heat in their hearts. It's just that, with the man's arm acting as a car, the screams in Rockefeller Plaza became more and more like a hoarse and dying struggle.

There are still about 20,000 people left in Rockefeller Square, and there are already nearly 50,000 people around Times Square, completely blocking the nearby blocks. This is a rare situation in the history of New York, and it is also the first time that "Today" and "Good Morning America" ​​have been on the air for more than 30 years. It happened without warning.

The contest at the TV station level was completed by Evan Bell and Justin Timberlake. This was really a **** and cruel victory. I can only watch my opponent cheering in front of me, and even witness my opponent stepping on me to victory, but I can't get rid of the predicament no matter how hard I struggle, it just makes me more and more miserable. That's how TODAY and Good Morning America went head-to-head in the ring.

The contrast between the crowds in Times Square and Rockefeller Square is obvious, and the difference between cheers and shouts is so stark that people have no room for excuses, so they put the **** gap in front of their eyes. And the cruelty of the instant ratings is even more breathless. The number of "Today" instant viewers has fallen to 11 million, which is their worst result in the past 15 years, even in the history of the program. The countdown; the instant viewership of "Good Morning America" ​​has remained at around 23 million after breaking the threshold of 20 million, which is a new record for the viewership of a morning news program, and is now under the banner of "Good Morning America".

In the past 30 years, in the war of annual average ratings, "Today" has won a total of more than 20 Morning America" ​​has only seven or eight victories. But This time, maybe the 2006 season's ratings of "Today" will still win, it's just "maybe", but there is no doubt that the ratings of this episode of "Today" were a fiasco due to the TV station's decision-making mistakes, and "Good Morning" The United States was an instant hit, winning one of the most hearty victories in more than three decades.

In fact, this is just a competition for interests between TV stations, and it has nothing to do with Justin Timberlake. But that's how it turned out. Even though Justin Timberlake was the innocent who was affected, he also took this blow head-on as the center of gravity of the attack. Originally, Justin Timberlake's solo second album has always had good results. Even if he was overwhelmed by "Four", it also allowed Justin Timberlake to once again reach the peak of popularity. But now, just because of an exchange of interests between the TV station and Sony Bertelsmann Records, he has suffered such a huge blow, which is really a huge stain in his acting career.

In this brutal and flesh-and-blood face-to-face arena victory and defeat, "Good Morning America" ​​finally achieved a complete victory. Relying on Evan Bell's appeal, it won the best result in history with an average audience of 20 million. The victory of the "Today" duel has also become a topical advantage for the next month, causing the TV station to slump instantly.

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