Great Artist

Chapter 1455: fan saliva

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Times Square vs. Rockefeller Square, this battle came from Evan Bell vs. Justin Timberlake, "Good Morning America" ​​vs. "Today", TV vs. TV, and it really set off a strong war of words.

This time, the media did not participate in it, they were more just schadenfreude to watch the fun; the main battlefield for the war of words broke out among fans. It is no longer possible to verify who started the war. It is said that this webmaster originally only came from a comment on a video of Justin Timberlake on a show on uTube. One person joked, "This new single It was good, but it was a terrible loss."

At a glance, you can tell that this is just a joke by a neutral fan. Maybe this person does not support Justin Timberlake or Evan Bell, but is just stating an objective fact.

But it was this "objective fact" that immediately caused Justin Timberlake's fans to explode. Under this comment, there was an endless stream of scolding. At the beginning, it was more polite to say, "'Sexy return' was very good. Didn't lose at all", and then "Justin ended Evan's eight consecutive championships" was a bit of gunpowder, and in the end it evolved into "Evan Bell is an arrogant man full of nonsense, and there is no comparison with Justin at all. sexual" personal attacks.

In the face of such aggressive comments from Justin Timberlake fans, Evan Bell's fans did not show weakness, "Is Justin good in sales, good reputation, or good popularity? It's a complete defeat!", in After that, "Justin ended Evan's eight consecutive championships? It's really shameful, Evan won eight consecutive championships, how many Justin? Justin is a little white-faced who can only sing dance music, and he wrote it himself. It is estimated that the gunman made it, and then bring it over and write his name! He is also compatible with Evanby, and there is no place for him to carry shoes." This is full of gunpowder flavor. 's comments immediately choked back in the past.

This noise has made Justin Timberlake's video on the show reach an astonishing 20 million views and an astonishing 50,000 comments. Clicking on it, it is completely a comment on both sides scolding each other. , has nothing to do with the video.

The quarrel started on uTube and continued to the Yahoo community, and then spread to various forums and communities on the entire Internet.

The battle was most intense in the Yahoo community, where one of Justin Timberlake's fans was the first to start the war. "In 1q and q6, five extremely talented boys embarked on a world-changing musical journey. They came from the United States. Different recipes make up the most successful boy group in history, and the journey begins in Orlando, Florida, with struggles, joys, pains, and of course, the bliss of an eventual triumph. This five-member-named The boy group formed from the last letter of , perfectly interprets their graceful harmonies and stunning dance moves. When their self-titled debut album won a diamond record in 1qqqq in 1qqqq, they experienced integration, separation, reunion, Ups and downs, they have gone through countless hardships along the way to achieve success, and finally stood at the top of the world. They are 'super boys'!

In front of such a super boy, Evan Bell was just a nobody. He should have been looking for a place to sit in the dust of the Broadway backstage at that time!

Justin Timberlake, who debuted at the age of twelve, experienced the hardships and immaturity of the Disney period, found his place in the super boy group, and successfully reached the first peak of his career; in 2003, he was only twenty-two years old. Justin chose to fly solo, and his first album won praise from the entire public opinion circle. Justin's humility, sexiness, and charm convinced the entire music industry. Justin was regarded as a new pop by 'Rolling Stone' back then. The king was also named the number one sexiest man in the world by 'People' and swept numerous awards at the end of the year.

In front of Justin like this, Evan Bell can only be regarded as a jumping clown. Apart from talking about music all day, has he done anything real?

Evan Bell is just a megalomaniac who doesn't do his job properly. He lives in his own world all day long. No one is important except himself. His so-called personality, so-called persistence, and so-called dreams are all just propaganda. It's just a means. In order to become famous, he does everything he can to achieve his fame. The slander incident was deliberately made by him, otherwise why would the truth come out at a critical moment? He also deliberately hyped the grassroots hero incident, otherwise why would all the media swarm it? In addition to self-hype, Evan Bell is simply a businessman who has fallen into the eyes of money. He is arrogant, arrogant, and worthless. There are no friends in the entire entertainment industry. What has he done besides shouting about independence? No, never ever!

In front of Justin, trash Evan Bell is like a stupid bastard, any action will only make him look more pitiful and pathetic, make him even more small and shameless.

In this event in Times Square, did Evan Bell spend countless sums of money to invite extras to the scene? Just to hype a new album on Justin's shoulder. Now, it appears that Evan Bell's money offensive has succeeded, and that success has taken Justin's momentum down. But we can all smell the stench of money coming from Times Square, and for such a victory, we don't want it.

I just hope you continue to immerse yourself in Evan Bell's dirty, disgusting, and rancid world. In our world, Justin's sincerity, beauty, earnestness, is the truth that you will never know. "

This post is a big fan of Superboy at first glance, and then became a loyal supporter of Justin Timberlake, not only breaking down the advantages of Justin Timberlake in the past, but also belittling Evan Bale It's not worth it, and even poured sewage on Evan Bell's head. As soon as this post came out, the Yahoo community was completely lively.

Whether it's Justin Timberlake fans, bystanders, or Evan Bell fans, they all saw this post. In less than six hours, the post received more than 3,000 replies. Take the rocket directly.

In the face of this kind of provocation, which is bullied at the door, how can Evan Bell's fans stand by and watch, the little girl Elena Jia Siming stood up immediately. Elena Jasmine has been following Evan Bell since the Eagle Rock Music Festival. She naturally knows everything about Evan Bell. How could she allow such a blatant slander of Evan Bell? She is absolutely This is not allowed to happen.

"There are always people who like to count the past to recognize the strength of their idols, but why is there always no one to count the honor of Evan Bell? Because we can never count. Music? Movies? Architecture? Psychology? Evan Bell's trophies and awards are all over the world, and even a warehouse can't hold it; maybe, we should open another warehouse to hold the historical records under Evan Bell's name, otherwise these honorary history will overflow coming.

The real Evan Bell fans never bother to count these honors. First, because Evan has won too many honors, too many for us to count; second, because we don't care at all. Evan once said that people who really love music will not care about awards and sales, because the works are the most important.

Evan entered Broadway at the age of eight. After ten years of hard work, it was for the dream of the stage. This perseverance and hard work are not comparable to the Disney Idol Channel; It has been ten years since then, rain or shine, no matter how busy or tired he is, no matter how hard he is, no matter how good the film is, he has never given up his pursuit of music. Why does Evan always create music that touches our hearts? Because Evan has a sincere heart. Only the music that moved the creator himself can move the audience.

Putting aside everything, just listen to Evan's music quietly, and you can hear the sincerity hidden in the melody. There is no need for us fans to argue for Evan, any dirty water can't insult Evan's image in everyone's mind, because real good music will never fade.

Those who are jealous of will always come up with various excuses: if the number of fans is not comparable, it is said to be extras hired with money; if the sales volume is not comparable, it is said that fans take money Selling sales; if you can't get an award, you say there is a shady story... It's always someone else's fault. If you can't win Evan, it's someone else's fault, but you never review yourself. Is there something wrong with yourself? This is the essential difference between Evan and some singers.

I didn't want to get into a scolding battle, because it's really disgusting; but now that those shameless people have blatantly poured dirty water on Evan's head, I have to stand up and let everyone polish Look carefully, who is the shameless and filthy; who is the filthy and disgusting; who is the one who cannot afford to lose and is narrow-minded! "

After Elena-Jia Siming's comments were posted in the Yahoo community, the refresh rate was significantly faster. In the same six hours, the number of replies to the post had exceeded 10,000, and the difference in popularity could be clearly felt.

Under the traction of these two posts, the entire online scolding war intensified. Especially thinking of the direct, brutal, and **** victory and defeat between Times Square and Rockefeller Square today, Justin Timberlake's fans can't be calm; and Evan Bell's fans are definitely not the type to swallow their voices. , It was as if a fire had fallen directly into the oil depot, triggering a shocking battle of saliva.

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