Great Artist

Chapter 1517: special award

Today's fourth update, please recommend, please subscribe!

On February 10th, the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel, where the Recording Industry Association of America awarded Evan Bell's Diamond Record certification, was held here for a press conference and cocktail party.

Just less than a month ago, the competition for the 64th Golden Globe Awards had just ended. Of course, the Hilton Hotel is located in Beverly Hills. Every year, there are no one hundred or eighty press conferences here. Pictures are never unusual here. But even so, when people come back here today, they can still recall the scene when "Perfume" won the best picture a month ago.

There are much more reporters arriving at the scene today than expected. On the one hand, the Recording Industry Association of America has specially issued an invitation, and few media will not be absent; on the other hand, it is indeed for the certification of Diamond Records. The contribution of the industry is indeed worth reporting.

But neither the former nor the latter can compare to Evan Bell himself. The recently buzzed lighting entertainment company cooperation case, the just-concluded Instant Pudding Awards, Evan Bell's remarks on the new work, if combined with the day before yesterday Rumors of Evan Bell having dinner with the other three scandals in the evening... The reporter is a fool if he is not on the scene.

The Hilton Hotel holds various press conferences every year. Naturally, there is a large venue that can accommodate hundreds of people. For example, a venue for 500 people was used today to hold a press conference for Diamond Record Certification. Although it was still half an hour before the ten o'clock announcement of the press conference, the venue was full of people early, more than 250 reporters, plus members of the Recording Industry Association of America, and various record companies sent Representatives of more than 300 people made the venue very lively.

Surprisingly, Universal Music also sent a representative here. Although it is only a middle-level executive, it can also be seen that Universal Music is buying the face of the Recording Industry Association of America. Even Universal Music has sent representatives to other record companies, but it's not that good, so it's rare today to see representatives from the four major record companies gathered together, which is the talent of a music awards ceremony like the Grammys. Saw such a sight.

At 9:55, the reporters in the audience were all ready. They placed the microphones of their newspapers and magazines in the most conspicuous place on the table, set up their laptops and voice recorders, and then put a The questions you'll want to ask are all on the table... Now wait for Evan Bell to show up and the press conference begins.

The first to appear was Michel Benvo, the chairman of the Recording Industry Association of America who had just assumed office in 2003. Now he is facing a very embarrassing era. Although the malaise of the recording industry has nothing to do with his leadership, Their work is mainly on the management of copyright and royalties, but the downturn of the entire record industry still makes Michel-Banwor very worried.

Looking at the time, there are still two minutes until ten o'clock. It seems that today's press conference is very punctual.

Before Mitch-Banwo appeared, there was no sound at the scene. Everyone was quietly waiting for the arrival of the protagonist, so Mitch-Banwo spoke without any hindrance, "Gentlemen and ladies, thank you for coming. Today's press conference. In the past 2006, we have experienced a very hard year, but it is also a very exciting and memorable year. Today we are here to create countless brilliance and miracles in 2006 Let's welcome Evan Bell."

Michele-Banwaugh's speech was relatively brief, just a polite sentence, and he invited the protagonist out, which is really good for the reporters.

In an instant, the cameras of all the reporters focused on the entrance on the left. When a figure appeared, the shutter sound came out, which immediately broke the silence when Michel-Banwer appeared, and it was zero at the beginning. Scattered, because occasionally the staff leading the way will be the first to appear, so many people are not in a hurry.

However, when the man in the white suit appeared, everyone confirmed that it was Evan Bell, and the frequency of the clicking sound immediately rose. The whole venue was brightly lit, and the reflective silver made people almost unable to open their eyes, but it is estimated that this effect can be achieved with thirty cameras pressing the shutter at the same time; but listen carefully to the click of the shutter on the scene, In that second, you can hear more than a dozen sounds converging into one piece, which is in extreme contrast to the quietness of the scene, where there is no human voice and no noise. There are only clicks in the audience, but it makes people feel as if they are standing on an airplane. The field witnessed the noise of the plane as it took off.

This scene is truly breathtaking.

Only then can I walk to the center from the entrance on the left. In fact, it is only about ten yards away, but the sound of pressing the shutter button is almost hundreds or even thousands. The frequency is so fast that it is too late to even blink an eye. . It is conceivable that more than 250 reporters at the scene recorded thousands of photos in this short period of time, which is really amazing.

When Evan Bell came to the center, he was still proficiently standing beside Mitch Banvor, the two smiled at the reporters, stayed for about five seconds, and then sat down. The shutter sound didn't drop abruptly until Evan Bell sat down, and the scene became scattered again, and then it returned to silence. You can clearly see that all the reporters are doing the same thing, connecting the camera to the computer, and quickly uploading all the photos in the memory card to the computer, because they all know that there is still a second round of photo-taking time.

Michele Banvor, who didn't have time to pay attention to what the reporters were doing, continued into the microphone, "Evan Bell's album 'Four', released on September 28, was released on December 26. The daily sales officially exceeded 10 million, becoming the greatest miracle in the entire music market in 2006. This is the first album that can exceed the 10 million threshold in a natural year after entering the 21st century. , after confirmation by the Recording Industry Association, we decided to award the album 'Four' platinum certification!"

After Michel-Banwer finished speaking, a staff member next to him brought up a huge diamond record on a tray. This was an object that looked like an enlarged picture frame. Inside was black velvet, with a piece on it. A round disc with a diamond glow, with a square gold metal plate underneath, engraved with the words "Evan Bell, 'Four', 2006, Diamond Certified, RIAA".

Evan Bell just sat down and stood up again.

Michele Banvor picked up the diamond record and handed it to Evan Bell. The two of them held the two ends of the diamond record and faced the media reporters in front of them. The click of the shutter sounded crazy again. This was the most memorable moment of today's press conference, which also brought the shutter sound to a dense climax.

About 30 seconds later, when Evan Bell only felt that his smile was a little stiff, he turned his head and nodded with a smile to Mitch Banwo, then Mitch Banwo let go, Evan Bell The diamond record took it, and there was still some weight. It felt at least about three pounds in my hand, and maybe heavier.

After taking over the diamond record, Michele Benwor retreated to the right, and Evan Bell stood alone, holding the diamond record in his arms, and it was another round of photo-taking moments. This time, the continuous sound of the shutter obviously exceeded that just now. Evan Bell tried to sit down once in the middle, but the panicked voices of reporters suddenly sounded everywhere, "Wait, wait," and Evan Bell could only helplessly. Continue to stand for a while. About a minute later, Evan Bell was able to sit down.

I am afraid that until now, reporters have had time to look at Evan Bell's dress, a white suit with a white shirt, but Evan Bell chose a golden bow tie and a pair of white high-top sneakers. It will look dull. The round inch hairstyle that has not been cut for more than two months has grown completely and just covered the ears, but Evan Bell has waxed and grabbed all his hair today, just like a super saiyan. The sky-high hairstyle, and the slightly messy lines clearly outline the publicity that belongs to youth.

"Hey, good morning." After Evan Bell entered the scene, this was the first time he had the opportunity to speak, "Thank you to all my fans for allowing me to get the honor of diamond I hope everyone I still like the album 'Four'. Of course, I hope I can continue to make music that everyone likes in the future. Thank you."

Evan Bell's speech was not too complicated, and he didn't even mention the Recording Industry Association of America, but it's the same thing when you think about it carefully. The Recording Industry Association of America just certified it, but it was the fans who really made Evan Bell's album sales exceed 10 million. So Evan Bell specifically thanked the fans, that's all.

Mitch Benwor stood next to him, but he was a little embarrassed, but he also knew about Evan Bell's personality. At this time, Evan Bell turned his head and showed a friendly smile, which was regarded as giving Michel Banwar a step down. He nodded and sat down beside Evan Bell, "Thank you Evan Bell. Wen's contribution to the overall music market, which has been through a terrible slump over the past year in the U.S., and the success of the album 'Four' is great news for all of us. Hope the listeners continue to Thank you for supporting the record industry."

Mitch Benworth's remarks can be regarded as rounding up Evan Bell's remarks. After expressing his thanks again, he shoulders the responsibility of the host, "Very well, the next part is the question and answer session, Who has a problem?"

With a bang, almost all the reporters in the audience raised their hands.

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