Great Artist

Chapter 1518: Problems gather

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The one who won the right to ask the first question was "Rolling Stone". Although this professional music magazine has now evolved into a comprehensive magazine, its authority in music has always been unquestionable, and they and the Recording Industry Association of America relationship is also very close. The most important thing is that the relationship between "Rolling Stone" and Evan Bell is also good. It is obviously not too out of the ordinary to be the first to ask questions on such an occasion.

Sure enough, a reporter from "Rolling Stone" asked, "Evan, what do you think of your 'Four' album, and what is the improvement compared to your previous three albums? Why can you create such a miracle this time? What?" This question is a relatively professional one, and it won't be too rigid or intense. As the first question, it's really a good start.

Evan Bell and the "Rolling Stone" reporter were also familiar with each other, and said with a smile, "These are three questions. Isn't it? And they are all a bit difficult. I refused to answer the other two, only answering the first one. Do you have the right to be a person?" Evan Bell's joke made all the reporters laugh, "Well, the first question, personally, I think the overall quality of the album 'Four' is not good. Not so satisfied."

Evan Bell's first answer surprised the reporters. Everyone eagerly looked at Evan Bell. You must know that major music critics have already named the album "Four" as a classic. It was done, but Evan Bell was still not very satisfied. Is this arrogance or exaggerated self-esteem?

"Of course, it's not that I'm not satisfied with 'Four', I must be satisfied with the album's tracks before releasing it. As a creator, I love all my songs. After all, if the creator himself How can an unsatisfactory work satisfy the audience, right?" Evan Bell seemed to immediately refute what he had just said, but he continued to explain, and the reporters at the scene continued to listen, "I mean Yes, with the passage of time, my understanding of music is deepening, and the things I want to try are also gradually increasing. From the current point of view, the album of 'Four' is more comprehensible than the previous three albums. It is more profound, the creation is more mature, and the overall quality is improved.

But unfortunately, I personally hope to express a lot of things in the album "Four", but unfortunately I can't do it. "

In fact, Evan Bell's meaning is very simple. People are constantly improving. Standing at a new point in time and looking back at the past, they can naturally put forward new perspectives on old works. It is not necessarily a shortcoming, but it is bound to be more perfect. part. It has now been half a year since the release of the album "Four". He is looking at this album from a new position, hoping that he can continue to improve.

In the final analysis, Evan Bell has maintained his consistent style, and his pursuit of music has never changed. Listening to Evan Bell's explanation, many reporters at the scene nodded slightly in agreement.

"As for the last question, why is it possible to create such a miracle this time, I'm actually very curious, can you help me ask the audience?" Evan Bell's straightforward answer caused the scene to burst into laughter again. Evan Bell glanced at Mitch Banvor, and the two also smiled at each other, "I personally think it's just a cumulative outbreak. The previous albums have accumulated enough popularity, and this time it broke out. . And listeners still have a soft spot for really good music. Before the release of 'Four', there were actually many albums and singles that achieved good results. I think this should be the credit of all singers. The listeners are calling back to the music market, and I'm just one of them. But now it seems that I'm making more money, so I'm sitting here." After that, Evan Bell himself laughed. laughed.

Evan Bell is confident, but definitely not arrogant. The slump of the entire record market, he is naturally impossible to reverse by relying on the strength of one person, and he is not the savior. In fact, "Four" is just a catalyst to call listeners back to the music market. Therefore, the suppressed enthusiasm for music in the first eight months of 2006 broke out in the fourth quarter. Generally speaking, music is still king, and "Four" cannot be taken alone. Take it out and make a special case.

"Huh, the answer is finally over. If the answer is not satisfied, no more questions are allowed." Evan Bell's words made everyone laugh again. After speaking, Evan Bell looked at Mitch- Banwo gave a look, indicating that the second media could ask questions.

After a series of relatively easy questions, a reporter from the independent music magazine "Mixer" got the right to ask, "Evan, what do you think is the difference between independent music and mainstream music? You have been a strong supporter of independent music in recent years. But the current situation of the rise of independent music is still worrying." As expected, the sharp style of "Mixer".

Evan Bell wiped the nonexistent cold sweat on his forehead, "Huh, this question is too difficult, can I answer it with 'I don't know'?" In the end, before Evan Bell continued to speak, the station A group of familiar reporters shouted "No", including old acquaintances such as Stephanie Palmer and William Wood.

Evan Bell smiled and said, "What is your definition of independent music and mainstream music? In fact, I have always been curious, how do you divide so-called independent and mainstream music? A band can be a band, but it can perform Phi. Headmaster's songs, is this an indie or mainstream? Or, a singer who is obsessed with self-writing, but chooses rhythm and blues or country, is this indie or mainstream? Or, do you divide by music genre? Yes, is rock, indie or mainstream?"

A series of questions from Evan Bell made the reporters at the scene quiet down. In fact, the most popular definition now is to divide according to market orientation. So, should Evan Bell be regarded as an independent singer or a mainstream singer?

"Personally, I think mainstream music is market-oriented, and indie music is music-oriented. The criterion for judging whether mainstream music is good is simply sales; indie music is judged by the quality of the music. "Evan Bell expressed his views. Of course, his views are not necessarily correct, but that's what he thinks." Of course, there are many standards to distinguish between mainstream and independent, but I think that no matter what. What kind of music is under the standard, if you can put the music itself first and produce works that satisfy you, this is the most important thing.”

"In recent years, I have strongly supported independent music, because there are many talents among independent musicians, and their talents can always be remembered, and the enjoyment brought by pure music is hard to forget. "Evan Bell went on to say, "But as for the rise of independent music, it's not up to me to decide, I just want to tell the audience, ah, there is such a music, and such a singer, why not try Listen, maybe you'll like it."

"As for the so-called rise, what is the rise in your eyes, big sales? Can you earn money to support yourself? Or is your music attracting attention?" Evan Bell's series of rhetorical questions silenced the "Mixer" reporter again. This mainstream and independent issue has always been specious. Generally speaking, the standard of differentiation is actually the public and the niche, but this definition is determined. Independence is a niche, and sales are more difficult. So, the "mixer" question is a paradox.

Immediately afterwards, "The Sound of Music" also raised a profound question, "Evan, what do you think should be done in the current slump in the entire music market?"

Evan Bell didn't joke this time, but directly put his hands together and said, "God bless you." This made all the reporters stunned, and then they burst into laughter. Evan Bell's hand is really funny. .

After everyone finished laughing, Evan Bell continued, "I just want to do my own music well, that's enough. As for the rest, I pray that all listeners are willing to go into the record store and buy our music. , I pray that all the listeners support the genuine version, and don’t be fooled by the pirated version. Besides, what else can we do?”

This problem of the whole market downturn cannot be solved by one Evan Bell. Only when all singers work together and blossom, can the music market return to the prosperity of 20 or 30 years ago~www.readwn. com~ When Evan Bell mentioned piracy, Michel Benvo next to him gave Evan Bell a wink, Evan Bell was stunned, of course he knew what Michel Benvo meant. It is to let him follow the momentum and take out the issue of piracy to reiterate. But he originally thought that there was a specially arranged link today to call for boycott of piracy. Now it seems that Mitch-Banwaugh simply let him play freely.

Evan Bell didn't pause for too long. He turned his head and then said, "In fact, the entire music market is sluggish, although there are many reasons, but there is one situation that we can change by ourselves." Evan Bell's The speech gradually calmed down the laughter at the scene, and they all focused on him, "That is to resist piracy."

In fact, the whole process was unexpectedly smooth. It was not abrupt to bring up this topic at this time. The reporters were not surprised, and Evan Bell did not pause again. , is a huge blow to the entire music market. Therefore, when we call on singers to produce more excellent music to give back to the listeners, we also hope that every listener can support the genuine version. This is for our singers. The most direct and most effective support."

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