Great Artist

Chapter 1519: resist piracy

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The issue of piracy has actually been a persistent problem since the birth of copyright, although news from around the world has repeatedly mentioned that China's lack of thoughtful protection of intellectual property rights has led to rampant piracy. But in fact, as the country with the most developed entertainment industry in the world, the situation of rampant piracy in the United States is no worse than that of other countries and regions.

For the Recording Industry Association of America alone, the amount lost due to piracy in the United States is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars a year, or even more. Especially after the commercialization of digital music, the problem of piracy has become more and more serious. After the commercialization of digital music, everyone can easily pay and download their favorite music on the Internet, and then users only need to pass it to friends for free, or upload it to the network hard disk, and then they can achieve the purpose of sharing. These secondary downloads The users of digital music are the lost profits of the digital music business process.

Therefore, activities to resist piracy are held every year, hoping to rely on the appeal of the singers to make fans unite and support the genuine version. But piracy is still the never-ending weed, which makes the Recording Industry Association of America go to great lengths to combat piracy every time.

Today, it is not the first time in his career that Evan Bell publicly expresses his remarks against piracy, and the reporters present are not at all unusual. However, some reporters stood up and asked Evan Bell to continue with a leading question: "Evan, what do you personally think about piracy?"

After Evan Bell heard this question, he laughed. "As you all know, I've been a pirate for a long time." This is obviously a reference to Captain Jack Sparrow from "Pirates of the Caribbean". "Although I am very longing for the days of pirates' adventure and treasure hunt, I do not agree with the behavior of pirates looting and looting, because looting is nothing for nothing. You know, the other party also relies on their own hard work to generate wealth, and as a result, the pirates directly All the wealth is looted, which is absolutely fatal to the producer, which is a shameful act. So, you can imagine how I feel about piracy.”

rate, when the word is interpreted as a noun, it means a pirate. At the same time, it also means robber, and it also means copyright infringement and piracy; when interpreted as a verb, it means robbery and plagiarism. Evan Bell uses many different interpretations of the same word to state his point of view.

Hearing Evan Bell's vivid and vivid explanation, all the reporters on the scene couldn't help laughing.

"I don't think anyone wants to be called a robber, you know. Robbers/pirates have to go to jail and even pay for their unearned actions with their own lives. But a lot of times, even if it costs them A lifetime can't make up for the wounds of the laborers whose wealth was plundered." Evan Bell's metaphor has kept the smiles on the faces of reporters from disappearing. "I don't think you would wish you had the opportunity to say that famous quote from Captain Jack Sparrow, 'Gentlemen and ladies, you will always remember this day because you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow '. Even in the 18th century when piracy was rampant, piracy was not a rewarding profession; let alone now in the 21st century, piracy has become a hopeless profession, so I hope those children who support piracy, hurry up Get lost."

Looking at Evan Bell's vivid speech, the reporters couldn't help applauding. Who would have thought that Evan Bell would express his views on piracy in such a humorous way, which is really amazing.

"Evan, what do you think of the poor children who became pirates because of lack of money?" Amidst the laughter, Mitch Banwo didn't even signal the next question, but a reporter asked. But just now everyone was laughing, and it was impossible to tell who asked the question for a while.


Evan Bell did not answer the first time, but waited for a while. Sure enough, the sight of the reporters on the scene helped him point out the direction. Looking in that direction, it was a reporter from the National Enquirer. Evan Bell's face The smile on his face immediately bloomed. "Then I will pray that these pirates will loot your office and see what you think of pirates."

Evan Bell's savage rebuttal stunned the reporters, but Mitch Banwar was the first to applaud, and other reporters at the scene also applauded. The reporter from the National Enquirer didn't know what to do. In response, she sat dumbfounded.

Evan Bell's answer was not over, he went on to say, "How much is a digital sound source? Ninety-nine cents? What can ninety-nine cents buy on this land in the United States? A bag of sliced ​​ham, a sweet Canned corn, a box of pens, yes, and a piece of butter, so if he is willing to become a pirate for ninety-nine cents, I don't think he should spend the ninety-nine cents on digital audio sources. Instead, put those ninety-nine cents in your piggy bank, add up, and improve your life."

"As for digital audio sources? It's enough to have a heart that loves music. If you hear music on the street, you can dance, and when you hear music in a restaurant, you can hit and take a beat. This is the love of music. It is much better to support a sound source with cents than to become a pirate in order to express his love for music, to plunder a sound source of only ninety-nine cents, so that his passion for music has been tarnished. ." Evan Bell's remarks were sloppy, but the meaning was very clear, which made the reporters on the scene applaud again.

Piracy, in fact, media reporters are also very hated. To put it simply, in addition to a small number of media, most newspapers and magazines also charge fees. If a person buys a magazine and copies it into a book to share with his friends, then the sales of the magazine will be greatly affected. This is also a form of piracy. To be precise, any department that involves intellectual property is abhorred by piracy.

The question from the "National Enquirer" just now really provoked a hornet's nest. Evan Bell fought back for a while, and other reporters were still cheering, which made the reporters of the "National Enquirer" very embarrassed.

"So, I still hope that all listeners can support the genuine version. Ninety-nine cents a song may be nothing to you, but for singers, it is an affirmation of their hard work. Many times, support is lost. How earth-shattering it needs to be, supporting the genuine version is the simplest and most direct act." Evan Bell concluded, "The reason why the album 'Four' has achieved more than 10 million sales is because of the fans' support for the genuine version. , I am touched by this support, and I will remember it for a long time. Maybe I don't know who every person who bought the album is, but under the number of '10 million', each of you is engraved with the name ."

Speaking of which, Evan Bell raised the diamond record next to it. "Under the honor of this diamond record certification, every one of you who buys the album of 'Four' can see your name, not so much this It's my glory, rather it's your glory, your love for music, your support for genuine editions, and your heart full of justice. So thank you!"

I have to say that Evan Bell is really a master of eloquence. The remarks just now are interesting, humorous, justice, and provocative, so that all listeners can deeply feel the true feelings contained in the words. But Evan Bell will not deliberately provocative, making his remarks too like a show, but stated in plain but not enthusiastic words, that kind of calm appeal is the most real.


The reporters at the scene who had seen countless world events couldn't help being moved by Evan Bell, and they all applauded. Although part of the reason is because Mitch Banwo is raising his hand to signal everyone, and part of the reason is because the piracy problem makes everyone feel the same, but Evan Bell's words are the most important reason, this applause is absolutely sincere sincere.

Although today's press conference was not broadcast live, it is conceivable that after the news report is published, the reaction of fans and fans will help the media to fan the flames, and a new round of anti-piracy actions will surely be launched in full swing.

Mitch Banwo has already begun to plan at this time. Today, major record companies have sent representatives to the scene. Regarding the crackdown on piracy, the record companies are much more active than the Recording Industry Association of America. The main force of strangulation. So Mitch Banwo thought, say hello to the major record companies, and two days later will be the Grammy Awards. After the Grammys, hold a concert against piracy, bring all the big-name singers together, take advantage of the Evan Bell's remarks are hot today, and then the east wind of the completely burns the fire of combating piracy.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, not to mention today's situation, I am afraid that this round of anti-piracy actions will inevitably achieve very regrettable results.

Sitting next to him, Mitch Banwo never thought that Evan Bell's call would work so well. Even when he sat next to him, his heart was surging, so he was completely immersed in his own world at this time, even when he was going on. The press conference was ignored by him.

Fortunately, Evan Bell was originally a person with the ability to host. He only glanced at Mitch Banwo and knew that the other party was absent-minded now. "I hope that in the fight against piracy, all of us can unite and unite. Only in this way will the power to fight piracy be maximized. Of course, please have mercy on Captain Jack Sparrow, as far as I know. , he hasn't done anything bad recently."

"Hahahaha..." This was the only reaction from the entire press conference.

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