Great Artist

Chapter 1520: digression

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The Diamond Record certification has been issued, and the anti-piracy speech is temporarily over. In fact, the main task of today's press conference has been completed. www.) But this kind of occasion is called a press conference not only because it is an occasion where journalists are all brought together on a topic, but also because it is a place where journalists can all come together and speak freely about their own inquisitive questions. . Of course, respondents have the right to refuse to answer.

The reporters at the scene saw the whole atmosphere was very harmonious. Even if there was a small episode of the "National Enquirer", it was still not greatly affected. Everyone was still smiling, and Evan Bell seemed to be in a very cheerful mood. appearance. So a reporter took the opportunity of everyone laughing and raised his hand to ask a question. Evan Bell glanced at it and saw that it was a reporter from the "Los Angeles Times". The reporter stood up.

The relationship between the "Los Angeles Times" and Evan Bell is still very good. The "grassroots hero" concocted by Sean Hall half a year ago, the "Los Angeles Times" interview with Eden Hudson at the risk of death is an important turning point. However, no matter how close a reporter is to an artist, unless he is like William Wood, he is still a reporter after all, and it is their job to dig out the news. No, reporters from the "Los Angeles Times" began to dig up the news.

"Evan, is it true that you appreciate Chris Meridan Rui? Originally, Eleven Studio was once infinitely close to Lighting Entertainment, and there were even rumors that a cooperation agreement was about to be reached. But now because of the Competitors took another shot, putting Eleven Studios at a disadvantage. Now, Eleven Studios seems to have no interest in Lighting and Entertainment, what the **** is going on?”

Today is February 10th. The negotiation of the cooperation agreement of Lighting Entertainment has entered the final stage of competition, and the battle between Disney and Universal Pictures has reached the final stage. Chris Mellie Dan Rui is ready to make the final decision. After the eleventh studio experienced the ups and downs in the middle, it has been silent for the past two days. No wonder a reporter from the Los Angeles Times asks this question. Obviously, the entire entertainment industry is speculating, what role did Evan Bell play in this cooperation case of Lighting Entertainment?

After hearing this question. But I saw Evan Bell showed a smile, and he didn't look angry because of the seriousness and sharpness of the problem, but his words were very intriguing, "This is a business cooperation, anything can happen, not In the business field, everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages. The achievement of cooperation is nothing more than the full use of advantages and the mutual avoidance of disadvantages. In the end, who can get the cooperation case is a combination of strength and luck. The result. All I can say is, I admire Chris, but the time has not come for us to work together this time.”

Evan Bell did not answer the question directly, but responded with a plausible commercial standard answer. But from the perspective of Evan Bell's words, the cooperation case of Lighting Entertainment is like this, if Disney and Universal Pictures can put it down. They can completely retreat after the first round of competition and let Eleven Studio win the cooperation case; but now Disney and Universal Pictures are not willing to let go and bid again. Eleven Studios saw that the best time was lost, and it was a wise decision to let go. Even if Disney and Universal Pictures vaguely guessed that this was Evan Bell's tactic, they couldn't come up with evidence and could only bite the bullet. Tooth jumped down and started a fierce fight. This is the competition in the business field. There is no standard answer and no moral code.

"Evan, how do you explain..." Another reporter asked directly without standing up. But Evan Bell interrupted directly, "The rest are business secrets. This is an internal decision of our company. I refuse to answer." This sudden toughness was in sharp contrast to the gentleman just now. The scene fell into silence for a while.

It can be vaguely detected from the cooperation case of Lighting Entertainment Company. Different from the desperate gamble when it acquired Pixar, the current Eleven Studio, after development in 2006, has gradually emerged from a passive situation in the game between major companies. Even if it cannot be confronted, the simplest The checks and balances and containment are no longer a problem. This is the truth hidden behind the competition for the cooperation case of the lighting entertainment company.

Evan Bell's answer made the scene embarrassing for a moment, but the reporters at the press conference were never short of activists. The reporter from "Vanity Fair" immediately raised his hand, and when he saw Mitch Banwar nodded, He just stood up, "Evan, is it true that you had dinner with Leonardo, Gisele, and Blake the night before? Are you two on a date?"

Evan Bell raised his eyebrows slightly, and seemed a little surprised. In fact, they didn't find the paparazzi during their meal that night, and the other customers on the scene did not take out their mobile phones to take pictures, but it is estimated that it will be very difficult to hide this news. Drift Burbank has always been a little-named dining place.

"Yes, the four of us had dinner together." Evan Bell admitted the fact generously, which made the reporters in front of him suddenly riot. This time, the reporters did not get the photos, but only heard the rumor. That's all, now that Evan Bell's own admission, there is news digging, "It's just a gathering of friends, what's the problem?"

Evan Bell asked in a light-hearted manner, and the reporters at the scene immediately gave Evan Bell the **** in their hearts. What's the problem? Naturally, there are more problems. Although the rumors of the six-cornered scandal at the beginning of December have subsided, but now that the four protagonists are gathered for dinner, the content worth discussing is definitely not one or two points.

Evan Bell seemed to know what the reporters were thinking, "Looking at pictures to tell stories and fabricating scandals is your freedom; but my friends and my life will not change because of your random fabrications. A scandal caused me to cut off contact with this friend, and I think I probably have no friends now."

These remarks concealed needles, on the one hand, refuted the messy thoughts of the reporters, and reiterated that the four of them were just friends for dinner; on the other hand, it also satirized the absurdity of those reporters who made up the previous hexagonal relationship.

Hearing Evan Bell's words, the middle fingers of the reporters couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and they retracted it softly.

However, Evan Bell was not at all interested in the reactions of the reporters. After waiting for a while, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is there any problem?"

William Wood immediately raised his hand, and Mitch Banwar ordered him without hesitation. He stood up and asked, "Evan, you received this year's Instant Pudding Award at Harvard a week ago, congratulations." Because William Wood's beaming remarks immediately eased the atmosphere a lot, "You once talked about the idea of ​​your new work when you accepted the award. Excuse me, have you determined the work you are about to invest in now?"

During the entire press conference, William Wood has not been in a hurry to raise his hand to ask questions. Most of the reasons are naturally because today is mainly a formal route, and there are no topics that are too worth asking. If he needs to report, he can give Evan. Bell gives an interview; and a small part of the reason is that at this moment, in this case, William Wood, as Evan Bell's closest reporter, he has to stand up to break the deadlock and then redirect the atmosphere of the whole press conference to Lie Venbell's direction. At this point, William Wood's timing is very good, and the problem is even more brilliant.

As we all know, since November last year, in fact, major film companies have started to deliver scripts to Eleven Studios one after another. Fourteen scripts were received in one week, which is really astonishing. But Evan Bell refused all of them, saying that he just wanted to rest recently, and the film companies did not.

Now, in the blink of an eye, it's already February 2007, and there is still no news about Evan Bell's new work, so everyone is naturally curious. Evan Bell also took a break for nearly three months before and after, and finally revealed a little information at the Harvard Instant Pudding Award, which also attracted everyone's attention. William Wood raised this question at this juncture, and we naturally have no way to ignore it.

Evan Bell also nodded Yes, the script is being created. However, there are several very good scripts on hand, and I have not yet decided which script to put into the shooting first, or wait until the awards season is over. "

How many scripts? The enthusiasm of the reporters was immediately ignited, "Evan, can you tell us a little bit about the subject matter?" The reporter from The Hollywood Reporter stood up, obviously anxious, and didn't even wait for Michele Ban. Wo called his name and immediately stood up to ask questions.

Although other reporters around were dissatisfied, but Evan Bell didn't care, just said with a smile, "No way." He cut off all possibilities decisively. Before deciding to appear in the work, Evan Bell would never take it lightly. If these situations are leaked, otherwise the film company will definitely use this as an opportunity to start hype.

Seeing that the reporters were still unwilling, Evan Bell said directly, "Today is a music occasion, didn't you see Mitch Banwar sitting next to me? So, other topics can be temporarily to a paragraph. "Evan Bell's remarks directly cut off all possibilities. The reporters can't know more about Evan Bell. Even if they are not reconciled, so what?

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