Great Artist

Chapter 1597: Iron tooth retribution

1597 Iron tooth retribution today's third update, please recommend, please subscribe!

That night, the spring in the Marfa town motel was endless. As for whether Anne Hathaway taught Evan Bell or Evan Bell taught Anne Hathaway, it can only be said that men have the advantage of physical strength. Definitely not to be underestimated.

The next morning, Evan Bell resumed shooting for a new day refreshed, while Anne Hathaway slept in the motel until sunrise. As for Leonardo DiCaprio, if you ignore his handsome face, the silly smile on his face will definitely make people roll their eyes. There is an old saying in the Middle Kingdom that the harmony of yin and yang is the right way, which is probably the truth.

After the beauties visited the class, the filming progress of the "Blood Will Come" crew has obviously accelerated a lot. Although neither Evan Bell nor Leonardo DiCaprio admit it, they both firmly believe that Leonardo DiCaprio's acting skills are getting better and better, which makes the whole shooting Progress picks up.

In response, the crew rolled their eyes, and no one refuted it. Anyway, there is no way to envy this kind of thing, except to hide behind and draw circles.

Anne Hathaway and Giselle Bundchen spent three full days in Marfa as Kate McGorley called Anne Hathaway back for Michelle Hathaway's wedding Preparation; on the other hand, Anne Hathaway must also go back to start preparations for "Rachel's Wedding". I heard that Jonathan Demme is going to officially start filming in July, although Thomas Lansing has not yet had this time. Confirmed, but there is not much time left for Anne Hathaway to do the preparatory work.

After the beauty left, the "Blood is Coming" crew naturally returned to its previous calm, returning to the atmosphere of the 1920s filled with a rich black atmosphere, and just the day after Anne Hathaway left, Evan Bell received a call from Christopher Nolan, and his previous retribution for Anne Hathaway's iron teeth came so quickly.

Evan Bell said that he just wanted to experience the thrill of walking on the edge of the limit of acting, and now, the opportunity has come.

"Chris, are you serious?" Although Evan Bell knew that Christopher Nolan would not joke with himself, and he had guessed it before, when he really heard the confirmed answer, Evan Bell physically The excitement of the blood speeding up in his mouth still made him blurt out these words.

When Christopher Nolan called Evan Bell, his voice was very excited, but he couldn't hide his exhaustion. It is conceivable that he should have been working day and night to write the script before. His body reached the limit, but his spirit was not. It is far from reaching the peak, and in such a state, I called Evan Bell.

"Absolutely, Evan, absolutely, there's no doubt about that.

"As soon as Christopher Nolan spoke, the British accent came out, and the words and pronunciation were all authentic London accents." Didn't we discuss this topic a long, long time ago? For you, the role of Bruce Wayne can't hold you back. Maybe the clown is the best role for you. Now, the opportunity has come, isn't it? I was creating images of you in my mind, **** Jesus, the sparks between you and the clown almost destroyed my brain. "

Evan Bell heard it clearly this time, couldn't understand it any better. Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros. invited him to star in the work that he had already agreed to early on, which is "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight", and in this work, Evan Bell is about to challenge the role of the Joker (), Unique clown.

In fact, Christopher Nolan wanted to invite Evan Bell to play the role long before "Batman Prequel: Mystery of the Shadow" started. At that time, Christopher Nolan gave the role of Batman Bruce Wayne, but Evan -Bell refused without even thinking about it. Evan Bell and Batman, it was really incompatible, and Christopher Nolan quickly gave up on the idea. Later, it was Evan Bell who suggested to Christopher Nolan to invite Christian Bale to play a new version of Batman.

That was also the first time Evan Bell gave casting advice from the producer's point of view, which also indirectly contributed to the subsequent shooting of "Mysterious Skin", which has led to Evan Bell's future career as a director and producer.

Later, Christopher Nolan jokingly told Evan Bell that Batman was indeed not suitable for him, and if he was to play, it would be more appropriate to carefully craft the role of The Joker.

The Joker, the most powerful enemy in Batman's life, the publicity and surly of this character does have an innate overlap with Evan Bell's temperament.

Evan Bell is very familiar with the role of the Joker. In its last lifetime, "Batman: The Dark Knight" set countless records, setting an almost insurmountable monument to all hero films. Christopher Nolan endows the comic hero movies with an unparalleled dark color, and the connotation is even more thought-provoking. The exploration of human nature, the discussion, and the questioning of the so-called darkness make "The Dark Knight" far more than a movie. The category of popcorn hero movies has become epic enough to go down in history.

In "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight", the role of the Joker is undoubtedly the core of the core. His personal brilliance even covers up Batman's demeanor, which amazes countless people.

Even in the long film history, the clown can still occupy a place, but there is a premise, Heath Ledger's performance of the clown!

Heath Ledger, the acting genius who amazed everyone, has reached the peak of his acting career after playing the role of the clown in his last life, but at the same time, his personal rebellious and unruly is like a shooting star sliding across the night sky, shining brightly. The whole piece of black radiates infinite light in a short period of time, but it is fleeting. At the end of January, before "Batman: The Dark Knight" even had time to release, he was found dead in his New York apartment, the cause of death was confirmed to be an overdose of prescription drugs, acute drug poisoning. A peerless genius passed away like this, which reminded Evan Bell of James Dean, the representative of the "Beat Generation".

Heath Ledger has given the Joker a soul, which is jaw-dropping, an unsurpassed peak.

So, when Evan Bell heard that Christopher Nolan was going to give him the role of The Joker, the invisible pressure and excitement hit him at the same time, making him blurt out his doubts in an instant. It is precisely because Evan Bell knows how much vitality Heath Ledger has given to the role of the Joker in his past life, that he feels more and more difficult to challenge the limit.

This reminded Evan Bell of the situation when he was about to take over the role of Captain Jack Sparrow, the same enormous pressure, the same psychological limit, and the same challenge to the peak.

Evan Bell has never been afraid of challenges, otherwise he would not push his limits time and time again, giving superb performances again and again, even Evan Bell loves challenges, the adventures of life, movies and A new level of music, this challenge again and again can make Evan Bell feel his presence deeply and vividly, and feel that he is alive.

Evan Bell couldn't help thinking, if the role of the clown was played by himself, would he be able to overcome his inner demon, get rid of the shadow of Heath Ledger in his previous life, and dedicate a clown to his satisfaction? It has never been easy to get rid of previous classics and create new miracles. Also, what about Heath Ledger? What is his fate?

Evan Bell has always been very sorry for Heath Ledger's untimely death at the age of twenty-nine. In this life, Heath Ledger first missed Ennis of "Brokeback Mountain" and was robbed by Evan Bell; but then Heath Ledger was still with Michelle Williams, or married and had children And in "No Country for Old Men", he played opposite Blake Lively. Now, whether Heath Ledger missed "Batman: The Dark Knight" or was robbed by Evan Bell, will Heath Ledger's ending change?

An acting genius is still an acting genius. Evan Bell can imagine that Heath Ledger's performance in "No Country for Old Men" must be astounding and amazing; but what about the genius's personal life? At present, Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams are still sweetly together, and the paparazzi do not seem to break the news that he has begun to drink or become addicted to drugs, so can he escape the shackles of fate? So can he continue to shine on the big and win his infinite praise?

Evan Bell was suddenly very curious. If Heath Ledger's fate was changed by him, and the end of his life was not the end of his life at the end of January, would this acting genius open up a wider sky in the future? Evan Bell suddenly wanted to know the answer, he even wanted to work with Heath Ledger on a movie, to be able to work with such an acting genius, what an exciting scene it would be, like It's like working with Leonardo DiCaprio on "There Will Be Blood".

"Evan, Evan!" Christopher Nolan's voice came from the other end of the phone, finally calling Evan Bell back from his thoughts, "Are you still there?"

"Oh, sorry, Chris, I was thinking about the role of the clown just now, and I was a little distracted, my fault." Evan Bell retracted his thoughts and said quickly.

Christopher Nolan laughed, "I knew you would be very excited. The role of the clown this time will definitely challenge your limits! If you don't give out 120% of your energy Come, then I will definitely be disappointed."

Evan Bell took over the role of the clown. He wanted to break through himself, he wanted to create new miracles, and he wanted to see how much the power of his little butterfly could change!

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