Great Artist

Chapter 1598: passionate

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"So, what is your setting for the role of the clown?" Although Evan Bell had a very vivid image of Heath Ledger's version of the clown in his mind, he knew very well that if a Famous actors cannot learn to exclude the classics, but simply imitate the classics, then transcendence is a dream that can never be realized. This point, Evan Bell has a very deep experience in Captain Jack Sparrow, so he is still insisting on this practice.

But obviously, it's not easy. When it comes to the clown, Evan Bell's mind will naturally come to the picture of the previous life. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, suppressing all thoughts, and even put "blood is coming." "Things have been put aside for now, and he needs to start a discussion with Christopher Nolan about the character itself, and then sketch the Joker image bit by bit.

"Evan, you've read the comics, tell me what you think of the Joker." Christopher Nolan obviously still wants to hear Evan Bell's opinion.

Speaking of the good friends Christopher Nolan and Evan Bell, they had a brief exchange of "memory fragments" when they first met at the Sundance Film Festival. Two people can always have a violent collision in their minds. Christopher Nolan always enjoyed talking with Evan Bell, which helped him a lot in writing the script.

Evan Bell pondered for a while, he was really thinking about the impression of the role of the clown in his memory. In fact, Evan Bell's research on hero comics is not deep, which is one of the reasons why he has never appeared in this type of film. For Batman, Evan Bell has not read the comics, and the most distant memory is from the 1989 Tim Burton version of "Batman".

That was Evan Bell, after he entered the journalist industry in his last life, to find out and watch it in order to understand the genius Tim Burton. Tim Burton's Hollywood career has been among the top Hollywood directors since the 1989 "Batman", and the whole film is permeated with Tim Burton's gothic dark, eerie and rich visual effects style. The film established a unique style and caused countless discussions. In that "Batman", the Joker created by Jack Nicholson is also a classic that cannot be ignored in film history.

Jack Nicholson, always one of the greatest actors in American film history, took a two-year hiatus before taking on Tim Burton's "The Batman," before starring in the heroic film. The appearance of the image of the clown has subverted everyone's senses of the clown. The image of the flamboyant, wanton, and dark clown immediately became the absolute representative of the villain. In the more than ten years since, no one has been able to surpass Jack Nicholson's clown image, until Christopher Nolan's Heath Ledger version of the clown.

"My biggest impression of the Joker is naturally the version performed by Nicholson." Evan Bell said directly without any hesitation, and Christopher Nolan on the other end of the phone also gave a groan to express his approval, "The Joker, it is A weird, wild, uninhibited, dark criminal who ignores all laws, ignores all morals, ignores all laws, and takes crime as a hobby to try to disrupt the original order of this society."

Evan Bell recalled his understanding of the role of the clown in his head, but after speaking, Evan Bell was silent for about three or four seconds without speaking. Christopher Nolan was not in a hurry and waited quietly. , and then Evan Bell's voice came over, "Chris, why do you think the clown takes crime as an interest? There is a reason for everything. A lot of times, some people think they just want to do it for no reason. , but in fact, the underlying reason is from the appeal of personality and psychology. Maybe, in the clown's view, he just wants to disrupt the order, there is no reason. But I think the character of the clown is the reason, for example, he thinks life is boring, only Chaos can bring pleasure, otherwise he can't find the motivation to live; for example, he thinks that society is like a stagnant pool, and he wants to see the scene of making waves; for example, he is disdainful of the so-called justice, and wants to see those The righteous are swallowed by darkness..."

"No matter what the reason is, there is always a root, isn't it?" Evan Bell's words made Christopher Nolan fall into contemplation. Evan Bell deserves to study psychology, and this occupational disease runs through In his understanding of each role.

"When I was writing the script, I had a brief conversation with David Goyer. He knew the original comics very well, and even read all the comics about Batman." Christopher Nolan was also substituted for Evan -Bell's rhythm, recalling his conversation with David-S-Goyer. David-S Gaoye, the screenwriter who has created "City of Souls", "Blade Warrior" and "Batman Prequel: Mystery of the Shadow", Christopher Nolan has had good cooperation. The ugly past is undoubtedly dark, but in the process of his growth, his personality has also changed little by little. Maybe at first he just wanted to do damage, but as time progressed, he found it simple. The destruction has been unable to satisfy his desire. The Joker has always believed that there is no absolute justice, whether Batman or other cops have a dark side in their personalities, maybe he just wants to see people oscillating back and forth between good and evil , This confusion made him feel an unprecedented pleasure. "

Evan Bell figured out something from Christopher Nolan's simple and fragmented answer, "Do you think that the Joker's dark personality is derived from a sad past, his family, his relatives, his lover , which made him question the definition of personality and morality, what is right, what is wrong, and who determines this?" Evan Bell actually did not draw a conclusion. While talking, I was discussing with Christopher Nolan, and I was also using my brain to try to outline the role of the Joker.

"So, what you mean is that the Joker is an extreme anarchist," Evan Bell pondered, "The Joker is not a simple bank robber or criminal, but an anarchist who wants to Throwing Gotham into a state of chaos, where his definition of justice is vague, and he wants to see rulers who claim to be righteous stand in a murky gray area and struggle."

Evan Bell's phrase "anarchist" made Christopher Nolan's thoughts spread out, "He uses a funny clown mask to cover up his true character, his humor and publicity actually come from In the dark, trying to confuse the definition of the bottom line of all Dowds." Speaking of which, Christopher Nolan's voice rose slightly, "So, when the clown commits a crime, he is actually releasing the spark of his life and letting him life is elevated.”

Evan Bell did not speak. He has already begun to outline the life of the clown in his mind. He has a dark past, which has led him to have a new definition of life. He enjoys crime, and he relies on crime to achieve life goals. So what to think further? The Joker is not just about committing a crime, he wants to see the attitude of people in the face of crime. Maybe it’s the panic and fear at the center of the crime, maybe it’s the uneasy and timid fear that the crime spreads, and most importantly, how will people who claim to be righteous deal with crime when they face it?

The Joker is challenging Batman's definition of justice. He hopes to see whether Batman is willing to continue to uphold justice or fall into darkness when facing danger to his relatives and lovers. If Batman still wants to stand on the side of justice, The Joker doesn't mind continuing to push and push Batman closer and closer to the dark realm, or even truly degenerate. So, the clown pulled the two-faced man to the dark camp.

Two-Face? Evan Bell thought about it for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "Chris, did Double Face finally fall?" The character of Double Face is actually very important in the original comics.

"Yes, he caused a lot of trouble for Batman in the end, and it is also the fundamental reason why Batman became the Dark Knight." Christopher Nolan gave a positive answer, giving Evan Bell a clear idea .

Harvey Dante, who later got the title of Double-faced Man, is actually the prosecutor of Gotham Town, a bright knight pushed out by Gotham Town, and a representative of justice, but he has experienced his lover. After the shock of his death, Harvey-Dent did not hold on to his position like Batman, and was successfully introduced into the dark camp by the Joker, from light justice to dark evil, and stood on the opposite side of Batman, giving Batman Created a lot of trouble. Therefore, the role of the two-faced man is actually a portrayal of the realization of the clown's anarchist idea.

"The Joker is a master with high IQ, and he plays everything with applause.

For others, it may be a matter of life and death, but for Joker, it's just a game. "Evan Bell thought of this, and he couldn't help but start to boil. This role is an unprecedented challenge for Evan Bell in every aspect." In this game, the Joker can win or lose, but Batman can't. , When the game starts, the Joker is already invincible. Because if he wins, then it's Batman in the dark; if he loses, the whole city is in chaos. This is a no-lose trade! "

The image of the clown in Evan Bell's mind has gradually become fuller. Although the details have not yet been outlined, the entire skeleton has been established. Although his voice has not been raised, the excitement hidden in the tone has already been. Enough to reveal his mind.

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