Great Artist

Chapter 1623: choose sunshine


In fact, life is always full of countless surprises. The poor have the happiness and troubles of the poor, and the rich have the joy and conflict of the rich. Everyone's life is full of ups and downs, even in Boredom In a boring life, there are setbacks that others don't know about. Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, and this is the truth.

But you can choose how you view your life. There is a simple example. When a basketball game is about to end, the team you support is about to lose the game. There is one minute left in the game, and the difference is ten points. Pessimistic people will say, God, there is only one minute left, and we are sure to lose; but optimistic people will say, God, I am glad there is one more minute, enough to bring us back. In fact, under this situation, there are not many examples of turning defeat into victory.

So, looking at a problem pessimistically is a day, and looking at a problem optimistically is a day, but it often leads to different results. To put it in an extreme word, when the end of the world comes, crying and weeping is also death, and smiling brightly is also death. Why not choose to embrace death in a happy mood?

Maybe pessimism and optimism are just an attitude to life, and many times they cannot substantively solve problems, but pessimism will only make things worse, while optimism leaves at least a glimmer of hope. The so-called glimmer of hope is actually the dawn, and this is the fundamental difference.

Evan Bell remembered the situation when he met Katy Perry in [Central Park] last week. He was thinking at that time, when people encounter a devastating blow, they will choose to speak loudly. If you vent out, will you still choose to avoid problems and avoid responsibility, and will anyone be able to smile and face the bleak life? But Evan Bell's thoughts were so quickly interrupted by Katy Perry that he didn't continue to think about it, but today, on the thorny issue of teenage pregnancy, Evan Bell is in Jupiter's I see optimism and sunshine.

Maybe the life attitude of "let the storm come more violently" does exist!

Jupiter is sixteen years old this year and unexpectedly pregnant. Evan Bell does not know who the father of the child is. Even if Jupiter tells him the name, I am afraid he does not know it, but it is not important. In Jupiter, there is no trace of how important the child's father is.

Perhaps, Jupiter decided to have an abortion at first because the child's father was too young to take on the burden of a family. Imagine a 16-year-old child who is still studying in the eleventh and twelfth grades, and who knows nothing about the future, suddenly says that he wants to welcome a child. This is indeed a terrible situation. It may not be the right attitude for the child's father to evade responsibility and shirk responsibility, but it is not unforgivable either.

But Jupiter didn't complain after knowing the attitude of the child's father, because she knew that this matter could not be solved by shirk the responsibility. Responsibility is always inescapable.

So, Jupiter decided to have an abortion.

But Jupiter finally decided to give birth to the child, perhaps because she was moved by religion, perhaps because she was persuaded by her parents, perhaps because she suddenly felt the value of life... Jupiter did not agree with this. It was not disclosed. In Evan Bell's view, it may be just a trivial reason, such as feeling the vulgar picture of the child's heartbeat, such as being touched by the documentary of the Discovery Channel. Of course, with Jupiter's cool attitude, Evan Bell wondered if it might be a more subtle, unexpected, or even trivial link that made her change her mind. In short, in the end, Jupiter continued to nurture the growth of this little life.

Later, Jupiter told Evan Bell, she decided to foster the child to a middle-class family, perhaps a couple who had always wanted to be parents but could not do so, perhaps to have a caring child and a warm heart The middle-aged couple... The most important thing is that the family must be able to give enough care to the children. A family may not be rich in money, but if even the care is a desert, then it is the real cup.

Perhaps, in this process, Jupiter will encounter many difficulties. After all, the choice of adopting a family is not so simple. Even if a family is found, there will be various problems. No family is perfect. Even the president's family still has life issues that all families face.

Perhaps, Jupiter will still be troubled, sad, and confused. After all, she is a 16-year-old girl. No matter how cool she is, she is still inexperienced and has the softest part of her heart—otherwise she will Will not decide to give birth to the child. Even Evan Bell II is still not omnipotent. So, neither is Jupiter.

Jupiter may be frustrated when faced with unknown problems, but she will not give up hope, and she will continue to move forward on the path of her own decision.

In the process of growing up, Jupiter learned to take responsibility, and he also knew how to weigh the situation and make a correct choice, even if such a choice is still open to question whether others are correct, but at this moment in Jupiter's life stage , but it is the most correct and sensible choice. And she can handle all these problems with her head held high and her face sunny, then, in her future life, at least she can face every challenge with a smile.

At the same time, in the process, Jupiter will still understand what love is, and will she and the father of the child have follow-up development? How would her parents view this issue? What kind of family will her child end up in? Also, what attitude will she have when she faces other problems in the future?

In fact, the question of "love" is the core that keeps the earth moving. Of course, this sounds a bit Zen, but it is the truth. Life itself is constructed from likes. If you like it, you will accept it. If you hate it, you will reject it. If you like it, you will be happy, if you hate it, you will be depressed. It's that simple. It's just that "love" itself is not that simple. It often involves innumerable relationships, which makes people continue to explore.

In Jupiter's body, Evan Bell couldn't help but wonder, what did such a cool girl learn from the life conceived in her womb?

Jupiter is such a special girl, an overconfident and outspoken girl, she may not have any fancy clothes, just plain shirts, jeans and canvas shoes. The expression and effortless ease, but her personality and coolness can be caught in the casual, uninhibited eyes, the kind of paw-waving demonstration quietly revealed in the words, childlike. Her childish naivety and adult-like wit and intelligence exude a charming charm under her indifferent face.

It's hard to describe Jupiter's personality in words. It's flamboyant, sharp, confident, and fearless, yet gentle, naive, free and easy, and likable.

Although Evan Bell and Jupiter are not familiar with each other, they are just sitting at the wedding and chatting. Even Evan Bell does not know what Jupiter's surname is, nor does he know about Jupiter's personal life. After all, he only had a limited and simple understanding of the story of Jupiter's unintended pregnancy at the age of sixteen, that's all. But Evan Bell saw the shining bright spots on Jupiter from this simple pregnancy incident, and at the same time had a one-sided but profound understanding of Jupiter.

Maybe, life will treat us badly, and even torture each of us every day, but we can choose the expression on our face, weeping, melancholy, irritability, anger, it can also be smiling, happy, brilliant, beautiful. Choosing sunshine is actually an attitude to life.

Teenage pregnancy, which others see as intricate, is dealt with in a lighthearted manner by Jupiter. At least, in a society that is bad enough, we can still see the positive, can't we?

Thinking of this, Evan Bell suddenly had a strong desire to write such a script, such a story: girl, sixteen, high school student, rocker, cool, unexpected pregnancy, and then what will happen story?

Evan Bell doesn't want to ramble about big truths, he doesn't want to express his stance on whether abortion should be done or not, and he doesn't want to condemn the attitude of those who support giving birth to children for standing up and talking without backache, and he doesn't want to tell people to face this. How should the situation be handled. It was never his style, nor what he wished to do.

Evan Bell just wanted to tell a story about how a girl faced and dealt with an unplanned pregnancy; how she made a choice after deciding to have a child; when faced with life's challenges, the girl How to deal with it with her youthful, immature, and astringent attitude. Perhaps, this story will not be preachy, profound, or complicated; perhaps, this story is a normal story that happens around everyone; perhaps, this story is not worth mentioning at all in the complex social problems~ It can't be compared with the international financial crisis and the world's energy storage problem at all... But at least, it will be very sunny.

Life can be very bad, but we can choose what kind of expression we use to face it. Sunshine will be a better choice.

Evan Bell just wanted to tell such a story, a simple but warm, cool story at the same time.

This reminds Evan Bell of the story of "Mysterious Skin" about growing pains, which is also the story of suffering and struggling during growth, hoping to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly one day; at the same time, it also reminds Evan Bell of The story of "Little Sunshine Beauty" about the middle class dealing with the trivialities of life is also a story about life being **** up but facing the sun.

It's just that this time is slightly different. Evan Bell wants to create this story by himself. Instead of adapting it, he starts from scratch word by word and creates a story that is completely his own.

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